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5 Fascinating Psychology Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

It gives you goosebumps

By PPPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have luck while others can barely find a job? Or why certain relationships seem to thrive while others struggle? If we had to give one answer as to why it is so, the majority of us would say that it is because of psychology. In this blog post, you will learn about some fascinating facts about psychology. These include everything from uncovering why babies cry at night and what happens when they don’t, to how understanding our own patterns can help us in being happier. Read on for more information!

1. Humans Are Hard-wired To Be Self-Centred
One of the most interesting facts about psychology is that humans are hard-wired to be self-centred. In fact, if you look closely at the human brain, it’s easy to see the strong correlation between self-centredness and the human condition. Throughout evolution, self-centred behaviour has had a clear advantage for humans. This is because it’s essential for humans to constantly look out for their own best interests in order to survive. If a self-centred human encounters a threat to their survival, then they will naturally feel an urge to protect themselves. And as humans have evolved, this self-centred behaviour has become even more ingrained in us. This is because it becomes even more essential for us to protect ourselves when facing greater threats such as danger, illness and even death.

2. We Are Predictable And Observable
Humans are predictable and observable. This is why human psychology can be used in a wide variety of ways. This is why marketers use psychological techniques to sell products. It’s also why psychologists like to study human behaviour in order to better understand people and their actions. This is why it’s so important to get to know your customers and learn as much as you can about their behaviour before launching your product. In fact, these two facts about psychology are actually closely related. This is because people’s actions can be predicted and observed. This means that it’s much easier for business representatives and marketers to cater to these predictable patterns. This, in turn, means that these individuals are more likely to buy your product or service and tell others about it.

3. People Can Be Trained In Swift Ways
Humans are incredibly swift to adapt to new situations. This means that people can be trained in a variety of ways. For example, if you want to get someone to do one specific action, you can simply train them in a way that will trigger that action. This can be done by using language that is associated with the action or using images and symbols that trigger a particular thought. In fact, if you want to trigger a person’s sense of curiosity, you simply have to use language that triggers curiosity. This will help people associate curiosity with the actions that you want them to perform.

4. The Hows Of Human Behaviour Are Still Unknown
When it comes to the hows of human behaviour, psychologists have a lot of unanswered questions. For example, psychologists don’t know for sure what causes certain behaviours to appear in individuals. This means that they don’t understand the root causes of violence, crime and other negative behaviours. In fact, psychologists are still trying to figure out how certain behaviours work. This includes the mechanisms that cause people to feel compassion, love and even guilt.

5. The Importance Of A “How Was Your Day?” Question
Another fascinating fact about psychology is that the importance of a “how was your day?” question cannot be overstated. This is because it allows psychologists to get an incredibly detailed look at how people are feeling. This is especially important for people who work in customer service-related jobs. It’s essential for representatives to understand how their customers are feeling in order to cater to those feelings. For example, if a customer starts off a call by expressing anger, it’s essential for the representative to take this into account. It’s then important for the representative to calm down their customers.

6. Bonus Fact: You Can Change People’s Behaviours And Actions Through Repetition
Humans are remarkably quick to alter their behaviours if they’re repeatedly exposed to a particular action. For example, if someone repeatedly hears someone refer to certain actions as “bad” or “wrong,” they will soon start to associate those words with that action. This means that you can change people’s behaviours and actions through repetition. This is important for people who want to trigger a certain behaviour. For example, parents might want to trigger their children to eat their vegetables. This is achieved by regularly associating vegetables with good things such as healthy food.

Final Words
In this article, we explored five fascinating facts about psychology. These included humans are hard-wired to be self-centred, we are predictable and observable, people can be trained in swift ways, the hows of human behaviour are still unknown, and you can change people’s behaviours and actions through repetition. These facts about psychology are a good way to get introduced to the field of psychology and understand how it can be used to better your life.

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About the Creator


Psychology, Horror, fiction, education, poet, and about many crazy topics; I love to create content.

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