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Facts about breast cancer.

By Kindred SoulPublished 7 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Angiola Harry on Unsplash

Just like fun puzzle pieces that fit together here are some FACTS ABOUT BREAST CANCER:

1. In the year 2020, there were 2.3 million new cases of breast cancer and 685,000 people lost the fight against it. That's a lot of people, like having a whole football stadium full of fans!

2. The risk of getting breast cancer is like growing taller. As you get older, the chance of getting it can go up. It's like a secret code your body has.

3. Sometimes, breast cancer can run in families. It's like having a special secret recipe that gets passed down from grandparents to parents and then to kids.

4. Genes are like tiny instruction books inside our bodies. Sometimes, they can have typos or mistakes, and that might make someone more likely to get breast cancer. It's like having a treasure map with a few smudges.

5. Hormones are like messengers in our body, and sometimes, too many hormones can be like having too many text messages on your phone. It can make breast cancer more likely.

6. Staying a healthy weight is like having a super-strong shield against breast cancer. It's like being a knight in shining armor!

7. Playing outside and moving around is like having your own superhero powers. It helps protect you from breast cancer. Stay Active!

8. Drinking too much alcohol is like drinking a tricky potion that can wake up the breast cancer troublemakers. “Alcohol: A Tricky Potion!”

9. Sometimes, grown-ups might need a special medicine called HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). But using it when you don't need it is like inviting troublemakers to a party.

10. If moms can feed their babies milk from their own bodies, it's like giving their babies a shield against breast cancer. It's like a magical gift from mom.

11. There are some things in the air and the environment that can be like feeding candy to breast cancer. We want to stay away from those bad candies called the “Sneaky Pollutants.”

“Just Like Building A Castle To Keep The Bad Guys Out” here is HOW TO PREVENT BREAST CANCER:

  1. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, like a colorful rainbow on your plate. It's like giving your body superpowers. This way you will stay healthy and strong for yourself and for your loved ones.
  2. Play outside, run, jump, and dance like nobody's watching. It's like having a secret dance party with your body. Keeping that groove moving is another way to keep you free from any bad radicals that will affect your system.
  3. Easy on the Juice: Don't drink too much sugary stuff, like soda. It's like telling sugar to take a nap.
  4. Just a Sip: If you're a grown-up, it's okay to have a little bit of wine or beer, but not too much. It's like having a tiny piece of cake, not the whole cake.
  5. No Unnecessary Medicine: Grown-ups should be careful about taking HRT. It's like having a treasure chest, and you only open it when you really need it.
  6. Mom's Milk: If a mom can feed her baby with her own milk, that's like giving her baby a superhero cape.
  7. Stay Away from Bad Stuff: Don't go near places with yucky smoke or chemicals. It's like avoiding a haunted house.
  8. Talk to Your Doctor: Doctors are like wise wizards. They can help you figure out how to stay safe from breast cancer. Just talk to them!

Heroes who fight against breast cancer:

The Pink Warriors- There are special groups and teams, like superheroes, that help people with breast cancer. Let me tell you about some of them:

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) - They give free check-ups, help people find their way when things get confusing, teach everyone about breast cancer, and even have online places where you can meet friends who understand what you're going through.

The Susan G. Komen Foundation - These guys are like the Avengers of the breast cancer world. They use money to find ways to stop breast cancer, teach people about it, and help out in their communities.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) - These folks are like a big friendly dragon that protects people from cancer. They have lots of helpful stuff like information, services, and fun events to make people feel better.

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) - These scientists are like wizards who mix potions to find cures for breast cancer. They work really hard to make sure fewer people get sick.

The Pink Ribbon International (PRI)- These guys are like magical messengers who tell the whole world about breast cancer. They help different countries work together to fight this sneaky enemy.

You can be a hero too! Here's how:

Wear Pink: When you wear pink clothes or accessories, it's like telling the whole world that you're on the team fighting breast cancer.

Join the Parade: Sometimes, there are big walks or runs where lots of people get together to raise money for breast cancer research. It's like being in a big, fun parade.

Share Your Treasure: You can give some of your allowance money or old toys to groups that help fight breast cancer. It's like sharing your treasures with friends in need.

Be a Helper: You can help grown-ups who might be going through a tough time because of breast cancer. It's like being a friendly sidekick.

Tell Stories: If you know someone who's been brave and faced breast cancer, you can tell their story to inspire others. It's like passing on the magic to make more heroes.


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About the Creator

Kindred Soul

I am learning from my experiences and I would love to share the journey that I travel... To inspire, motivate, and to educate.

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  • NS 6 months ago

    Learning Process about October, we need to try avoiding junk foods. great work by the way.

  • Alex H Mittelman 7 months ago

    Be aware in October!

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