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Simple ways to prevent hair fall or falling hair.

Hair Fall Treatment

By MayaPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Hair Fall: Hair fall has become a very common problem nowadays. This problem has become so common that not only adults, but even small children are losing hair. It can happen to people of any gender. Some people get so upset that all their hair falls out and they become a victim of baldness. Hair fall can happen due to many reasons, here in this article we will tell what is hair fall, what causes this problem, what is its treatment and how How can hair fall be stopped?

It is said that your hair is the barometer of your health and if you find your hair falling out on your pillow and in the shower, you probably don't need any other alarm to tell you that you are suffering from hair fall. are grappling with.

Today it has become a very common problem and the problem of hair fall or hair loss can happen to women, men or people of any age. Losing around 100 hairs on a daily basis is a common occurrence. This happens when you comb your hair or even when you do nothing. But in their place new hair grows and fills their space. We also do not have proper knowledge about the simple and easy ways to treat this condition.

Often due to lack of knowledge, we end up wasting money on expensive shampoos and products. Here we will learn about some such simple and easy remedies.

Causes of Hair Fall

There are many reasons for hair fall, which are as follows-


Due to any disease like Typhoid ( Hair Fall After Typhoid ), cancer

drug reaction

Due to taking bad diet (which does not contain protein, iron and other mineral salts)

due to surgery or a traumatic event

Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy , childbirth, discontinuing the use of birth control pills, and menopause can cause hair loss temporarily.

Hair loss can also be caused by medicines used to treat cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, and heart problems .

Diseases that cause scarring, such as lichen planus and some forms of lupus, can result in permanent hair loss due to scarring.

Using different types of shampoo and using a lot of chemicals can also be the reason for your hair fall.

Anemia can also be a reason for hair loss (1 out of 10 women in 20 to 50 years of age are victims of this).

Growing age can also be a reason for hair loss.

You must have become well acquainted with the causes of hair fall, now also know that by adopting which measures and home remedies you can get out of this problem. Can and stop hair fall . Let us know what are those remedies ?

How to Stop Hairfall – Measures to prevent hair fall

Amla: Amla is also known as Indian Gooseberry. It works wonders when applied to the hair, especially when you are dealing with hair fall. For this, mix dried gooseberry or gooseberry powder with coconut oil and heat it until it turns black, then cool it at room temperature and apply it to the roots of your hair.

Coconut milk: Due to its nourishing tissue properties, coconut milk is considered very beneficial for hair regrowth and preventing hair loss. To use it, grind fresh coconut and separate the milk from it and apply it on your hair and roots, leave it like this for 15-20 minutes, and wash your head after a light massage. It will work like coconut oil for your hair and will give strength to your hair.

Mixture of lemon and curd: Both lemon and curd act as natural conditioners for our hair and remove dandruff from the hair. To use it, make a paste by mixing half a lemon in curd and apply it on your hair and roots. Leave this mixture for about 30 minutes until your hair becomes stiff, then after half an hour wash the hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Honey-Olive Oil Mixture: In our earlier articles, we have already told how olive oil is beneficial for our hair. If you're looking for a magic oil to stop your hair fall, fret not. Here we will tell how you can make a magical oil by mixing some more natural ingredients in olive oil, which can stop your hair fall. Prepare a mixture by mixing 2 spoons of honey and a little cinnamon powder in 2 spoons of olive oil. Regular application of this mixture will make your hair smooth, thick and shiny as well as prevent hair fall.

Aloe vera gel: Both aloe vera and aloe vera gel are very beneficial for our health. If you apply aloe vera gel twice a week, it can be extremely beneficial for your hair. For this, cutting the leaves of aloe vera and applying its gel to the hair helps in regrowth of hair along with itching of the scalp. For this, leave the aloe vera gel in your hair for a few hours and wash the hair with lukewarm water.

Onion juice: Onion contains high amount of sulphur, which not only prevents hair fall but also maintains blood circulation in the scalp and helps in regrowth of hair. Apart from this, onions also have antibacterial properties, which work to kill those germs that cause scalp infection and hair fall.

Neem leaves: The therapeutic properties of neem make it a perfect herb to prevent hair fall. For this, boil neem leaves and grind them, and apply this paste on shampooed hair. Wash hair thoroughly after 30 minutes. Repeat this process 2 times a week.

Lavender oil: Lavender oil has antioxidant, antiseptic and anti fungal properties, which prevent both dandruff and hair fall.

Egg White Mask: Eggs are rich in protein, biotin and vitamin B, which help in reducing hair fall. For this, make a mixture by mixing a small amount of olive oil with egg white, apply it on your hair and roots and leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat this process at least 2 times a week.

By adopting all these easy remedies , you can easily stop your hair fall . But if you are more worried about the problem of hair, then do consult your doctor once, apart from this, regularly take a good diet which is rich in green vegetables, and mineral salts. Apart from this, make a habit of exercising daily. If you are struggling with hair fall then yoga and exercise can help you.


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