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Dumbbell and Barbell Styles: Ultimate Pros and Cons Guide

Dumbbell Guide

By Tanvi PuniaPublished 18 days ago 11 min read


Over the years, I've poured my sweat (and a significant amount of money) into weightlifting. Through this journey, I've gained valuable insights into the pros and cons of various equipment. Surprisingly, I've discovered that sometimes the simplest tools, like broom handles and water bottles, can yield great results. However, if you're seeking to make a worthwhile investment and avoid unnecessary expenses, choose your sporting equipment wisely.

In this guide, I aim to share my knowledge and help you navigate the vast array of weights available. From plastic and rubber to solid steel, there's a wide range of options to consider. Yet, selecting the right weights goes beyond mere effectiveness and cost – it's also about aesthetics (what looks appealing), comfort, and suitability.

Just as a well-crafted knife enables a chef to focus on technique, the right weights provide support, confidence, and aid in achieving fitness goals. So, let's dive into the world of weightlifting and find the perfect set tailored to your needs.

Table of Contents

  • Water Filled Dumbbells
  • Rubber And Plastic Covered Hexagon Dumbbells
  • Kettlebells
  • Screw Lock Dumbbell/Barbell
  • Adjustable Dumbbells And Barbell
  • Olympic Barbell and Dumbbells
  • Summary
  • Resources - YouTube links for additional information
  • Final Thought
  • Water Filled Dumbbells
  • Make a splash with water-filled dumbbells

Water Filled Dumbbells


Cost-Effective: These options are the most economical, particularly for those on a tight budget.

Versatility in Weight: Water-filled dumbbells are sold in various weight ranges: a lighter set ideal for beginners (5-10kg), a heavier set suited for those with some experience (15-20kg), and a heavy-duty option for advanced exercisers (20-25kg). This allows you to choose the perfect weight for your current fitness level and gradually increase the challenge as you progress.

Portability: Crafted from PVC, they are lightweight and easily foldable, making them exceptionally convenient for travel. Enjoy full-body workouts anytime, anywhere, eliminating the need for bulky and costly traditional weights.

Suitable for All Ages: Great for beginners and those needing a lighter-weight option.

Floor Protection: Designed to be floor-friendly, they prevent damage upon accidental dropping, ensuring a safe and worry-free workout environment.


Risk of Leakage: Some users have reported instances of water leakage from seams during use. This issue can be exacerbated if the product has been in possession for an extended period, as warranties may have expired by the time it is discovered.

Challenges in Filling: You may encounter difficulties in the initial filling process and may require time to adjust to the product's handling. You may need a funnel to fill, as the hole for the filling is smaller than the tap width size.

Limited weight: Water-filled dumbbells typically do not weigh as much as traditional dumbbells. This can be a limitation for people looking for a heavier weight.


When considering water-filled dumbbells, opt for products with extended warranties to minimize leakage risks. However, water-filled dumbbells may not be suitable for very advanced lifters seeking heavier weights. Consider alternative options like large water bottles, especially if you're on a tight budget or just starting your fitness journey.

Rubber And Plastic Covered Hexagon Dumbbells

Safe and versatile for everyday workouts!


Quiet Workouts: Rubber or plastic-covered hexagon-shaped dumbbells offer silent usage, eliminating the clanging noise associated with traditional metallic dumbbells when in use.

Safety and Stability: With their fixed design, these dumbbells ensure weights remain securely in place, reducing the risk of the weights falling off during workouts and providing added safety for users.

Non-Rolling Design: The hexagonal shape of these dumbbells prevents them from rolling when placed on the floor or other surfaces, making them ideal for exercising on boats, ships, or uneven terrain.

Floor Protection: The protective rubber or plastic coating on these dumbbells helps safeguard floors from potential damage caused by impact during workouts.


Limited Weight Options and Cost: Due to their fixed weight design, you might need to purchase multiple sets to accommodate progress and different exercise needs. This can be expensive, as fixed weights can sometimes cost more per unit weight compared to adjustable dumbbells. Additionally, storing multiple sets requires more space.

Bulkier Storage: Having multiple sets of fixed weights can be bulkier to store compared to adjustable dumbbells where you only need one set with weight plates. This can be an issue if you have limited space.

Perfect for Hassle-Free Workouts: Fixed-weight dumbbells are perfect for those who want to skip the hassle of continually adding or removing weight plates between sets. Just grab the set you need and get started! This allows you to focus on your workout without any pre-exercise adjustments.


While rubber or plastic-covered hexagon-shaped dumbbells offer clear benefits like quiet operation, safety features, and convenience, their fixed-weight design presents limitations. These limitations include potentially higher overall costs due to needing multiple sets and bulkier storage compared to adjustable dumbbells.Ultimately, consider your budget, fitness goals, and available storage space to determine if the convenience and unique features of these dumbbells outweigh the limitations.


Kettlebells: Compact, powerful, and essential for any fitness enthusiast!


Ultra-Durable: Their robust construction ensures they can withstand repeated drops, swings, and other forms of impact without compromising their structural integrity.

