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earth signs / june 2024

virgo, capricorn, taurus

By svvittartarotPublished 10 days ago 3 min read

The following readings have been written by me, svvittartarot, using tarot cards as divination tools. if you would like a personal reading, please head to my website; you can find details in my bio.


you’re starting this month feeling focused, passionate, and getting things done. you aren’t in the mood for suffering fools right now, so you might be leaving a bit of a blazing trail in your wake at the moment.

your current issue seems to be a lack of action though. the tools you need are at your fingertips, you’ve got the creative initiative, the skill and the potential - but you haven’t begun.

this month things are looking bright for you overall. there’s a feeling of things going particularly well - you’ve got success, joy and happiness. remember to take a moment to enjoy it, be present.

another earth sign could be significant for you throughout june. there’s focus on your home and community thriving, and again, guidance to soak up the warmth and enjoy the success you’ve created.

don’t forget to look up at what’s in front of you. this could take on many meanings for you as this is a collective message, so take that how it resonates - but there is something right in front of your eyes that you might be taking for granted.


here’s someone in your life at the start of this month who you see as a provider. they are a protector who has earned their wealth and status. their level-headed nature keeps you grounded and helps you to make wise decisions. I don’t think this is you, this is someone near to you.

the main issue for you to overcome this month is how much time you’re devoting to different priorities, different projects. take a moment to step back and evaluate where the land lies right now. decide whether you need to pull back energy from a project that has become stagnant, and devote more time to something fruitful.

your advice this month seems to be to do with a partnership - not with the person mentioned earlier, but with someone who is your equal in terms of giving and receiving all things love. they are meeting you half way on everything. you’re both using your head and your heart when making decisions, not just about money.

trust your inner voice this month and be kind to yourself. look to the kind and caring people in your life for support, and be that person to others. understanding and feeling are deeply linked - time time to understand each other.


you start the month off strong - determined, focused and ambitious about what you can get done. you know what your task is, and you’re laser-focused on it. it might be slow-going, don’t lose sight of this target. you’re building a solid foundation for what comes next in your life, whether it feels that way or not.

your current issue is twofold. the fact that you’ve earned your wealth and status, and your level-headed, grounded nature seem to be causing you problems at the moment, which makes no sense! absolutely stick to your principles, if someone has a problem with this, it’s exactly that - their problem.

you’re also still struggling to let go of something, something that is causing you some burden to hold onto. you need to let go of these things so that new things can come in for you. i know i’m saying “things” a lot but you know what this is for you. friendships, material items, ways of thinking - take it how it is for you and your current situation.

you’re guided this month to brace yourself for some kind of competition or discussion. stand your ground and fight for what you believe is right. don’t get knocked off your feet by the sheer force of your opposition.


About the Creator


nature-inspired tarot readings from melbourne, australia.

🍄 personal readings available through my website

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    svvittartarotWritten by svvittartarot

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