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Is Your mobile phe making You sick?

How You can protect yourself from EMFs radiations

By Roberto NavaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Is Your mobile phe making You sick?
Photo by Baatcheet Films on Unsplash

In today's world, we are exposed to more electromagnetic radiation than ever before. The use of mobile phones, Wi-Fi, microwave ovens, power lines, and more are unavoidable, and these technologies emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can have a profound effect on our bodies. EMF radiation has been linked to DNA damage, hormone disruption, stress proteins, infertility, and brain tumors. In this article, we will take a closer look at how much EMF radiation we absorb and how our phones can potentially be a risk to our health.

The truth is, we can’t “unplug” from exposure to EMFs. Even if you don’t own a cell phone or never use Wi-Fi, you’re still exposed to radiation all day long because of power lines, cell phone towers, and 5G. Even satellites overhead generate EMFs that you simply can’t get away from.

It's alarming to know that a recent review at the School of Public Health at UC Berkeley found that spending just 17 minutes per day on your phone over the course of 10 years is associated with a 60% increase in brain cancer. This is a huge concern for all of us, especially since cell phones have become an integral part of our daily lives.

Cell phones emit a type of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation that is referred to as radiofrequency (RF) radiation. While this type of radiation is not as powerful as ionizing radiation, which is associated with X-rays and nuclear energy, it can still have a significant impact on our health over time.

One of the main concerns is that cell phones emit radiation directly into our bodies. When we hold our phone against our ear, the radiation is absorbed directly into the tissue of our brain. This can cause a variety of negative health effects, such as headaches, dizziness, and even memory loss.

In addition to the direct exposure to our brain, cell phones can also affect other parts of our bodies. For example, many people carry their phones in their pockets or on their belts. This means that the radiation is being absorbed directly into the tissue of their reproductive organs. This can negatively affect fertility and potentially increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

But it's not just our phones that are a concern. Wi-Fi routers, smart meters, and other wireless devices in our homes and workplaces also emit EMF radiation. This can cause a variety of negative health effects, such as fatigue, insomnia, and even depression.

It's important to note that not everyone is equally affected by EMF radiation. Some people may be more sensitive to it than others, and this can vary based on a number of factors, such as age, health, and genetics.

So, what can we do to protect ourselves from EMF radiation? One option is to reduce our exposure as much as possible. For example, we can limit our use of cell phones and other wireless devices, and we can use wired connections instead. We can also turn off our Wi-Fi routers when we're not using them, and we can keep our phones away from our bodies when we're not using them.

But sometimes it's difficult to do all this, so another easier option is to use products that are designed to protect us from EMF radiation. For example, the Defense Bracelet is a product that is designed to neutralize and deflect the positive ions of EMF radiation. Its powerful center is loaded with 36 minerals that generate negative ions, creating a field that can help protect us from the negative health effects of EMF radiation.

When it comes to our health, it's important to be informed and take action to protect ourselves as much as possible. While we can't completely avoid exposure to EMF radiation, we can take steps to reduce our exposure and protect ourselves from its negative effects.

In conclusion, EMF radiation is a growing concern in today's world.

Click here to discover how you can stop the dangerous EMFs radions on yourself

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About the Creator

Roberto Nava

I'am Italian leaving in another country. I like everything that is technology and i also like to write when i can do that.

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