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Uncovering the True Significance of Being Alive

Embracing Individuality and Personal Growth

By Bob OliverPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Every day, more than 150,000 individuals lose their lives, amounting to over 6,000 deaths per hour, over a hundred deaths every minute, and roughly two deaths every second. This staggering reality signifies that since you began watching this video, approximately 20 people have already passed away. The causes of these deaths vary, ranging from car accidents to falls from cliffs, heart attacks, or even natural causes. Death is a universal experience shared by all living beings on Earth, irrespective of skin color, political beliefs, birthplace, or wealth. None of us can escape the inevitable and incurable disease we are bestowed with from birth—life.

It is intriguing to note that despite our collective awareness of this fact, very few individuals have truly internalized its significance. How many of us have sat down in a solitary room, closed our eyes, and genuinely envisioned what our own funeral would be like? Who would attend out of obligation and courtesy, and who would be there because they genuinely wished to pay their respects? What would people say about us? What would they remember? It is peculiar that with the commonality of our mortal condition, we are not more sympathetic and loving towards one another.

Consider that in 120 years from now, every single human being currently alive on Earth will have perished, while a fresh generation of humanity will take their place. This cycle perpetuates endlessly, with each passing century bringing forth a new set of lives. When we contemplate life in this manner, we begin to comprehend the brevity of our time on this planet. We realize that we are all on this journey together as one, prompting us to question the negative ways in which many individuals interact with each other.

Why do people harbor anger, engage in arguments, inflict harm, or yell at their children? Why do spouses who claim to love each other engage in constant conflict? Why do siblings remain estranged over disagreements that transpired years ago? Why do best friends speak ill of one another behind their backs? What drives these behaviors? Perhaps it is because we have not taken the time to truly contemplate the meaning of life. Moreover, many people have yet to come to terms with their own mortality.

While I cannot claim to know the ultimate meaning of life, as it surpasses logical comprehension, there are certain principles that I believe everyone should be aware of. The first step in understanding the meaning of life involves aligning ourselves with the four truths of the universe. The first truth is the law of cause and effect, which implies that every action and word we utter has consequences for both ourselves and the world around us. Consider a situation in which you lost your temper with a loved one. That single incident continues to have an impact on that person to this day, even if the effect is subtle or deeply ingrained within their subconscious. We cannot undo the repercussions of our past actions, and this notion of accountability is something many individuals find discomforting. Nevertheless, it is essential to be conscious of our words and actions, and if necessary, apologize to those we have wronged, as it is never too late to seek forgiveness.

The second truth is the law of impermanence, which asserts that everything in this world is transient. Our bodies, minds, relationships, and even the video you are currently watching will eventually cease to exist. While this notion may initially evoke sadness, it should instead inspire us to cherish every moment we have on Earth. These moments need not be grand or significant; they can be as simple as a moment of pure laughter or quietly admiring a sunset. In this lifetime, all we truly possess is the present moment.

The third truth pertains to the law of suffering and attachment. Whenever we become attached to someone or something, we unintentionally bind ourselves to future unhappiness. As we become attached to material possessions, relationships, or even our own identities, we set ourselves up for inevitable suffering. The reality is that nothing in this world is permanent. We will eventually lose loved ones, possessions, and even our own physical bodies. Accepting this truth allows us to detach ourselves from the temporary and find peace within the ever-changing nature of life.

The fourth truth is the undeniable fact that we all will face death one day. While the thought of death often evokes sadness and fear, it does not have to be viewed as a negative or tragic event. In fact, death adds depth and meaning to our experiences. Without the awareness of our own mortality, the moments we share with friends and family would lose their significance. Death reminds us to appreciate and cherish the time we have with one another. It prompts us to love deeply, laugh wholeheartedly, and be fully present in the moments that make life truly worth living.

Furthermore, death serves as a unifying force among all human beings. Regardless of our differences, we are all bound by the certainty of our mortality. This realization emphasizes the importance of treating one another with kindness, compassion, and respect. When we choose to harbor anger, engage in conflict, or inflict harm upon others, we are essentially hurting our own teammates in this journey of life.

Every moment we have is precious, and we should strive to make the most of it. Rather than allowing time to slip away, we must seize each opportunity to love, learn, and grow. Cherishing the present moment becomes the key to living a rich and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, the meaning of life may remain elusive and beyond our complete understanding. However, by aligning ourselves with the four truths of the universe, we can embark on a path of self-awareness, accountability, and appreciation. Understanding the consequences of our actions, embracing impermanence, releasing attachment, and acknowledging our mortality allows us to lead lives filled with love, compassion, and deep connections.

Let us remember that we are all part of the same team, sharing this fleeting existence on Earth. It is our collective responsibility to make every moment count, to treat one another with kindness, and to cherish the present. By doing so, we can find fulfillment in this journey called life. So, the next time you feel the urge to react with anger or harm others, pause and remember that you are choosing to hurt your own teammates. Instead, choose love, laughter, and presence, for these are the true riches of life. Embrace the gift of each passing moment, and let us make our time here truly worthwhile.

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About the Creator

Bob Oliver

Bob is a versatile writer & communicator passionate about exploring diverse topics & perspectives. I have written for various media outlets. And I believes in using words to inspire positive change. #writing #communication #passion

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    Bob OliverWritten by Bob Oliver

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