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Observations On Finding The Beauty In Our Lives

Beauty Can Take Many Forms

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished about a month ago 3 min read
AN AI Image By The Author


Sometimes we experience difficult times in our lives, but this is not going to address anything bad or dark, it is going to focus on the many, usually free things that can make our lives better, raise our spirits and lighten our hearts.

The song I have included is "I Have Faith In You" by ABBA because I have faith in you all to find the beauty in your lives.

I may have difficulty in finding a correct category for this piece, but I know Vocal will let me post it in the community of my choice.

So Where Are The Beauty And Good Things In Our Lives?

Just sharing my thoughts with my friends and talking with them whether by text, call, or face to face conversation are all sources of delight and beauty in my life. Writing this story is making me feel good because I know others will read it and leave comments and therefore strike up a conversation with me and others.

Sometimes these stories can explode into amazing interactions between friends and creators.

This is one of two stories that I am writing at the moment, and I will also be going out for a few walks as well, which will enable my mind to come up with stories and poetry, that I can commit to pages and share with you when I return.

As I am typing this I am listening to "Voyage" by ABBA which I have found to be an unexpectedly wonderful experience, so it is another piece of beauty in my life and something that, for me, is easy and convenient to listen to and get the uplifting experience from

I can go out for walks in the many parks and fields close to me to commune with nature and get fresh air and exercise. The picture above is an avenue in Nuns Moor Park which is also home to the Northern Slice Coffee and Pizza place.

The weather is good at the moment, and if I go a little further I am able to visit local Roman Ruins as Hardian's Wall runs about a quarter of a mile south of where I live.

When I go out for my walks I see many animals, birds, dogs and mostly cats:

On my walks in summer I often see bees at work. Without them we would not be here, and to that end, or because of my own extreme laziness, I will do No-Mow-May allowing dandelions to grow and bees to harvest the honey from them. You can read a little more about both below:

A Flower By My Step
And Purple In My Front Hedge

These are a few of the things that make me happy and I find beauty in, but for everyone, things are probably different. The challenge is to find the things that you find beauty in and raise your spirits.

The thing is to focus on the things that make you feel good about yourself and then treat them as life priorities.

Then there are books, theatre, television and film, and while all of those have a lot of rubbish, there are also a lot of beautiful and entertaining examples for us all to enjoy.


There is a lot of enjoyment to be taken from life for all of us. It is there if we look and then take it on board. There are some people who I say are "only happy when they are miserable". I know that is a sort of oxymoron, and they are usually just happy when they have something to complain about. If I have something like that I deal with it by making sure it won't affect me, and then finding something that I enjoy.

When I first had the idea for this, I thought I would write a poem, but then I decided to take it further.

Thank you for reading and I hope I have given you an idea or two to make your day better.

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About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales & Poems

7(1.2m) ֎ Fb ֎ Px ֎ Pn ֎

X ֎ In ֎ YT (0.2m) ֎ T

Vocal Tips


Call Me LesGina HeatherCaroline


DaphsamMisty MelissaMa Coombs


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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Oh wow, I didn't know there are people who are happy to have something to complain about. Lol, that's so weird!

Mike Singleton - MikeydredWritten by Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

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