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A Good Friend

A Good Friend

By World storysPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
A Good Friend
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Yasin’s family relocated from their homeland of Iraq to England during his early childhood. Reluctant to leave his beloved home in Samarra, Yasin's father insisted it was necessary for their safety and desired for his son to grow up in a country that embraced all individuals, irrespective of their race or religious beliefs. Yasin's father assured him that England was a multicultural nation where people coexisted and collaborated harmoniously.

Despite his initial discontentment with leaving Iraq, Yasin eventually settled into his new life in the vibrant city of London. London captivated him with its towering buildings and captivating museums, and he took particular delight in visiting attractions such as the London Planetarium and the magnificent River Thames adorned with its historic bridges.

Yasin formed a strong friendship with his next-door neighbor, Andrew. Throughout the summer, Andrew and Yasin reveled in outdoor play at the park and frequent trips to the zoo accompanied by Andrew's mother. Andrew generously shared his toys and comics with Yasin, regaling him with tales of his favorite superheroes. The two friends even constructed a secret hideout in Yasin's backyard, a sanctuary away from the watchful eyes of adults.

Despite London's vastness and stark contrast to sunny, scorching Samarra, Yasin swiftly adapted to his new environment, feeling a sense of belonging. With the help of Andrew, his English language skills progressively improved. However, Yasin encountered numerous unfamiliar words, often feeling self-conscious about his ability to communicate fluently.

As September approached and leaves gradually descended from the trees, Yasin's father informed him that it was time to attend school. At the age of seven, Yasin would join his friend Andrew in the third year of a local primary school.

Apprehensive about beginning school, Yasin found solace in the reassurances of his parents, who assured him that school would be an enjoyable place where he would forge new friendships and experience exciting intellectual growth.

"English schools are reputedly excellent," Yasin's mother stated. "And your English will improve rapidly," his father added, seeking to dispel any lingering doubts.

Though still skeptical, Yasin's reservations diminished when Andrew arrived at his doorstep on the first day of school, exuding boundless enthusiasm. Yasin's trust in his friend instilled a newfound sense of optimism.

As the two boys conversed during their journey to the school gates, Andrew acquainted Yasin with the wonders of the school playground, the most popular teacher, enjoyable classmates, and charming girls. Andrew mentioned the frequent presence of custard as a dessert during lunchtime, leaving Yasin intrigued about its taste, for he had never encountered such a treat before.

However, upon their arrival to the classroom, Yasin's expectations were shattered. The teacher directed Andrew to take a seat at the front while introducing Yasin to the other children. Standing before the class, Yasin felt a surge of discomfort, exacerbated by a classmate's hurtful comment proclaiming him a "smelly foreigner," evoking laughter from his peers. Another student mocked Yasin's accent when he attempted to vocalize his name and describe his origins.

"I can't comprehend him, miss. He can barely speak English," the spiteful child proclaimed.

Eventually permitted to settle at the back of the classroom, Yasin longed to be seated beside Andrew, feeling exceptionally isolated. The girl beside him stared in an unsettling manner, her unexplained aversion perplexing Yasin. During the lesson, she raised her hand, requesting permission from the teacher to relocate to another seat. Yasin failed to comprehend what he had done to offend her.

As the bell announced the end of the lesson, signifying recess, all the children closed their books, donned their coats, and ventured outside into the radiant autumn sunshine. The teacher detained Yasin momentarily, offering a name badge that she affixed to his jumper, ensuring that all his classmates would become acquainted with his name.

"Here you go," she said with a welcoming smile. "Now everyone will know your name."

Yasin regarded the badge with mild contempt. Once in the playground, however, the sight of his badge provoked a torrent of pointing and laughter from the other children.

"You have a girl's name," teased a small, curly-haired boy.

Yasin yearned to defend himself, to clarify that it was not a girl's name, but his nerves rendered him incapable. Whenever anxiety overwhelmed him, his English fluency faltered, the words trapped in his throat. Distraught, he desired nothing more than to flee the playground, seeking solace in the embrace of his mother and father, and forsake school indefinitely. Yet, just as he was on the brink of escape, a familiar voice reached his ears.

"Hi Yasin." Andrew stood beside him, confronting their jeering peers.

Observing the assembly of children, Andrew shook his head in disapproval. "What's wrong with all of you?" he asked. "I told my friend Yasin that school was enjoyable. Why are you ruining it for him?"

"He's different," asserted a tall girl at the forefront of the crowd.

"So are you," retorted Andrew. "You're the tallest girl in the entire school, and I bet you dislike it when people ridicule you, don't you?"

And with that, Andr

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