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Jennifer Lopez Just Hopped on the "Glazed Donut Skin" Train

#Skincare products, #beauty and skincare tips and advice, #Dermatologists tips for skin and #beauty treatments, #acne treatment, skincare and treatment, #glowing #skin care products,#Facials, #fair and #glowing #skin care products, #acne treatment, #wrinkles treatment, #skincare, #health and safety #fitness, #beauty care, Jennifer Lopez Just Hopped on the "Glazed Donut Skin" Train

By Bhavana auroraPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Jennifer Lopez Just Hopped on the "Glazed Donut Skin" Train


Phew! After a long day, you just want to relax and take it easy. What better way than with some glazed donuts? You can have this exact moment without leaving your couch: Jennifer Lopez is here to tell us what we need in life. In a recent interview with ELLE, JLo talked about her love for purple lipstick and how she always wears purple eyeshadow on red carpet events. Now that we know this secret (and the fact that she's been rocking these looks for years), it's time for us all to hop on board!

This is not the first time Jennifer Lopez has worn a purple lip.

Purple lips are for the ladies. It's a color that works with almost any complexion, and it looks great on Jennifer Lopez as well. This isn't her first rodeo when it comes to wearing purple lipstick--she's been doing it for years now!

Purple lipsticks have become wildly popular in recent years, but there are plenty of reasons why this shade is so hot right now:

Purple is one of those colors that can be worn year-round (it's not just for Halloween). If you want something bolder than just wearing a nice natural shade like NARS Orgasm or MAC Prolongwear Lipstick in Plumberry, try out these options from Urban Decay--they'll make your eyes pop!

It's also not a first for her to wear purple eyeshadow for a red carpet event.

It's also not a first for Jennifer Lopez, who has worn purple eyeshadow before. She wore it for a red carpet event and with a purple lip in 2008 at the Grammy Awards.

Jennifer looked great, as always!

Let's do this one more time...

Jennifer Lopez has been wearing a lot of purple lately. She's done it in the past, but she's been doing it more and more lately. This includes wearing purple lipstick and eyeshadow, which is pretty bold--but not unheard of for someone like her.

It's no secret that Jennifer Lopez is one of the biggest celebrities out there today--and she knows how to make an entrance at parties or events where she's performing or hosting (or both). The same goes for makeup: when you're trying to look your best, there are some things that are just worth experimenting with!

If you love purple (like JLo), you'll love these next three looks by Koko Bey, which go perfectly together.

If you love purple (like JLo), you'll love these next three looks by Koko Bey, which go perfectly together. Purple is a great color for all skin tones, eye colors and hair colors. Purple can be worn in any season and with any outfit!

Jennifer Lopez Just Hopped on the "Glazed Donut Skin" Train

If you haven't been paying attention to celebrity beauty trends lately, then you might not be aware of all the skin-care products that have been flooding the market. There's everything from naked skin care masks (like this one) to avocado face treatments and everything in between. But I'm here today to tell you about a new trend that has risen up out of nowhere: Glazed Donut Skin!

Jennifer Lopez may have just out-tawned Taylor Swift

It's no secret that Jennifer Lopez has been out and about recently. In fact, she just dropped a new album called "Nueva Familia" last week and is set to appear on Dancing With The Stars later this month.

But it looks like J-Lo may have been practicing her moves in the mirror before stepping out on stage. Her skin looks like it was made of glazed donuts!

I'm a little salty about the whole thing. (You can't win them all.)

I'm a little salty about the whole thing. (You can't win them all.)

I like Taylor Swift, but Jennifer Lopez's skin is better than hers.

Jennifer Lopez has been getting a lot of attention lately for her glowy skin.

But, in all seriousness, JLo's skin is a major upgrade from T-Swift's.

But, in all seriousness, JLo's skin is a major upgrade from T-Swift's. The singer has been under the spotlight for her drastic weight loss and it looks like she has achieved her goal of being healthy and fit. Her new look shows off clear pores that are free of makeup lines or dark spots, which is great because those things can really make your face look older than it actually is!

JLO has been spotted wearing fresh-faced makeup on the red carpet at various events recently--including the Met Gala where she walked alongside Beyonce--so there's no doubt that this trend will continue into 2019 as well!

And JLo's new glow could be due to her third visit to the dermatologist in three years.

If you're a fan of JLo, then it's likely that you know she has a thing for dermatologists. In fact, she's been going to the doctor three times in three years--something we find extremely impressive!

We can only assume that her skin looks great because of all this frequent care. But what exactly does this mean?

It's so obvious that JLo has been sticking a lot of sugar on her face lately!

It's so obvious that JLo has been sticking a lot of sugar on her face lately! She looks like she just stepped out of a beauty parlor, with her skin looking brighter and younger than ever. You may have heard about this trend before, but if you haven't tried the "Glazed Donut Skin" yet then it's time to get acquainted with it!

Do not let anyone tell you otherwise: The Glazed Donut Skin is real and it's here to stay. It makes your lips look plump and juicy--and when applied generously enough, can even make your entire body glow from inside out!

You need a healthy glow like JLo's!

If you want to look like JLo, then you need to eat healthy and exercise.

Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and veggies, whole grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy products.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day--it doesn't have to be fancy or hard core; just get up off your ass and move! This will help keep your weight under control while giving your body the nutrients it needs for glowing skin (and keeping it from aging). You should aim for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity (like brisk walking), or 75 minutes if you're overweight or obese.* Don't smoke cigarettes; don't drink too much alcohol either; don't take drugs like marijuana/marijuana derivatives/synthetic cannabinoids/ecstasy etc.; get enough sleep each night (7-9 hours); don't stress out too much because stress brings all kinds of unwanted effects on our bodies including increased cortisol levels which can cause premature aging Press Tab to write more...

When Jennifer Lopez was in the news for her glowing skin last week, it was hard not to notice how much better she looks than Taylor Swift. That's because JLo recently visited her dermatologist for a third time in three years, while T-Swift has been popping pills since 2013. You may be wondering why this matters--after all, they're both beautiful women who should be able to do whatever they want with their skin! But hear me out: I'm here to tell you that there are some things (like eating too much sugar) that can make our skin look great on the outside but do terrible things to our insides (and just like your diet should be healthy for your body as a whole). So here's what we know about JLo's glowing face:


PURPLE, the color of royalty and wealth, has been making a comeback for years, from lipstick to eyeshadow and everything in between. And now it's happening again with red carpet fashion--and ladies like Jennifer Lopez have been leading the charge into this new era of purple beauty. Here are three looks that go perfectly together if you love purple (like JLo).

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    BAWritten by Bhavana aurora

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