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Can You Use Retinol and Vitamin C Together? Pros Weigh In

Skincare products, beauty and skincare tips and advice, Dermatologists tips for skin and beauty treatments, acne treatment, skincare and treatment, glowing skin care products, Facials, fair and glowing skin care products, acne treatment, wrinkles treatment, skincare, health and safety fitness, beauty care, ,Can You Use Retinol and Vitamin C Together? Pros Weigh In

By Bhavna Published about a year ago 3 min read

Can You Use Retinol and Vitamin C Together? Pros Weigh In


Retinol and vitamin C are two of the most potent ingredients in skincare, but they can be tricky to use together. It's important to know which one is better for your skin, but it can also be confusing when trying to choose between them. In this post, we'll explain how retinol works with vitamin C and why they're such powerful antioxidants as well as provide some tips on how best incorporate these two ingredients into your own routine!

What Is Retinol?

Retinol is a form of vitamin A that's found in many over-the-counter anti-aging products. It can be used on your skin to improve its appearance and reduce wrinkles, acne scars and hyperpigmentation (aka age spots).

Retinol works by stimulating collagen production, which helps tighten the look of your skin. It also boosts cell turnover so that new cells replace those that have died off or been damaged by free radicals—which are molecules produced by the body as it ages.

What Is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports the immune system and helps your body absorb other nutrients. It's also a water-soluble vitamin, meaning it can easily be destroyed by heat or light. The main sources of vitamin C in the diet are orange juice, strawberries and many other fruits and vegetables.

How Do You Use Retinol and Vitamin C Together?

There are a few ways you can use retinol and vitamin C together. You can either apply the products at different times of day, or you can use both products at the same time. If you're using them together, make sure to space them out—it's important not to overdo it!

You'll want to keep your skin well hydrated while using these products so that they don't dry out too much (which could cause irritation). You'll also want to avoid spending too long in direct sunlight while using these products because UV rays can cause damage no matter what your skin type is; check out our guide on how long the sun should be avoided during certain times of year for more info!

Choosing between the two can be challenging, but there are ways to make it easier.

Choosing between the two can be challenging, but there are ways to make it easier. You can use them together, but you'll need to do your research and find the right product.

Whether you're choosing between retinol or vitamin C, here's what you need to know:

Retinol is a form of vitamin A that dissolves in water and oil. It works by stimulating cells (such as those in your skin) so they produce collagen and elastin—the proteins that help keep our skin firm, supple and smooth. As an ingredient in cosmetics products like moisturizers or serums designed for anti-aging purposes, retinol has been used since the early 1900s as part of these types of products; however it wasn't until recently that scientists discovered how beneficial this active ingredient could be for older adults looking for effective ways to fight wrinkles.*


The answer to this question depends on your skin type and what you want to achieve. If you have acne or any other skin problems, it’s best to go with a lower concentration of retinol (0.5%) or vitamin C (10%). If you have sensitive skin and/or dryness issues, then look for one that has both ingredients in higher concentrations. In general, though, the two don’t mix well together because they can cause irritation and redness if used too often or too heavily—so be careful when choosing which one works best for your needs!

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