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Lifes lessons

Learning the hard way

By Lee NaylorPublished 12 months ago 6 min read

I believe that we come to this life with a bunch of things we need to learn. When I say that I don't mean Math, English and History but life lessons. We are to learn to love ourselves and others, learn to be kind, learn to be compassionate. We are here to create and experience life as humans.

As unique spirits we are all the same and yet different. Different in the sense that we all have different lessons to learn. Things we didn't learn in past lives, things we still need to learn.

In my life personally I have not noticed the lessons i've learned until my recent work on personal healing. I have been getting Shaman energy healings for about 4 or 5 months now and it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. Since I started them I have started to see the lessons in my life that I have learned.

I have learned to listen to my intuition and do what it says no matter who it may anger or confuse. It is my life and I need to listen to myself and my own needs, feelings and emotions.

I am building the life I want, not the life I don't want. I need to find a way to let go of the old thoughts so that I an move forward with new beliefs and thought patterns. I am unlearning the old patterns that no longer serve me. I am putting down boundaries and learning who I am and what passions can move me forward to the next steps in my higher good.

Freedom is my birthright. Abundance is my birthright. I am worthy of love and life and living my highest good. I am on a journey of healing and I am moving forward into a new timline, where love is abundant and freedom is a way of life. It is the great awakening and the earth is rising with or without us.

I am excited to see where things take us as citizens of Earth. I think of a world without borders where we can all just travel as we please. We can all have clean food and homes to live in. We can all teach each other , heal ourselves and others and live our purposes. I am finding my purpose and manifesting Freedom. I want Freedom. I do not consent to anything less than Freedom

I am divinely protected and rising higher in frequency every day. I make different choices now than I did last month, last week. I have different reactions than I used to and I'm understanding how things have brought me to where I am at.

I have retrieved 2 peices of my soul through the Shaman healings and I have started to feel different and yet more myself than ever. I have changed 7 or 8 soul contracts I had with my self that I made to protect myself from hurting others. They all made it so that I was the one getting hurt instead of others getting hurt.

I have changed those to now protect me now as well as others. I have seen different points of view and then other things have come into my head like it was something Ive always known. I've been given gifts from my guides and angels. I've researched more about my guides and dived more into my past traumas.

I have learned lessons and started thinking differently. I have felt more alignment and I swear that feeling is better than drugs. I have started looking more into the possibilities in front of me. I have started trying to see things in broader pictures and realize that nothing I do is wrong really, its either a lesson or a blessing. I am Grateful for everything I have now because It was what i was dreaming about in my past.

If I stay on this path I will rise to new heights and have even more to be grateful for. I want to be proud of myself and I want to know that I can support myself and that I can do whatever I want.

Love is my Birthright. It is who I am. I am you You are me. We are one. You create your world and I create mine. It is the same life from another perspective. Everything is connected and nothing is wrong. It's just different. Some people easily throw things away and I have a hard time and tend to hold on to things longer.

I was raised in this 3D world to treat others how you want them to treat you. I have lived my whole life like that. It has gotten me neglected, pushed around, teased, bullied, used, abused, PTSD, borderline suicidal, manic depressive, I have used CBD and Cannabis to treat the symptoms because I don't believe in the poisons they give us these days to put into our bodies.

I am close to using DMT and cant wait for the experience. I need to continure to work on the meditation because that is key to the entire Universe and communicating with my guides and angels. It has been the most beautiful experience so far. I wish I could have started it sooner so that I hadn't done the same things to my children and taught them the same traits I am here to break and change.

We are all here to raise the frequency. We are all the strongest souls and we are all here of our own free will to do what we need to do to help others and transmute the darkness into light. If people could finally see it and confront it then we can start Uniting and healing together.

We could stand united and just let go of the hatred, the divide. We could hold hands around the world and say we've had enough. We do not consent. We do not consent to another moment of restsrictions, taxes, slavery. We do not consent of the dividers that have been placed on us as Humans. We do not consent to our food being sprayed with poison and our minds being conditioned to believe we have no other choices.

Someday soon I feel us rising and it's the best feeling I have ever felt. The feeling of pure love and hope and Joy. The feeling of pure souce energy being poured into the Human race as we raise the frequency of the Earth and transmute the darkness into 5D frequency.

Freedom. If only everyone would just start dreaming about what Freedom is to them. Because the more people that focus on it the faster it will manifest into this timeline. It's easier to dream of good things, magical things, than it is to stress about things that we have no control over. I can only conntrol myself. My truth. My Voice.

I am learning. I am Growing. I am healing. I am grateful for every day I get to move forward on my path. I am grateful for everything day that brings me closer to Freedom. True freedom.


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