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The Importance of Psychological Health

Taking Care of Your Mind

By Tajamul HassanPublished 9 months ago 5 min read


I recently had an experience that made me contemplate the significance of psychological health. While at a friend's house, I witnessed their five-year-old child taking care of a small cut on his leg with a Band-Aid after falling from a stool. It struck me how this young child knew to tend to his physical injury but, at the same time, we often neglect our psychological well-being. We are well aware of the importance of maintaining our physical health and practicing dental hygiene, but what do we truly know about caring for our psychological health?

In this article, we will explore the value of prioritizing psychological well-being. We will discuss the impact of neglecting our emotional health, the prevalence of psychological wounds, and the importance of practicing emotional hygiene. By understanding and addressing our psychological needs, we can lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

Table of Contents

1. The Neglected Aspect: Psychological Health

2. Psychological Injuries: More Common Than We Think

• The Impact of Failure and Rejection

• The Weight of Loneliness

3. Prioritizing Psychological Health: Practicing Emotional Hygiene

• Recognizing Emotional Pain

• Overcoming Failure's Grip

• Protecting Self-Esteem

• Battling Negative Thinking

4. Building Emotional Resilience: Thriving in Life

5. Conclusion

1. The Neglected Aspect: Psychological Health

When it comes to overall well-being, we often focus primarily on our physical health, neglecting the importance of psychological health. We understand the significance of maintaining a healthy body, exercising regularly, and eating nutritious food. However, the same level of attention is not given to our psychological state. It's time we bridge the gap and acknowledge the significance of caring for our minds.

2. Psychological Injuries: More Common Than We Think

The Impact of Failure and Rejection

Failure and rejection are inevitable parts of life, yet their effects on our psychological well-being are often underestimated. Just as physical injuries can leave scars, psychological wounds can deeply impact us. When we encounter failures or experience rejection, our minds can play tricks on us, convincing us we are incapable of success. These negative beliefs can hinder our progress and limit our potential.

The Weight of Loneliness

Loneliness is another psychological wound that often goes unnoticed. It creates a sense of disconnection from others, distorting our perceptions and leading us to believe that those around us care less than they actually do. Loneliness not only affects our emotional state but also poses serious risks to our physical health. Studies have shown that chronic loneliness increases the likelihood of early death by 14 percent, making it as detrimental to our health as smoking cigarettes.

3. Prioritizing Psychological Health: Practicing Emotional Hygiene

To bridge the gap between physical and psychological health, we must prioritize our emotional well-being. Practicing emotional hygiene involves taking proactive steps to maintain our psychological health and address psychological wounds effectively.

Recognizing Emotional Pain

The first step in emotional hygiene is acknowledging and paying attention to our emotional pain. Just as we tend to physical injuries, we need to treat our psychological wounds with care. By being aware of our emotional state, we can identify when we are struggling and take appropriate measures to address our pain.

Overcoming Failure's Grip

Failure can be demoralizing, but it should not define our capabilities. We must fight feelings of helplessness and challenge our negative beliefs. By gaining control over our mindset and reframing our thoughts, we can break the cycle of self-doubt and cultivate a resilient attitude towards failure.

Protecting Self-Esteem

Rejection can be profoundly painful, especially when we internalize it and engage in negative self-talk. To protect our self-esteem, we need to show ourselves the same compassion and understanding we would offer a close friend. Treating ourselves with kindness and challenging self-deprecating thoughts can help preserve our self-worth.

Battling Negative Thinking

Rumination, the act of dwelling on negative thoughts and experiences, can be detrimental to our mental well-being. It's crucial to break the habit of rumination by redirecting our attention. Engaging in activities that distract our minds, practicing mindfulness, or seeking support from loved ones can help us overcome the urge to ruminate and shift our focus to more positive aspects of life.

4. Building Emotional Resilience: Thriving in Life

By adopting practices of emotional hygiene and prioritizing our psychological health, we can build emotional resilience and thrive in life. Taking care of our minds, just as we do our bodies, can lead to a more fulfilling and empowered existence. Imagine a world where individuals are psychologically healthier, experiencing less loneliness and depression, and better equipped to overcome failures. By making emotional hygiene a priority, we can create this reality.


While we often prioritize our physical health, we must not neglect our psychological well-being. Psychological injuries, such as failure, rejection, and loneliness, can have a profound impact on our lives. By practicing emotional hygiene and taking proactive steps to care for our minds, we can overcome these wounds and build emotional resilience. It is time to close the gap between our physical and psychological health and recognize the importance of psychological well-being.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can I prioritize my psychological health?

Prioritizing psychological health involves recognizing and addressing emotional pain, overcoming failure's grip, protecting self-esteem, and battling negative thinking. Practicing self-compassion, seeking support from loved ones, and engaging in activities that promote well-being are essential.

2. Why is loneliness a significant concern for psychological health?

Loneliness not only affects our emotional state but also poses risks to our physical health. Chronic loneliness has been linked to increased rates of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and compromised immune function. Prioritizing social connections and seeking meaningful relationships can combat loneliness.

3. How can I break the cycle of negative thinking?

Breaking the cycle of negative thinking involves redirecting your attention away from negative thoughts and engaging in positive activities. Practicing mindfulness, challenging negative self-talk, and seeking professional help, if needed, can all contribute to breaking this cycle.

4. Can psychological wounds impact physical health?

Yes, psychological wounds have been linked to physical health problems such as weakened immune function, cardiovascular disease, and increased vulnerability to illnesses. Taking care of our psychological health is essential for overall well-being.

5. What are the long-term benefits of practicing emotional hygiene?

By practicing emotional hygiene, individuals can build emotional resilience, experience greater life satisfaction, and improve overall psychological well-being. Emotional hygiene allows for better coping with failures, enhanced self-esteem, and healthier relationships with oneself and others.

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About the Creator

Tajamul Hassan

An accomplished professional in the field of Management Sciences, Nutrition, and Health and Fitness. Over a decade of extensive experience in development as well in Health Sector. Dedicated to improving people's lives.

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