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Protein. Go! These High-Protein Nuts Are Best.

Protein is essential for good health, but you don't need to eat a lot of meat. Nuts include plant-based protein.

By SisiphoPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Protein. Go! These High-Protein Nuts Are Best.
Photo by Maksim Shutov on Unsplash

They are a popular go-to snack for many people since they are also adaptable and portable.

8 nuts rich in protein

All nuts contain protein, although some have a higher protein content. In order to assist you in selecting the ideal snack, we have gathered eight high protein nuts.

The cashew

  • 4.21 grams of protein per 1-ounce serving.
  • 165 calories are included in one ounce.

Were we caught off-guard? Cashews are loved all across the globe because they are creamy, filling, and so tasty.

But they're not simply very delicious. Moreover, they include a lot of minerals including magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, and manganese and are a fantastic source of plant-based protein.

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  • 2. 5.79 grams of protein are present in one ounce of pistachios.
  • 165 calories are included in one ounce.

With its high content of fiber, protein, good fats, vitamins, and minerals, pistachios offer an outstanding nutritional profile. They contain particularly high levels of vitamin B6, which plays a role in metabolism of proteins, neuronal function, blood sugar management, immunological function, and other processes.

Pro tip: If you're not ready to start cracking, shelled pistachios make a convenient snack.

Online pistachio purchases.

  • 3. 5.76 grams of protein are included in one ounce of almonds.
  • 172 calories are included in one ounce.

Get up for the almonds! If you don't want to consume them by the handful, they can even be converted into almond milk, almond butter, and almond flour thanks to their incredible versatility.

Vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin necessary for immunological function and cellular communication, is abundant in almonds. A powerful antioxidant like vitamin E aids in preventing free radical damage to your cells.

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4. Brazil nuts

  • 4.01 grams of protein per 1-ounce serving.
  • 185 calories are included in one ounce.

Brazil nuts are a wonderful source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, but its most notable nutrient is selenium, which is important for many body functions, including thyroid and immune system functioning.

According to research, Brazil nuts enhance selenium levels, lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and raise HDL ("good") cholesterol, which protects the heart.

Just don't go overboard. Limit your consumption of Brazil nuts to a couple per day to prevent absorbing too much selenium. More than 174 percent of your required daily intake of selenium may be found in just one Brazil nut (but content varies depending on growing conditions).

Online stores sell Brazil nuts.

  • A 1-ounce serving of peanuts has 7.31 grams of protein.
  • 1 ounce has 161 calories.

We are aware of this. In reality, peanuts are not considered nuts. Technically, they are legumes. But, because the majority of people see them as nuts, we decided to invite them to our protein-rich gathering.

Peanuts are a strong source of B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, copper, and phosphorus in addition to being high in protein. Moreover, they may be used to make protein-rich peanut butter.

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One ounce of walnuts has 4.32 grams of protein.

  • 185 calories are included in one ounce.

No walnuts at Wal-Mart? Walnuts are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy fats, calcium, iron, potassium, copper, and manganese that your body needs to flourish. Also, they contain a lot of polyphenol antioxidants, which help prevent cellular damage.

With their abundance of nutrients, it is not surprising that walnuts have been connected to a wide range of advantages, including bettering both heart and brain health. Try include walnuts in your porridge, trail mix, chia pudding, and salads.

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7. Hazelnuts

  • 4.19 grams of protein per 1-ounce serving.
  • 176 calories are included in one ounce.

Hazelnuts complement pastries like cakes and cookies because of their rich, sweet flavor. They are also a key component in the delectable chocolate spread Nutella.

Magnesium, a nutrient that plays a role in more than 300 enzymatic events in your body, is one of the many vitamins and minerals that hazelnuts are rich in. Magnesium is essential for several processes, including blood pressure control and protein synthesis.

Hazelnuts are a good option for a snack since they can be combined with fruit or dark chocolate to satisfy a sweet tooth or sprinkled over a salad to provide protein.

internet hazelnut purchases.

8. Macadamia nuts

  • 2.18 grams of protein per 1-ounce serving.
  • 200 calories are included in one ounce.

These buttery-tasting almonds are a terrific option for snacking since they go well with just about everything.

The mineral manganese, which your body requires for metabolism, bone health, immunological function, blood coagulation, and other processes, is abundant in macadamia nuts.

Online macadamia nut shopping.

Other high-protein foods

You're in luck if you're seeking for more high-protein snack choices. Even the pickiest eaters have access to a wide variety of protein-rich snack options.

Hard-boiled eggs: Due to its high protein, fat, vitamin, and mineral content, eggs are sometimes referred to as nature's multivitamin. For a healthy snack, combine cut vegetables and hard-boiled eggs.

Greek yogurt parfait: Greek yogurt is a healthy source of protein and is also high in calcium, potassium, and zinc. For a filling snack, combine Greek yogurt with fresh fruit, pumpkin seeds, and unsweetened coconut.

Chia pudding: Chia seeds are a great source of healthy lipids and protein. Online, there are several simple chia seed pudding recipes to choose from.

Chickpeas are a very adaptable plant-based protein source that, when roasted, form a pleasant and crispy snack. You may purchase or create your own roasted chickpeas.

High protein bento box: Foods are kept separate in bento boxes, which are containers. They're ideal for include high protein snacks like hummus, nuts, eggs, roasted chicken, edamame, and others in a snack box.

Fruit and cheese: Combine a crisp apple with some protein-rich cheese if you're looking for a sweet and salty snack to keep you full between meals.


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