Versatile Workouts: Kettlebells offer a wide range of exercises that target various muscle groups, providing a comprehensive full-body workout experience.

Longevity Guaranteed: Investing in kettlebells is an investment in durability and longevity. Crafted from sturdy materials such as cast iron or steel, kettlebells are built to withstand frequent use and maintain their integrity over time. Unlike other fitness equipment that may wear down or require frequent replacement, kettlebells are renowned for their resilience and ability to endure even the most intense workouts.

Dual Purpose: When not in use, kettlebells can serve as effective door stoppers or as sturdy paperweights!

Single Bell Wonders: You only need one kettlebell to perform a vast array of exercises, targeting your entire body for a complete and efficient workout.


Handle Size Variations: The width of kettlebell handles can vary considerably, potentially leading to discomfort or difficulty gripping with both hands for some users. Additionally, the thickness of the handle may pose challenges for individuals with smaller hands, making it harder to maintain a secure grip during workouts. Some handles have a larger circumference, further complicating grip stability and comfort.

Technique Challenges: Certain kettlebell exercises may prove challenging due to the unique design of the equipment. Mastering proper technique is crucial for safety and effectiveness, but beginners may find it hard to execute exercises correctly without instruction or guidance. Additionally, the asymmetrical shape of kettlebells can require additional effort to maintain balance and stability during movements, posing a learning curve for some users.


Don't let the daunting look of kettlebells deter you! They're an excellent tool for a comprehensive workout, targeting multiple muscle groups and improving your overall fitness. Learning how to fully use them correctly is essential, but don't worry—there are countless instructional videos on YouTube to guide you. With consistent practice, you'll soon excel at kettlebell swings, squats, and presses, reaping the rewards of your hard work and dedication.

Screw Lock Dumbbell/Barbell

Precision and security for your lifting routine


Secure Safety Feature: One of the standout features of screw-type dumbbells is their remarkable security. With a reliable locking system, these dumbbells ensure that the weights remain firmly in place, eliminating the risk of accidental slippage. This added safety measure is particularly crucial when handling heavy weights during intense workouts, preventing potential injuries and providing peace of mind for users.

Built to Last: Crafted from high-quality materials, screw-type dumbbells are designed to withstand the test of time. Whether you're an amateur enthusiast or a seasoned professional, these dumbbells offer durability and reliability for long-term use. Their sturdy construction makes them suitable for a wide range of exercises and intensity levels, making them a valuable investment for anyone serious about their fitness journey.


Screw Hassle: The lock-collar screws tend to loosen during use, which can be frustrating for users. It's advisable to test the stability by attaching weights and performing repetitions before purchasing to ensure a secure locking mechanism.

Rolling Risk: Due to their rounded shape, screw-type dumbbells are prone to rolling when placed on uneven surfaces. This can pose challenges for workouts conducted on yachts, ships, or other unstable surfaces, potentially compromising safety and effectiveness.

Curl Clumsiness: These dumbbell bars come in varying lengths that make certain exercises, such as standing curls, awkward to perform. The longer length will cause the bars to collide during movements, affecting form and comfort. On the positive side, longer bars allow for the attachment of more weights, offering versatility in resistance levels.

Endless Screwing and Unscrewing: The process of repeatedly screwing and unscrewing all four collar screws to adjust weights can become tedious and time-consuming. This repetitive task may detract from the overall workout experience, particularly for those seeking convenience and efficiency in their fitness routine.


Their secure locking mechanism inspires confidence during heavy lifts, while the sturdy build promises years of use. However, this design comes with some limitations. Frequent adjustments might be required due to potentially loosening screws. If top-notch safety and a long-lasting investment are your priorities, screw-type dumbbells are a solid option.

Adjustable Dumbbells And Barbells

Maximize your space and strength with the Swiss Army knife of weights.


Light to Heavy: Adjustable (dial systems) weights offer a versatile weight range, from 2kg to 12kg and even up to 5kg to 40kg in other models. This variety allows for targeted muscle group training, catering to users of all strength levels.

Space-Saving: Ideal for home gyms with limited space, adjustable weights are a game-changer. They consolidate multiple sets of dumbbells into one, freeing up valuable space while offering a wide range of weight options.

Adjustable Weight: Say goodbye to cluttered workout spaces and the hassle of switching between different sets of weights. This style makes it easy to adjust the weight you're lifting with a simple twist of the dial, facilitating progressive overload training for continuous strength gains.

Ease of Use: Adjusting weights couldn't be easier. You can change weights instantly by twisting the dial, allowing for seamless transitions between exercises and workout intensities.

Replacement Parts: Some devices have a plastic dial system, which can often break with long-term use: Look for products that sell replacement parts or have a long guarantee.

Dial, Glide or Twist Mechanism?: Dial: Easy to adjust by turning a dial, but may not have the smallest weight levels.

Glide: Plates slide on a track for quick weight changes, but the center of gravity may not be centered.Twist: Plates twist to select weight, offering a wide range of increments but with potentially uneven weight distribution.


Limited Weight Range: While convenient, adjustable dumbbells may not be suitable for powerlifters or those requiring very heavy weights, as their maximum weight limit can be lower compared to individual weight sets.

