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Most Couples Make These 8 Mistakes In Their First Year of Marriage

Because of your honeymoon stage, everything may appear to be so easy and uncomplicated. You may believe that you are doing perfectly well and that you are not making any mistakes.

By The Lost GirlPublished about a year ago 3 min read

You may not realise it, but there are specific tasks and responsibilities that you must complete throughout the first year of your marriage. Because of your honeymoon stage, everything may appear to be so easy and uncomplicated. You may believe that you are doing perfectly well and that you are not making any mistakes. But that's where you should be concerned. You never want to fool yourself into believing that everything is good and dandy.

The honeymoon period will always be the first year of marriage. It's when both couples are smitten and everything appears to be flawless and fantastic. And there's a good reason behind it. When a marriage is new, there aren't as many troubles as there are when it's old.

The difficulties have yet to surface. That's why it's all wonderful love that seems to have no bounds for these married couples. However, for many couples, this can be extremely perilous. They are lulled into a false sense of comfort and security, despite the fact that they should constantly remain watchful in a relationship.

But don't be concerned. This essay will assist to open your eyes to the many potential mistakes that you and your partner may make in the first year of your marriage. And if you do not fix these errors, you risk seriously jeopardising the integrity of your connection.

You run the risk of damaging your entire marriage's future right from the start. That's not what you want, is it? You should always make an effort to do the right things in order to have a fighting chance of making things work between you and your spouse. Avoid making these mistakes during your first year of marriage.

1. You quit socialising with people outside of your marriage.

There is a potential that you and your spouse will wish to keep to yourselves for the duration of your first year of marriage. Don't do it. Remember that you have a social life that requires your time and attention.

2. You anticipate that your spouse will change in some way.

Nope. It's unlikely that your partner will change their personality just because you're married. You must realise that the person you married will most likely remain that way for the duration of your marriage.

3. You avoid arguments with your partner.

Within the first year of your marriage, you will be strongly motivated to flee conflict and confrontation. You will be tempted to simply walk away from conflicts with your lover because you do not want to ruin your honeymoon period. That, however, is not a good thing. You must be courageous enough to approach one another and handle your concerns as a pair.

4. You do not assign or enforce home tasks.

You should constantly make sure that you assign yourself some chores for household maintenance. You must also ensure that you live up to your commitments.

You can't expect your house to take care of itself. You must make an effort to do so.

5. You brush your emotions under the rug.

You can't afford to brush your emotions under the rug. You must communicate your feelings, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. You must always be open and honest with your partner, especially when it comes to your feelings.

6. You don't give yourself time to be yourself.

Just because the two of you marry doesn't imply your separate selves disappear. You are still free to pursue your personal interests. You are still free to follow your personal interests outside of your marriage.

7. You decide to have a baby together right away.

You are not required to immediately extend your family. It might be a good idea for your marriage to spend some time just focusing on yourselves initially. Focus on strengthening your marriage as a pair without any additional stresses or responsibilities.

8. You do not organise your finances jointly.

Managing your finances should be a collaborative effort. You can't be that sluggish. You must be a really mature adult and be involved in your marriage's financial affairs. There are a lot of marriages that end because of financial issues.

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About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

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