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How To Make The First Date With Any Woman A Success

It is usually ideal to move at a pleasant pace and avoid forcing anything when you are on a date with a woman you hardly know.

By Ravi SinghPublished about a year ago 6 min read

How to wow any woman on your first date?

It's now time for you to go on your first date after you successfully obtained the phone number of a stunning woman. Do you experience anxiety? Guys, don't be alarmed. That is very natural. We all experience anxiety from time to time, it's a fact. Your ability to manage your nerves determines whether or not you get nervous.

It is usually ideal to move at a pleasant pace and avoid forcing anything when you are on a date with a woman you hardly know. There will be numerous vacancies all through the night (if she likes you that is). Her supple skin will be permeated by cues and uplifting body language. Thus, you will be able to determine whether she wants you to advance (by inviting you in) or refrain from doing so (telling you to stay back).

The question is, how can you tell whether your first date is going well?

Because it establishes the tone, the first date is the most crucial. She seems to be thinking that the date could last forever. Or does she continue to scrutinize her watch and ponder why the seconds are passing by so slowly? I'll demonstrate for you how to avoid making mistakes on a first date.

She will ask you to follow her home if you abide by these guidelines.

First and foremost, treat her with respect and kindness at all times. Regardless of whether you consider her to be a one-night encounter or merely a fling, you should still treat her with respect. Every woman enjoys being valued and admired.

Compliment her on her beauty. Keep in mind that she spent the entire day getting ready for the date. However, be tactful while you tell her how beautiful you think she is. Don't overdo it; if you do, she'll pick up on it and see straight through you. Use your judgement. As a result, whatever you were expecting for will not come to pass.

Next, wait to talk about yourself until you are prompted with a specific inquiry. Men who appear self-absorbed turn women off. Even though you might not be, if you talk exclusively about yourself, she might think that's all you're concerned about. Pay attention to her; ladies enjoy being the center of attention.

That brings me to my next rule, which is that you must always listen to what she has to say and never block her out. A successful date requires listening. It's crucial that you take notes while you listen so that you can easily recollect what she's saying if she questions you about it later. Girls may do this on purpose to test your attention span.

Try not to bring your issues and grievances up at the meeting. She will be drawn to your cheerful, positive personality. Make her feel good, please. You're not here for an interview or a task; rather, this is a date.

Do not move too quickly. Many men believe that they have a "green light" as soon as a woman exhibits flattering body language. She likes you, yes, but she still doesn't want to feel sleazy and cheap. Avoid moving too quickly; if you play your cards well, you will have your chance.

Whatever you do, avoid bringing up her ex. This critical error, which many men make, causes the opening of ancient wounds. If you go deep into her prior relationships, she will feel tense and jittery for the remainder of the evening. The last thing you want to do is bring up her ex because it's possible that she was injured or mistreated by him. Try your hardest to shift topics and move to another topic as soon as you have the chance if she brings him up. Final conclusion Avoid bringing up her ex in conversation. Alternatively, inquire about her friends.

Grin and bear it when she enters one of those extended periods where she babbles for what seems like hours at a time. Keep your eyes on her the entire time she is speaking to you.

You should always mention how much fun you two are going to have together. Always discuss a bright future that you and your partner may look forward to.

I sense a sexual tension, what should I do?

Sometimes when you're on a great date, you feel a subtle escalation of sexual tension but are unsure of whether or when it would be proper to act on it. Usually, when guys mess up, it's because they try to kill the woman they're with too quickly, turning her off totally. You must learn when to strike and when to pull back when you sense sexual energy.

Now, each man's circumstance is different since the woman he is dating will respond to specific activities in a different way. Having stated that, you must learn seduction if you want to go on a successful date.

Near the conclusion of the date

The simplest course of action is to do what comes naturally if you are at the conclusion of the date and still unsure of whether to go for it or keep it cool. When I'm on a date, I observe her body language. If she joins in on my laughter, looks into my eyes while I'm talking, or touches my leg while she's talking, I know those are all open invitations.

So keep an eye out for these distinct signals.

Make her feel at home

Make sure she is at ease wherever she is. So, if you're taking her back to your place (please make sure it's tidy and smells good), simply unwind and be the confident person you've been all evening. Women appreciate self-assurance. Women also enjoy having a sense of security and protection.

No breaks

No interruptions, please, guys. No cell phones, bothersome neighbors, or roommates are allowed. Dim the lights and turn on some music. Candles are always effective. You need to give her the impression that she matters (even if she is a one-night stand). You must project an air of genuine concern. You will never persuade a woman to submit to you if she thinks you are out to gain just one item.

Taking the initiative

Now that the scene is set, you and your date are both feeling incredibly anxious and are unsure of which of you should take the initiative. It's time to initiate contact since you are the man and you get the vibe. Do not be timid. Ask her if you can kiss her, then slowly lean in for the kiss. Whether or not she likes you is unimportant. Keep in mind that if she did not like you, she would not be with you in your room (or at her house).

But hold off on shoving your tongue into her throat. The kissing is crucial, so go slowly.

You can then slowly start to undress each other at a similar speed if you feel like the time is perfect and things are heating up. All of your foreplay prowess will come into play at this point.

Final thoughts

Getting a girl's number merely to get lost on the date is absurd. Will you be able to communicate with her? Will you be self-assured enough to initiate the first kiss? Will you be able to interpret her nonverbal cues? When should you talk and when should you listen? A self-assured man can all of these questions with a resounding "YES!"

Do you really feel this confident?

Clearly, there is a lot more to learn about the dating scene. This was basically a list of things to do to ensure the success of your first date.

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About the Creator

Ravi Singh

I'm a Blogger and Digital Marketer. I'm also a Fitness Enthusiast and have strong faith in God. I do intensive research on various topics on Internet and help people providing quality contents on various topics.

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    RSWritten by Ravi Singh

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