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My Self-Care is Taking Care of My Family

The Things I Enjoy the Most Benefit Both Them and Me

By Jason ProvencioPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Some of my happiest times have been in the kitchen. Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

“Self-care.” That’s a hot topic here in 2022. I just heard someone say it on a commercial during the Pelicans/Bulls games I’m watching. It’s funny how I get ideas for a new blog simply by hearing a phrase or seeing a commercial.

Self-care is an interesting subject. I see many people on social media and even in Medium articles touting the importance of self-care. It’s important for quite a few people to have time for themselves. To do something that benefits just them. It’s usually a nice way to defrag and enjoy a little downtime.

Self-care can cover a variety of things. There are many ways to enjoy a little “just-you” time. Some are quite relaxing. A candlelit bath, with a glass of vino. Add a tray of sushi and a joint, and that could be mine.

For others, self-care can mean rock climbing out in a remote location, bouldering on low heights, just you alone in nature. Others enjoy sitting on their asses and watching two NBA games back to back while checking and responding to Medium notifications. Ok, that one is also mine.

If I’m being honest though, self-care for me more often than not includes my family. I love doing things for them and I get a lot of personal joy from that. Though I may not be alone during some of these things I love doing that feed my soul, I benefit from each of them as much or more than they do.

Here are a few things I love doing, at least partially in the name of “self-care”.

Working Out

I like working out, with my Bride, kids, or alone. Gym time is the best time.

Gym time is always time well spent. I’ve worked out regularly in gyms for almost 30 years now. While I’ve enjoyed many workouts with a workout partner, best friend, spouse, or my kids, I’ve done more gym workouts alone.

And that’s cool with me. I’ve never had a problem heading out to the gym alone. I haven’t been one to make excuses about skipping the workout because nobody could make it. Likely because working out is excellent self-care. It’s fun, motivating, and for a good cause.

That cause being extending my life span. I want to be around for my Bride and kids for a number of more years. Hell, I want to be here longer for my dog Libby. She’d be devastated if I didn’t wake up each morning next to her. And for y’all. I want to keep writing to entertain all of my followers, and to support you by reading your writing.

Hanging Out With My Kids

My crew. We all have so much fun together.

One of my favorite self-care methods is spending time with my daughters. The three of us have been hanging out since way back. We all became a family almost 11 years ago. The girls and I have always been tight.

We have my biological daughter over every week on Thursday overnight and every other weekend. So when Avery is over, the three of us almost always hang out and play games. I’ll usually cook with Ave unless she’s tired from a long school day. After dinner, it’s our time, the three of us.

During many many hours of gaming together, we’ve all become each others’ best friends. Self-care for me means enjoying my free time to the best of my ability, and always feeling better after doing whatever it is I love doing. Gaming with my daughters and laughing our heads off are two of my favorite things.

Cooking, Singing, and Drinking Wine

Cooking is one of my very favorite things. This also makes my family happy.

This is a three-for-one deal. I don’t make big fancy dinners every night, contrary to popular belief. Being Italian, I learned from my Nana and my Ma-Ma the importance of making enough food for there to be leftovers. Why wouldn’t I want to eat my excellent cooking twice?

When Dad is making Family Dinner, it’s fun. Sort of an event. We hook the speakers up to my laptop and blast some awesome tunes. Mostly classic rock from the 60s to the 90s. A few of the kids’ tunes that I’ve grown to love. A little vino, some amateur karaoke, and a bit of semi-professional cooking. We have a blast.

Caring for my family while cooking, singing, and having a bit of vino is one of the best forms of self-care I can think of. I want my family to always remember that Dad loved them enough to feed them well. To include them in the meal-prep, if they had an interest. And all of the jokes and laughs. There have been plenty.

My Writing

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs is an awesome publication. I love publishing my blogs and all of yours.

Writing is one of the best forms of self-care I can think of. It’s hard to believe that a year ago, I didn’t have this. I hadn’t written regularly since college. Though I did enjoy writing short, funny social media status updates, I didn’t do anything even close to what I do here blogging on Medium.

Though writing is one of my biggest forms of self-care, it also benefits my family. The initial first-year success I’ve had with blogging on Medium has helped our family financially. I hope to continue this progress I’ve made, and then some.

Between blogging, which I love, and content writing, which I’m trying to get better about appreciating, I’m definitely proud of earning a living as a writer and helping to take care of my family. I’ve been marketing my businesses on social media since 2006. I can’t imagine not succeeding in doing the same with my writing. Especially when it’s so damn fun.

Self-Care is Important But Doesn’t Have To Be So Lonely

I am all about people doing what they need to do for their own happiness and improved mental health. As Axl Rose once said in the famous Guns ‘N Roses Song, November Rain:

Sometimes I need some time… On my own. Sometimes I need some time, all alone. Everybody needs some time… On their own. Don’t you know you need some time?… All alone.

Most of my self-care time involves and benefits my immediate family. And that’s cool with me. If it brings me more joy to share my self-care moments with the ones I love the most instead of just by myself, so be it. &:^)


About the Creator

Jason Provencio

78x Top Writer on Medium. I love blogging about family, politics, relationships, humor, and writing. Read my blog here! &:^)

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    Jason ProvencioWritten by Jason Provencio

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