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Hot water

Drinking hot water for weight loss

By slimbodies7Published about a year ago 3 min read

Are you exhausted from trying countless diets and weight loss strategies with no success? Do you want to reduce weight in a healthy and effective way? Go no further than hot water, a simple and widely available remedy. Yep, you read that correctly. Hot water has been proven to offer various weight reduction benefits, and we will go more into this issue in this post to help you understand how hot water can help you on your weight loss quest.

What is hot water?

Water that has been heated to a temperature between 110°F and 140°F is referred to as hot water. Drinking hot water has been a common habit in many cultures for generations, and it has a variety of health advantages, including weight loss.

How does hot water aid in weight loss?

Hot water can help with weight loss in a variety of ways. For starters, it boosts metabolism, which means your body burns more calories even when you aren't exercising. Second, it suppresses appetite, making you less inclined to overeat or snack between meals. Finally, hot water improves digestion, allowing your body to break down meals more efficiently and reduce bloating.

Hot water increases metabolism.

Consuming hot water can boost your metabolism, or the rate at which your body burns calories. As you drink hot water, your body temperature rises, causing your metabolic rate to increase. This implies that even when you're sleeping, your body burns more calories, which can help you lose weight faster.

Hot water curbs appetite.

Drinking hot water can also make you feel satiated for longer, allowing you to eat less and lose weight. As you drink hot water, your stomach fills up, sending signals to your brain that you're full. This can help you prevent nibbling or overeating between meals.

Hot water aids digestion.

Consuming hot water can help with digestion, allowing your body to break down meals more efficiently. Drinking hot water aids in the dissolution and breakdown of lipids in food, making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients. This can also help to reduce bloating and constipation, both of which can lead to weight gain.

Hot water detoxifies the body.

Consuming hot water can also aid in detoxification by clearing out toxins and waste products from the body. Drinking hot water increases blood flow and stimulates the kidneys, which can aid in the elimination of toxins from the body. This can also benefit your general health and well-being.

Hot water improves circulation.

Consuming hot water improves circulation, allowing your body to transfer oxygen and nutrients more efficiently. Drinking hot water helps to dilate your blood vessels, which improves blood flow to your muscles and organs. This can also boost your energy and make you feel more alert and focused.

How much hot water should you drink for weight loss?

The amount of hot water you should drink for weight reduction is determined by a number of factors, including your age, weight, and degree of activity. A common rule of thumb is to consume at least eight glasses of hot water every day, spread out throughout the day. You can also add lemon or honey to your hot water to improve the flavor and health benefits.

What are the side effects of drinking hot water?

Drinking hot water can cause tissue damage, reduced thirst signals, which can lead to dehydration, and increased sweating, which may necessitate drinking more water than usual while working out.

When should I drink hot water?

Drinking warm water 30 minutes before meals can help us control our calorie intake because it makes us feel full. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of warm water every day to lose weight.

How many calories does hot water burn?

1 cup of hot water (250ml) burns approximately 12 - 15 calories.


wellnessweight losslifestylehealthfitness

About the Creator


As a health and fitness trainer with over 20 years of experience, I have seen the industry evolve and change in many ways. Through it all, one thing has remained constant: the importance of experience in health and fitness training.

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