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Behaviors that a man should never put up with from women

Behaviors that a man should never tolerate

By Bob OliverPublished about a year ago 9 min read

Today, I'm here to discuss the things that men should never tolerate from women. These are non-negotiable behaviors that should be dealt with firmly and without compromise. It is crucial for men to establish their boundaries and communicate them clearly when entering a relationship. If a woman is not comfortable with these boundaries, it may be best to part ways. Furthermore, if a woman crosses those boundaries, it is essential to take action and not allow oneself to be taken advantage of.

Firstly, one should never tolerate any signs of low interest from a woman. It is perplexing why some men believe it is desirable to try and increase a woman's interest when she initially sees them as less attractive. Rather than investing time and effort in someone who views them as mediocre, it is more rewarding to focus on women who already appreciate and value them for who they are. Seeking validation from women who demonstrate low interest only leads to self-deprecation and attracts similar individuals who challenge one's authority.

It is crucial to understand that one's self-worth should not be derived from the conquest of difficult women or the length of time one had to wait for intimacy. Associating one's value with such factors is a misguided approach. Instead, men should focus on personal growth, improving their lives, and surrounding themselves with women who genuinely appreciate them. It is vital to maintain consistency in this mindset, regardless of one's financial or social status.

Moreover, dealing with low interest women tends to complicate one's life unnecessarily. These women may make arbitrary demands, keep one waiting for physical intimacy, and exhibit behavior that lacks genuine interest. It is essential to prioritize personal growth and self-respect over accommodating low interest women. By doing so, men attract individuals who genuinely appreciate and value them.

In addition, men should not tolerate women who consistently challenge their authority by testing their manhood. Such tests are attempts to undermine a man's power and control in a relationship. It is important for men to assert their authority and establish mutual respect from the start. Allowing a woman to question or diminish one's manhood sets a detrimental precedent and erodes the foundation of a healthy relationship.

She challenges your authority and questions your decisions, even in public settings. This behavior undermines your confidence and challenges your identity as a man. Some women may find amusement in provoking you and testing your weaknesses, but it is essential to distance yourself from those individuals. It all ties back to low interest women—there's no incentive to be with someone who doesn't provide what you desire. You are expected to meet their standards, such as being tall, having a six-figure income, and more. Consequently, there's no reason to exhaust yourself striving to meet these expectations only to end up with a woman whose personality revolves around poking holes in your character, testing your manhood, and constantly challenging you.

Dealing with such women is not a badge of honor; it's draining and offers no benefits. There's no glory in being with combative, difficult women who bring no peace to your life. Unfortunately, if you tolerate their behavior, even for a short while, they perceive it as an opportunity to toy with you and take advantage of your kindness. Instead, let them seek out individuals who are willing to tolerate their abrasive nature while you seek out women who embody peace, femininity, and a nurturing disposition. Refuse to accept the burden of dealing with difficult women who bring unnecessary stress into your life.

As a man, life is already challenging, given the need to compete against others constantly. Ambitious and driven individuals like myself exist in abundance, relentlessly pursuing success and all its components—wealth, physical attractiveness, and more. You must compete against individuals like me to secure your place in society. Knowing this, why would you willingly accept a combative partner? There's no room for entitlement as a man; you must actively fight for what you want and face challenges head-on. Don't settle for a woman who tests your manhood, challenges your leadership, or undermines your authority. Nothing is handed to you; you must seize opportunities, take your life seriously, and pursue your goals. I assure you that as you progress and achieve what you've set out to accomplish, the last thing you'll want is a woman who constantly questions your manhood or challenges your leadership.

If I'm involved with a woman in terms of dating, I only go out with women who already see me as more than just a ten. The reason many guys struggle with paying for dates is that the girl doesn't find them attractive, and they don't want to be used for free meals. You shouldn't be going on dinner dates with just anyone. The woman should either see you as an exceptional partner or not worth pursuing. So, on the first date, it's a no-go. However, when it comes to women I'm dating, I take them to the finest places in the world, and I'm willing to pay for it all.

As a man, it's your role to take care of everything while she brings her feminine nurturing qualities to the relationship. If a woman tries to challenge my leadership or suggests what we should do, I make it clear that if she wants to make decisions, then she'll also be paying for them. However, I generally avoid dealing with these kinds of women because I don't believe in making a woman pay for the bill. Many of you guys fall into this trap when women start playing games with you. You work hard to gain leverage by improving yourself and increasing your earning potential. But then you end up with women who expect you to split the bills equally, and they start telling you what to do. This doesn't work. A woman can't be 50/50 and still expect to follow your lead. It won't happen, bro.

You'll notice women who challenge your leadership much quicker. When you suggest something, and she wants to do something else, it's a clear sign that she doesn't respect your leadership or see you as a good leader. A truly feminine woman who is submissive by nature will trust your leadership and simply show up, looking pretty, while expecting you to take charge and figure things out. That's all women want—to feel secure in your leadership. Some guys may find it challenging to plan and handle logistics, but I personally enjoy it. I'm meticulous and like things done my way. I have a strong masculine essence, and I won't tolerate a girl challenging my leadership. If you guys are okay with women challenging your leadership, telling you what to do, or trying to control things, you need to either dump them or become more masculine so that more women respect your leadership.

