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Smile. A smile can change your day, plus 3 other life story

I'm on the beach; I look around me. I see happy people, and children can be heard giggling;

By Viorel SecareanuPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
Smile. A smile can change your day, plus 3 other life story
Photo by Jamie Brown on Unsplash

Here people are relaxed; some are on vacation, others are looking for a day of relaxation for the past week, some read, and others simply look at the sea.

In the city, people are a little different, maybe even the same people. They are sad, each with their thoughts and problems rushing towards something specific. They forgot to smile…

Start the day with a smile. Offer smiles to those around you; no matter how sad life seems to them, surely, someone will smile back at you. Some may be so deep in their thoughts that they won't even notice you.

But if one day at least one person smiles back at you, it's a successful day.

The smile is shared by both people and nature. Smile at the sky, smile at the flowers, smile at the animals… they will all smile back at you.

Your smile changes your life, yours, and those around you.

Smiling, you will understand what love and life are.

Smile with your soul, not just with your face, a true and sincere smile comes from the soul…it can be seen and felt.

When you smile, you feel that you are truly living.

A smile is the key to the gate of happiness.

Smile to yourself and your soul….that's where the real smile begins.

Your smile can change the world… so I invite you to smile more today… and don't forget that every day is TODAY.

I wish you a day full of sincere and true smiles.

The Past is Behind You, Keep Looking Forward

The past is part of us. It is what we are now, but once it has passed we cannot always look in the same direction.

By Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

Don't let the shadow of the past darken your present. Facing the past, you stay there, waiting for those moments to return, but they never come back. Look ahead, appreciate what you have learned from the past, recognize the lessons, and move forward, forward to a new day, to a new life, to yourself.

The lessons of the past make you stronger. The past is a former present and every present becomes the past, what we do with it matters and makes the difference between a happy life and a life with regrets.

I always say that every moment must be lived, that every second counts because a past time becomes past and cannot be recovered.

A present lived with the face turned towards the past brings the loss of the present.

How do you let go of the past?

You will never be able to give up on him definitively because he is a part of you, he is what you are now, but it is not giving up on him that makes the difference and accepting him as a part of you that never comes back.

No matter how painful your past was, accept it as a part of you and walk with confidence in the present, in that wonderful place where you can do and become who you want, where you feel the sea breeze in your hair, you tear up when you look at the sun because you feel life. Enjoy everything that surrounds you now, the sea, the sun, the wind, the leaves, the fisherman, the people, today.

You make the future, accept the past and live the present. When you accept everything that hurt you and let it go, you no longer carry the burden of the past, you no longer carry the heavy traces of the past on your shoulders. Life is easy, you can breathe easily and fully feel the air, life, and love.

Life has a beginning and an end, the beginning is when you feel that you are truly living when you feel every breeze when you enjoy every moment you live, and the end is not known when it will be, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe in many years… so he lives well today. Life has only one direction forward, it doesn't go back. No matter how advanced your life is in years, it starts the moment you wake up when every day is different when you feel like, Everything we do influences our life, it's the choice of our direction in which we look at life.

Accepting the past, freeing yourself from it, and looking ahead is the only direction life is going.

Only in this way can you feel that you are truly living.

Time. What is the time of a ticking clock?

Time is the same for everyone, but each person feels it differently. Sometimes the clock lags or moves forward as we stay in the past or dream of the future.

By Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Ideally, we should live in the present. Living in the present, every heartbeat is a time with every tick of your clock.

For every moment in life we ​​wish for time to pass more slowly or quickly or even to stop it on the spot, but no matter how great our desire is, time passes. Happy moments are measured in seconds and sad moments are measured in hours, days, weeks, or even years. Five minutes for a person who has a loved one with them is not equivalent to five minutes for a person who has lost a loved one.

Who gives the value of time? It is the soul that decides the true value of each moment. With him, you can feel every heartbeat, every tick of the clock.

Time is infinite for the one who truly lives every moment, for the one who enjoys every moment. Every moment is unique, it cannot come back, we cannot bring back the lost moment, we can only be careful to appreciate each moment lived more.

We are time. What we do with time is our choice, what we do with ourselves. Just like a clock, sometimes we stop to charge our batteries to go forward until the last seconds of our lives are ticking.

There is no time machine with which to go back to correct the mistakes of the past and it is very good that way because every mistake came with a lesson for us to appreciate what we have at that time.

Time is our life. Where are we when time passes? Do we notice him? Do we do anything during this time or do we just sit and watch every second pass by?

They say that time heals, but time does not heal, the soul heals any wound, pain, or sadness, time just passes and passing reminds us that this is how life flows. If you were to sit and look at a clock, you would notice how the seconds, minutes, and hours go by, and you could see your life going by, would you wait in vain? Patience is part of the time. Yes, you have to be patient to achieve what you set out to do, but what you do while you are patient matters.

The road to the final destination matters, be it good, easy, or hard, that’s how life is with ups and downs, each stage is what makes the journey count, let it be the way you want it.

Consider time as your best friend, it is your ally in this journey called life.

Time teaches us that everything passes, but leaves traces… called memories.

Life is all we have and we forget about it

Life is what happens now. YES, now, while you make your plans, when you are happy or sad when you laugh or cry when you love or suffer. All this is LIFE

By Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

Life is all we have and we forget about it, and how important it is. We remember her when we hear that someone has died or from an illness, ours or a loved one's. Even when the unfortunate event has passed, we return to the same habits and forget how important life is.

Life should be lived simply, but we like to complicate it with all kinds of negative thoughts, by the simple fact that we don't give it the necessary value.

Life is full of surprises, pleasant or unpleasant, they all help you to grow, evolve, to become the best version of yourself. When do you know that you have become the best version of yourself? When you are simply happy when your happiness does not depend on people, things, or external events. When you are satisfied with yourself when you don't need the confirmation of those around you when you feel good about yourself and nothing from the outside can spoil that.

Life must be lived and felt every second. To feel life means to be aware in every moment of everything that happens around you and in you. Don't think that every day is the same. Every day is different, although, for many people work, children, food, husband, cleaning, sleep, and the same every day seems the same. It may seem that they are the same but they are different. It is up to you to see them as they are.

If you were aware of every moment, you would have noticed the smile on your child's face in the morning, you would notice the white butterfly that crosses your path on your way to work, you would notice the eyes of the beggar on the street corner. You would have noticed yourself, how you feel when you see all these things.

This is life, what we do with it is what matters.

Do we live every moment or do we let the moments pass without noticing their importance?

I wish you a life lived consciously.


About the Creator

Viorel Secareanu

I share thoughts on photography and life, mostly lessons learned around things I’ve been dealing with the last few years, managing time, finding focus, and being happy.

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