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The benefits of almonds

the benefits of almonds

By Abderrazak ZteouPublished about a year ago 11 min read
The benefits of almonds
Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash

What are the benefits of almonds

Almonds are a food with high nutritional value because they contain fiber, proteins, beneficial fats, vitamin E, calcium, in addition to antioxidants, vitamins B2 and B3, and magnesium. The presence of these useful and important nutrients within one handful of almonds provides the body with a good percentage of its daily need for each of these elements. The amount of almonds allowed per day is approximately a handful of hand or the equivalent of 30 almonds.

Almonds are known as one of the beloved nuts that people eat frequently and in a variety of ways. Almonds are commonly known as nuts, but almonds are scientifically one of the types of seeds, because it forms the seed surrounded by a green fruit that dries and hardens and surrounds the inner shell, which is the almond. Almonds grow on flowering trees that thrive in warm, dry climates. The original home of almonds is the countries of western Asia and southern Europe.

Almonds and weight

It is often associated with the mind that eating nuts causes weight gain, this is not entirely true. A study was conducted by the Department of Food at Seokmyung University for Women in South Korea to study the effect of eating almonds on a daily basis on weight and the amount of fat in the body. The study revealed at the beginning that there is no relationship between eating almonds on a daily basis and weight gain, whether in people with a high level of fat in the body or healthy people. And after following them for a period of up to 6 months, their weight did not increase as a result of eating almonds. On the contrary, the waist circumference of people who ate about 56 grams of almonds per day decreased by 14%.

This is explained by the fact that eating almonds reduces a person's consumption of unhelpful fats, sugars and other starches, and gives a sense of satiety, which reduces the intake of unhealthy foods.

It also showed a relationship between the time of eating almonds during the day and the change it causes in the body. Eating almonds before meals, that is, before eating breakfast and before lunch, is associated with a decrease in body fat mass. It also affects the distribution of these fats, as it helps to burn the accumulated fat around the internal organs without actually and directly affecting the weight. Eating almonds as snacks between main meals affects the level of fat and cholesterol in the body.

Almonds and cholesterol

Almonds have a very effective and clear effect on the level of cholesterol in the body. Where there are 3 main measures of fat in the body, which are the level of harmful cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), the level of beneficial cholesterol (HDL cholesterol), and total cholesterol. Eating almonds on a daily basis, amounting to 56 grams, distributed in the form of snacks during the day between the main meals, leads to a decrease in both harmful cholesterol and the level of total cholesterol. It also maintains the level of beneficial and heart-protective cholesterol within the normal level, and if it is low, it raises it.

This effect of almonds on the level of fat in the body is very important, as high fat is linked to many diseases, the most important of which are cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and clogged arteries. Therefore, almonds are considered a heart-protective food. It is recommended to use it in addition to drug treatment to improve the level of fats in the body and raise the level of fats that are beneficial for heart health.

Almonds and diabetes

A very large percentage of the world's population suffers from diabetes, and the daily life system plays a major role in controlling the level of sugar in the body and treating diabetes. Therefore, it is important for all diabetics to pay attention to the quality and quantity of food that the patient eats, such as avoiding sugars, reducing fats, and adhering to an appropriate diet to maintain the blood sugar level within the normal level. This is because high sugar is harmful to the walls of blood vessels in the body and causes damage to the eyes, kidneys, and extremities.

And in a study published by the Diabetes Foundation (India) for the year 2017, in which almonds were included in the balanced diet of patients with type 2 diabetes for a period of 24 weeks. The study found that almonds contribute to controlling the level of sugar in the body, and reduce other risk factors in diabetes, such as lowering cholesterol, and protecting the heart.

A study published by Sukmyung University for Women in Korea in 2017 showed that eating 28 grams of almonds before eating meals that contain a percentage of carbohydrates by diabetics reduces the level of sugar in the blood after meals by 30%. This may be due to the fact that almonds give a sense of satiety and reduce the amount a person eats from other foods. Almonds also affect the absorption of food from the digestive system, and affect the level of metabolism in the body.

Almonds for the colon

Eating almonds significantly increases the levels of beneficial intestinal bacteria. There are many studies examining the association of the type of almond with this effect, whether it is roasted, raw, soaked or ground. Some studies indicated that ground almonds are associated with the highest concentration of beneficial microbial fermentation, which results in the production of one of the most important fatty acids for the health of the digestive system, butyric acid.

And butyric acid is associated with a decrease in intestinal inflammation, and an improvement in the function of the intestine as a barrier to filter the contents of the intestine from microbes and germs and prevent their entry into the body. In addition to the importance of maintaining the health of cells in the intestine from the occurrence of a cancerous tumor.

Benefits of almonds for men

Nearly 2% of men under the age of 40 suffer from erectile dysfunction or impotence. This percentage reaches 52% of men between the ages of 40-70 years, and more than 85% of men after the age of 80. Thus, the erection problem is a very common problem that is affected by many factors, including chronic stress, smoking, obesity, pressure, diabetes, heart disease and many other reasons.

Among these influencing factors is the diet that can lead to the accumulation of fat and high diabetes, and it can be a healthy system that builds the body in a healthy and sound manner, as the erection process requires a healthy flow of blood to the genitals, and any problem that affects this is reflected in the ability to have an erection. Among the healthy habits that affect the improvement of erection problems and increase sexual desire in men is the addition of approximately 60 grams of raw or raw nuts to the daily diet. This is what was shown by a study conducted in the Department of Human Nutrition at the University of Rovira y Virgili in Spain for the year 2019.

