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Five Reasons Why Peanut Butter Is So Good For You

More reasons to love and embrace your beloved peanut butter!

By Ange DimPublished 16 days ago Updated 16 days ago 11 min read
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Disclosure: AI technology assisted in the flow and research for this article. The article was created by a human (me) and has improved greatly with Grammarly. This article intends to inform and help those who are crazy about peanut butter and would like even more reasons why they should keep eating it!

Peanut butter, a staple in many households (including my own), and is more than just your stock standard tasty spread.

Peanut butter stands out as a nutritional powerhouse, brimming with protein, healthy fats, and a host of essential vitamins and minerals.

But did you know that the benefits of peanut butter extend beyond its nutritional profile?

This versatile food has much to offer, from aiding in weight management to supporting skin health.

In this article, we delve into the scientifically proven health benefits of peanut butter. We'll provide evidence-based reasons why incorporating this nutrient-dense food into your diet can be advantageous, giving you the confidence to make informed dietary choices.

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a dietician, or simply someone interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you'll find this information valuable

So, let's explore why peanut butter is good for you.

One: Add Some Extra Protein To Your Diet

Peanut butter is a rich source of protein, an essential nutrient for our bodies.

Protein is crucial in building and repairing tissues, making enzymes and hormones, and supporting immune function.

A standard serving of peanuts (about 28 grams) provides approximately 7 grams of protein, contributing to muscle repair and growth and supporting numerous bodily functions, including enzyme and hormone production.

Scientific studies have consistently shown that regular peanut consumption can induce a feeling of fullness, leading to a reduction in overall calorie intake.

For instance, a study published in the 'European Journal of Nutrition' found that peanut protein intake could influence satiety and reduce subsequent energy intake, which is particularly beneficial for weight management.

Here are some key benefits of the protein content in peanut butter:

Muscle growth and repair: Protein is vital for muscle growth and repair, especially after a workout.

Consuming a banana and peanut butter smoothie post-workout can provide a balance of protein for muscle repair and carbohydrates for energy replenishment.

Satiety and weight management: Protein-rich foods like peanut butter can help you feel full longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating and aiding in weight management.

Bone health: Protein is essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Along with calcium, protein helps to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

Integrating peanut butter into your meals can be a delightful and practical way to meet your daily protein requirements.

Whether you're spreading it on whole-grain toast for breakfast or blending it into a post-workout smoothie, peanut butter offers a versatile and convenient source of high-quality protein.

Two: Contains Fats That Are Good For You

Peanut butter is a protein powerhouse and a great source of heart-healthy fats.

These fats, primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are known for their beneficial effects on heart health.

Specifically, peanuts are high in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat abundant in olive oil, noted for its ability to improve the lipid profile by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol without affecting HDL (good) cholesterol.

This effect was illustrated in a study published in "The Journal of Nutrition," which observed that a diet high in monounsaturated fats from peanuts can decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing artery-clogging cholesterol levels.

Here are some key benefits of the healthy fats in peanut butter:

Heart health: Peanut butter's monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can help reduce harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels and increase beneficial high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Blood pressure control: Peanut butter is also high in potassium, a mineral that helps control blood pressure by counteracting the effects of sodium.

Blood sugar regulation: Despite its fat content, peanut butter has a low glycemic index, meaning it doesn't cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. This makes it a good option for people with diabetes when paired with low glycemic index foods.

Additionally, peanuts are a good source of antioxidants, such as resveratrol, coumaric acid, and phytosterols, which are vital for heart health.

Resveratrol, also found in red wine, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to improve blood vessel health, which can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

A comprehensive review in "Food & Function" highlighted the potential of resveratrol in peanuts to modulate heart disease risk factors by improving endothelial function and decreasing inflammation.

Phytosterols in peanuts contribute to heart health by inhibiting the absorption of dietary cholesterol in the intestines, further helping to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Studies, such as those reported in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," suggest that regular consumption of foods containing plant sterols can significantly reduce LDL cholesterol, thereby decreasing the risk of coronary heart disease.

Thus, incorporating peanuts into one's diet can be a strategic approach to enhance cardiovascular health through multiple beneficial compounds.

Choosing natural, unsweetened varieties of peanut butter can also help you avoid added sugars and hydrogenated oils, further supporting heart health.

Incorporating peanut butter into your diet can be a tasty and inspiring way to reap the benefits of these heart-healthy fats.

Whether you enjoy it in a banana and peanut butter smoothie, use it as a spread on whole-grain bread, or get creative with new recipes, peanut butter offers a versatile and delicious way to support your heart health.

Three: Gain A Easy Serving Of Vitamins and Minerals

Peanut butter is not only a tasty spread but also packed with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

These nutrients contribute to the overall health benefits of peanut butter, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Some of the key vitamins you can expect to attain when eating peanuts are:

Magnesium is crucial for bone health, muscle function, and nerve activity. It also helps produce energy and supports the immune system.

Vitamin E: A potent antioxidant, Vitamin E helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also supports immune function and skin health.

Niacin (Vitamin B3): This vitamin helps improve brain function and may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. It also plays a role in energy production and supports skin health.

Folate: Important for pregnant women and those planning to conceive, folate supports the development of the baby's neural tube. It also helps produce red and white blood cells.

Zinc: Essential for immune system function and wound healing, zinc also supports taste and smell.

Whether enjoying a banana and peanut butter smoothie or spreading it on whole-grain toast, peanut butter can help you meet your daily nutrient needs.

