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Aura energy


By Karthik RajPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Aura energy is believed by some to be the electromagnetic field surrounding the human body that is influenced by emotional, mental, and physical states. While the concept of aura energy is not scientifically proven, some people find that focusing on practices that support emotional and physical well-being can help them feel more positive and energized. Here are some ways that one may try to increase their aura energy:

  • Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises, can help to calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote feelings of inner peace and tranquility. This can help to increase positive energy and improve one's overall aura.
  • Spend time in nature: Spending time in nature, such as taking a walk in the woods or going to the beach, can help to reduce stress, increase feelings of connection to the natural world, and promote a sense of calm and well-being.
  • Surround oneself with positive people: Being around positive, uplifting people can help to increase one's positive energy and improve their overall aura. This can involve spending time with family and friends who uplift and inspire, or joining a community of like-minded individuals who share similar values.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Eating a balanced, nutritious diet can help to support physical health and energy levels, which can in turn improve one's aura energy. This can involve eating a variety of whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources, and minimizing intake of processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats.
  • Engage in creative activities: Engaging in creative activities, such as painting, writing, or dancing, can help to increase feelings of joy and inspiration, which can in turn improve one's overall aura energy.
  • Practice gratitude: Cultivating a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment can help to increase feelings of happiness and contentment, which can improve overall aura energy. This can involve making a habit of writing down or verbally expressing things one is grateful for on a regular basis.
  • Get regular exercise: Regular exercise has been shown to improve physical and mental health, reduce stress, and increase energy levels. Engaging in activities that one enjoys, such as hiking, dancing, or swimming, can help to promote a sense of joy and well-being, which can in turn improve overall aura energy.
  • Get enough rest: Getting enough rest and sleep is important for physical and emotional health, and can help to reduce stress and improve energy levels. This can involve establishing a regular sleep schedule, avoiding electronic devices before bedtime, and practicing relaxation techniques to promote restful sleep.
  • Practice self-care: Taking time for oneself and engaging in activities that promote self-care, such as taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, or getting a massage, can help to reduce stress and promote feelings of well-being. This can in turn improve overall aura energy.
  • Seek energy healing practices: Some people believe that energy healing practices, such as reiki or acupuncture, can help to balance and improve the flow of energy in the body, which can improve overall aura energy. It's important to consult with a qualified practitioner and do research before trying any new healing modality.
  • Cleanse the aura: Some people believe that negative energy can accumulate in the aura, which can lead to feelings of fatigue or low energy. Cleansing the aura may involve practices such as smudging with sage or palo santo, taking a salt bath, or using crystals such as black tourmaline or selenite to clear negative energy.
  • Use aromatherapy: Essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, or citrus can help to promote feelings of relaxation and uplift the mood, which can improve overall aura energy. This can involve using a diffuser, applying the oils topically, or incorporating them into a bath or massage.
  • Wear colors that resonate with you: Some people believe that wearing certain colors can help to enhance the energy of the aura. Experiment with colors that feel good to you and see if they improve your mood or energy levels.
  • Be present in the moment: Being fully present in the moment and focusing on the present can help to reduce stress and increase feelings of well-being, which can improve overall aura energy. This can involve practices such as mindful breathing or body scanning.

yogaself caremental healthmeditationhumanityhealthbodybeautyaging

About the Creator

Karthik Raj

I am a cool guy

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