Adjustment Issues: Not all adjustable weights are created equal. Some models might have adjustment mechanisms that become stiff or loose over time. Other models were hard to line back up into the slots when I removed some, which interrupted my workout flow. Because I was using the gyms weights, I could not evaluate if the problems regarding the faulty mechanism were a design fault, or from users not looking after them properly (man-handling them).

Cost: Compared to a basic set of dumbbells, they can be a great investment, but more expensive upfront.


Adjustable dumbbells are a space-saver's dream, combining multiple sets into one for versatile workouts. Their adjustable weight caters to various fitness levels. While some models may develop adjustment issues, the convenience of quick weight changes with a simple twist is unbeatable. The upfront cost might be higher, but for those seeking a versatile and space-saving option, adjustable dumbbells are a great choice.

Olympic Barbells and Dumbbells

Professional-grade equipment for serious strength training.


Luxury Lifting: Exquisitely crafted for an elevated workout experience, combining beauty with functionality for enjoyable sessions.

Built to Last: Robust and enduring, designed to withstand heavy loads and intense workouts, ensuring long-term durability and performance.

Chrome Quality: Constructed with high-quality chrome, offering superior protection against corrosion and wear, preserving the aesthetic appeal and integrity of the equipment.

Built for Strength: Engineered for power and heavy lifting, with a design that enables greater weight capacity compared to standard barbells, providing versatility and room for progression in strength training routines.

Heavy Duty Bar: This barbell boasts a solid starting weight, allowing you to perform numerous exercises without adding weight plates.

Secure your Weights: Buy 'competition-style collars' for powerlifting and heavy training, to provide maximum stability and safety. Featuring a lever and threaded screw mechanism, they lock plates tightly in place. Unlike spring-style collars, which can be less secure,


Big Bar, Big Dumbbells: The wide barrels of Olympic bars require the purchase of larger dumbbells to accommodate them, adding to the overall cost and space requirements of the setup. This can be inconvenient for users with limited space or budget constraints, as larger dumbbells may not be as readily available or cost-effective compared to standard-sized options.

Price is Expensive: Olympic bars and dumbbells are typically priced higher than standard alternatives due to their premium quality materials and construction. This higher price point may pose a barrier for some individuals looking to invest in home gym equipment.

Mismatched Weight Plates: Olympic barbell sleeves have a larger diameter compared to standard barbells, which can cause compatibility issues if you own weight plates with a smaller diameter. While larger Olympic weight plates will fit on standard barbells, smaller standard plates will not fit on Olympic barbell sleeves. However, weights designed for Olympic sleeves can also be used on standard-size barbells.


Olympic barbells offer a robust build for heavy lifting, often boasting a solid starting weight that allows you to perform numerous exercises without additional plates. Premium materials ensure long-lasting durability, justifying the higher price point for those seeking a long-term investment in their home gym. However, the wider diameter requires larger, potentially more expensive dumbbells, and might not be compatible with existing standard weight plates. Additionally, Olympic barbells are available in various lengths, and despite marketing towards specific genders, their functionality is suitable for everyone. Overall, Olympic barbells offer a premium look and feel, justifying their higher price point as a long-term investment for serious weightlifters


We've explored a variety of weightlifting options, from water-filled dumbbells to Olympic barbells. Each type offers unique benefits, but there are also important considerations to make.

Safety First: When buying online, check guarantees and return policies. Pay close attention to the size and grip of the handles. Non-slip handles, often featuring small ridges or textured surfaces, are crucial for safety and comfort during workouts. These ridges prevent your hands from slipping, especially when sweating heavily.

Testing is Key: If buying in person, test the equipment beforehand. Look for those small ridges on bars for a better grip, and consider using gloves for added comfort. Prioritise non-slip handles to prevent accidents and maximise your workout experience.

Investing in Quality: Think of your equipment as an investment in your health and fitness journey. Quality equipment, unlike water-filled alternatives, holds its value and provides long-lasting durability. Don't forget about aesthetics and comfort – you'll be more likely to stick with your workout routine if you enjoy using the equipment.

Prioritize Your Needs: Whether you prioritize versatility, durability, or aesthetics, investing in quality weightlifting gear brings long-term benefits. With the right equipment, you can enjoy effective and safe workouts for years.

I hope this review has equipped you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision about weightlifting equipment. Whether you prioritize versatility, durability, affordability, or that perfect look to inspire you during your workouts, there's a perfect option out there for your fitness journey. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual needs and preferences. Check out TrueGether, the best alternative to eBay, for getting your perfect dumbells.

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About the Creator

Tanvi Punia

I help Individuals, Coaches, Businesses, Founders, Entrepreneurs, & Marketers to grow in their businesses through Social Media by creating & designing visual content that aligns perfectly with their brand, values, and voice.🤝🏻

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  • Esala Gunathilake17 days ago

    I liked the picture. Appreciate your work.

  • Hey, just wanna let you know that this is more suitable to be posted in the Lifehack community 😊

Tanvi PuniaWritten by Tanvi Punia

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