Four: Keeps You Full & Helps Maintain Your Weight

Peanut butter is not just a delicious spread but also a powerful weight management tool.

One benefit of weight management is the feeling of fullness after eating peanuts. This effect is primarily due to their high protein content, healthy fats, and dietary fibre.

Protein is well-known for its satiety-inducing properties. It influences the release of several hormones, including PYY and GLP-1, that signal fullness to the brain.

A study published in the "Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism" demonstrated that snacks rich in protein, such as peanuts, could prolong feelings of fullness and reduce the total calorie intake in subsequent meals, compared to lower-protein snacks.

Here are a few more reasons why peanut butter aids in weight management and promotes a feeling of fullness:

Rich in Fiber: Peanut butter's dietary fibre aids digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness. This can help you control your calorie intake and prevent overeating.

Healthy Fats: Peanut butter's monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can also contribute to satiety. These healthy fats slow down digestion, helping you feel full for longer.

One way I like to use peanut butter as a snack is to lather it on celery or add a teaspoon to my oat snack during the day. It's just enough to add flavour and deliciousness to my snacks.

Five: Keeps You Looking Younger

Peanut butter is not just beneficial for your internal health; it also offers several benefits for your skin.

One key component contributing to skin health is vitamin E, an antioxidant found abundantly in peanuts.

Vitamin E protects the skin from oxidative cellular damage caused by free radicals and environmental aggressors like UV rays and pollution.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition highlighted that vitamin E could help prevent photodamage, improve skin texture, and reduce the depth of wrinkles.

Furthermore, peanuts contain biotin, a B vitamin vital for maintaining skin, hair, and nail health. Biotin supports skin health by producing fatty acids that nourish the skin, improving its texture and appearance.

Biotin deficiency can lead to skin problems such as rashes and acne. Regularly consuming biotin-rich foods like peanuts can help keep the skin healthy and vibrant.

Here's how peanut butter supports skin health and more:

Healthy Fats: The healthy fats in peanut butter can hydrate and protect your skin. These fats also support the production of collagen, improving skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Peanut butter contains resveratrol, an anti-inflammatory compound. This can help reduce inflammation in the skin, potentially combating acne and other inflammatory skin conditions.

However, the benefits of peanut butter extend beyond skin health.

It also contains biotin, which is beneficial for hair and nail health, and tryptophan, an amino acid that can improve mood and aid in the production of serotonin.

Thus, incorporating peanut butter into your diet can contribute to overall well-being, from supporting skin health to enhancing mood.

The Versatility of Peanut Butter in Your Diet

Peanut butter's versatility makes it a valuable addition to any diet.

Whether used in sweet or savoury dishes, as a spread, or in a smoothie, peanut butter provides a delicious way to incorporate essential nutrients into your meals. It is so delicious that it can easily be added to any meal of your choice.

Incorporating Peanut Butter into Your Routine

Incorporating peanut butter into your routine can be as simple as adding it to your breakfast toast.

Alternatively, you can blend it into a smoothie for a nutrient-packed start to your day.

Benefits of Banana and Peanut Butter Smoothie

A banana and peanut butter smoothie is more than just a tasty treat.

It's a powerhouse of nutrition, balancing protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.

This combination can be a post-workout recovery drink, replenishing your body with essential nutrients.

Moreover, the fibre content in bananas aids digestion, making this smoothie a wholesome choice.

Peanut Butter for Skin: A Natural Enhancer

Peanut butter is not just beneficial for your internal health.

It also has potential benefits for your skin topically.

Peanut oil derived from peanuts is particularly noted for its emollient properties, making it a beneficial ingredient for moisturizing and soothing dry and flaky skin.

It is rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant known for repairing skin damage, protecting against environmental stressors like UV radiation, and improving skin barrier function.

Peanut oil can help maintain skin elasticity and hydration due to its occlusive nature, which helps lock moisture into the skin.

A study published in the "International Journal of Cosmetic Science" found that plant oils, including peanut oil, effectively reduce skin dryness and improve skin barrier function by replenishing lipids between skin cells.

Peanut oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties, making it suitable for calming irritated skin.

It contains phytosterols, which are known to contribute to anti-inflammatory effects. These properties can be particularly beneficial in treating conditions like eczema and psoriasis, where inflammation is a key concern.

A clinical review in "Dermatologic Therapy" highlighted that natural oils, including peanut oil, are increasingly recognized for their role in managing dermatitis due to their soothing and anti-inflammatory actions.

Moreover, peanut oil's fatty acid content helps nourish the skin, promoting a healthier appearance and texture.

Thus, using peanut oil or products containing peanut derivatives can be a natural way to enhance skin health, offering hydration, anti-inflammatory benefits, and protection against environmental damage.


In conclusion, peanut butter is a versatile and nutritious food with numerous health benefits.

From being a rich source of protein to supporting skin health, it's a worthy addition to your diet.

Whether you enjoy it in a banana and peanut butter smoothie or use it to enhance your skin, the benefits are manifold.

Remember, moderation is key. Enjoy the health benefits of peanut butter as part of a balanced diet.

You can also follow me on YouTube for the latest, science-backed research on health, weight, and weight training and an endless supply of healthy recipes.

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About the Creator

Ange Dim

My mission is to help people become the best version of themselves through nutrition, exercise and mindset. Get your dose of coaching every week here: https://anged.substack.com/subscribe

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    Very interesting, thanks for information!

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