Sweet almond oil and bitter almond for pregnant women

Almond oil has moisturizing and healing properties for the skin, it is used to improve the texture of the skin in addition to improving the color of the skin. In a study conducted in 2012 by the Department of Women's Health Nursing in Turkey, it was found that a quarter-hour massage from the beginning of pregnancy using bitter almond oil reduces pre-existing skin stretch marks, and prevents the emergence of more skin stretch lines, or what is known as striae gravidarum. It is important for the pregnant woman to take care of the areas prone to stretching during pregnancy, from the first weeks of pregnancy, to help the skin gain elasticity and be sufficiently hydrated.

Benefits of almonds for children

Almonds contain many important nutrients for the growth of children and provide them with their needs of these elements. Almonds are rich in phosphorus, which is important for bone health, and rich in antioxidants that help protect all body cells from damage. It also contains useful essential fats, in addition to being rich in fiber and protein. All these elements, when consumed between meals in different ways, give a sense of satiety to the child, and in return, his consumption of unhelpful foods such as sugar, soft drinks, fried potato chips, and others decreases.

Almonds can be served to the child in different ways, such as placing them in desserts, or during breakfast with oatmeal and milk, or mixed with honey. But it is important to ensure that the child does not have an allergy to almonds.

Benefits of almonds with honey

Honey is a useful and valuable food, and it is used in many fields, including therapeutic, cosmetic, and various industries. Honey contains many nutrients of high value, such as antioxidants, enzymes and minerals that provide the body with treatment for various diseases. Eating honey with almonds is one of the ways in which the benefits of each can be obtained in a concentrated and delicious way at the same time.

Where almonds reduce the level of fat in the body and give honey its various therapeutic properties such as reducing stress, reducing inflammation in the body, and other benefits of honey, but it is preferable to eat honey with almonds in moderation so that this does not affect weight.

Almond flour

Almond flour or almond flour is prepared from grinding blanched almonds very finely in the form of a powder. Almond flour contains all of the following in a quarter cup:

Calories: 163.

Fat: 14.2 grams (9 of which are monounsaturated).

Protein: 6.1 grams.

Carbohydrates: 5.6 grams.

Dietary fiber: 3 grams.

Vitamin E: 35% of the body's daily need.

Manganese: 31% of the daily body requirement.

Magnesium: 19% of the daily body requirement.

Copper 16% of the daily body need.

Phosphorus is 13% of the daily body need.

These ingredients make almond flour a healthy alternative that provides the body with beneficial elements compared to wheat flour, as it reduces cholesterol levels, boosts the immune system through the presence of vitamin E, and protects against high blood sugar, and is considered a gluten-free flour for people who face a problem in the digestive system. When eating gluten, such as malabsorption disease (in English: Celiac Disease). Although it contains more calories, the nutritional value it provides is very special.

Benefits of almond peel

A 2005 study published in the American Journal of Nutrition showed that almonds contain the highest value of beneficial nutrients if eaten whole, that is, eaten without peeling with the clear skin encasing them. The study found 20 powerful antioxidant flavonoid compounds present in the skin of almonds, in addition to a high percentage of vitamin E found in the pulp of almonds. The high concentration of antioxidants found in the brown almond shell, along with the high concentration of vitamins inside, specifically vitamin E, prevents cholesterol oxidation and thus reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the body, reduces inflammation and other antioxidant benefits.

Almond damage

In general, almonds are not considered harmful foods, but you should be careful when eating them if you have an allergy to nuts in general or to seeds. Where the sensitivity can be in the form of a skin rash and obstruction in the airway, and it is advised to pay attention to this when giving it to children for the first time.

Caution should also be taken against choking in children as a result of taking a breath while eating nuts in general, including almonds.

Kidney patients should avoid eating nuts, including almonds, because they are rich in phosphorous. Kidney patients suffer from the inability of their kidneys to get rid of phosphorus, as it accumulates additionally in the body and causes complications.

Benefits of bagel almonds

The Bagel almond is also known as the Indian almond, the tropical almond and the Bengal almond, and its scientific name is (Terminalia catappa). Different from the green and brown almonds common in the regions of Western Asia and Southern Europe, it grows in Southeast Asia, and is widely cultivated throughout the tropics. Bagel almonds are grown for ornamental purposes, because they are distinguished by their giant trees and large leaves. It is also used as a fruit tree, as it gives an edible plant, and the nut kernel can be eaten raw.

Almonds have been known since ancient times in Indian alternative medicine (Ayurveda), where the juice of the fresh leaves of the tree was used to prepare a medicinal solution for the treatment of leprosy and scabies, and it was used as food to treat stomach pains. The bagel almond is considered large in size and is green in color at first, then becomes yellow and finally red when it is ripe. Among the benefits of the Almond plant:

The tree leaf extract is used as an antibiotic for a group of germs.

It is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, as it was used to treat skin diseases, as it reduces inflammation and accelerates wound healing.

The cold extract of the fresh leaves can lower the level of sugar in the blood, which gives an opportunity for more research to develop an alternative treatment for diabetes.

Lowers the level of fats in the blood.

Reduces the incidence of liver disease.

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About the Creator

Abderrazak Zteou

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