Next, let's discuss the non-negotiable issue of a woman putting her hands on you. Women becoming abusive or toxic usually happens because you've let a lot of things slide. Now, here's where I want to give you some responsibility. Unlike those who cater to women's desires, I genuinely care about you guys and want you to succeed in life. So, I'm going to hold you accountable because lying to you won't get you the best results. I care about you so much that I want to ensure you have the utmost accountability, leading you to real results.

Often, when women resort to physical violence, it's because you've allowed many things to slide in the relationship. By turning a blind eye to disrespect and giving her enough leeway, she begins to believe that she can put her hands on you. Personally, no woman has ever attempted to physically harm me because I've never given them the opportunity. I don't engage in arguments or emotional back-and-forths with women. Instead, I simply tell them to go home. How could a woman ever reach a point where she wants to hit me or disrespect me to that extent? Much of the responsibility lies with you. A woman should never dare to put her hands on you. She should be fearful of losing you, valuing your authority so much that she wouldn't risk jeopardizing her place in your life. It's as simple as that.

Many of you guys let women get away with making slick comments, poking holes in your self-esteem, or even cheating. You let these things slide, allowing a ton of disrespect to accumulate. This is precisely why I advise against engaging in joking and clowning around. I don't partake in joking, laughing, or sending "LOLs" in messages. There's no room for anyone to think they can try me. I'm not claiming to be some tough guy, but I have self-respect. I'm not a clown. When I tell you to stop with the laughing and joking, some of you might think I'm exaggerating. The reason behind this is that I don't want to give anyone the impression that they can try me. Who do you think someone will try first: a straightforward person who speaks their mind or someone who is constantly laughing and engaging in lighthearted behavior? I can guarantee it won't be me.

Here's the point I'm trying to make: when you act like a laughing, goofy, dancing monkey, you lower people's guard. You want others to treat you with respect and be cautious around you. But if you constantly laugh and joke, they'll see an opportunity to say something disrespectful. And since you were just laughing and joking, you can't overreact, right? That's when the disrespect begins. It starts small and gradually escalates until they no longer have any respect for you. With women, it's either everything or nothing. That's how they operate. So, don't give them the chance to start this clownish, disrespectful behavior. If a woman ever lays her hands on you, that should be the last day she ever sees you. There's no discussion, no talking it out, no compromising.

Hey, I won't tolerate that behavior again. It's over. However, I want to emphasize that in my experience with hundreds of women, not a single one has ever slapped me. This is because I have never allowed them the opportunity to do so. I never engage in arguments or become emotionally invested in conflicts. I simply tell them to leave. Therefore, how could a woman ever reach a point where she would want to hit me or disrespect me to that extent? It largely falls on you because you allow women to get away with disrespectful behavior. Women should fear losing you and should never dare to put their hands on you, not because they think you would retaliate physically, but because they respect your authority and value you. This is what it comes down to.

You guys need to understand that when you engage in joking and clowning around, it lowers your guard and allows women to feel comfortable disrespecting you. Don't give them the leeway to start this disrespectful behavior. When a woman starts making slick comments or disrespectful jokes, it may begin innocently, but it can quickly escalate to a point where she no longer respects you at all. Women are all or nothing in this regard. Therefore, it's crucial not to engage in behaviors that allow them to disrespect you.

If a woman threatens to leave you, it signifies that she has an abundance mindset and feels that she can do better than you. In such a case, you should let her go without any hesitation. There's no point in discussing it or trying to change her mind. Maintain your own abundance mindset and understand that you can easily replace her. You are the prize, and men generally have to bring more to the table in a relationship. While women have their power in nurturing and caring, men must bring much more to the table to start a relationship. Therefore, you should tolerate way less nonsense and not allow women to threaten you with leaving.

Cheating, in any form, should never be tolerated. This includes texting other men, flirting, or responding to DMs. If you have a girlfriend, you should set clear boundaries and not allow her to entertain other men. Her social media accounts should be private, and she should not have the option for random men to message her. Make it known that you expect loyalty and respect. If she crosses these boundaries, don't check her phone or act insecure. Instead, walk away without hesitation.

A woman in your life should provide support and upliftment. She should contribute to making your life peaceful and be a source of support. As a high-value man, your life is already challenging, and you don't need women who make it more difficult. You should be clear about your expectations and let her know what you consider acceptable. If she fails to bring peace and support, and instead brings drama and problems, it's best to end the relationship. Your energy should be dedicated to your purpose, not dealing with unnecessary stress from a woman.

To summarize, it's important to set boundaries, not tolerate disrespect, threats, or cheating, and seek support and peace in a relationship. Don't allow women to take advantage of you or create unnecessary drama. Remember your own value and always prioritize your goals and well-being.

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About the Creator

Bob Oliver

Bob is a versatile writer & communicator passionate about exploring diverse topics & perspectives. I have written for various media outlets. And I believes in using words to inspire positive change. #writing #communication #passion

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    Bob OliverWritten by Bob Oliver

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