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After a Successful Diet, Here Are Some Tips to Keep the Weight Off


By sandi galihPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

You could need new clothes to accommodate your slender body if you recently lost weight. But hold on, are you certain you can keep your weight off? since recent studies have shown that when dieting or losing weight, body weight jumps suddenly. What caused the weight to start returning so quickly? The College of Public Health and Health Professions at the University of Florida in Gainesville's Kathryn Ross responded, "There are many different reasons, and there are no simple solutions."

Perhaps people require particular therapeutic approaches where the emphasis is placed on how to maintain weight loss rather than how to reduce weight. The following are the things that make you gain weight after dieting and how to keep it off:

1. Environmental elements

According to Ross, people must also be aware of how difficult the world is and how it adapts to weight increase as a result of the simple accessibility and seeming limitless supply of high-calorie foods. When they lose weight, they experience a lot of positive reinforcement. Family and friends may encourage you in your diet or even make negative remarks about it.

2. Modifications in physiology and metabolism

If you don't stick to a diet plan, Samantha Heller, a dietician, claims that there are additional physiological and metabolic alterations that can make it simpler to put on weight again.

3. Slowly control your weight

According to Heller, the weight loss and treatment are difficult. Heller said one approach to deal with this is to lose weight slowly, by making adjustments that are healthy. The body is dependent on weight, and while you are dieting, if you are too hungry, the body doesn't think food is accessible, so the body urges you to eat more.

4. Keep up your healthy eating habits

Treatment and weight loss must be ongoing. You can maintain your healthy eating habits while on vacation if you put a lot of effort into doing so. You should use caution when trying new meals, but it doesn't mean you can't. Information from 70 persons with overweight or obesity who underwent a 12-week weight control program was included in the current study. Participants lost one kilogram every week on average. But as soon as the weight intervention was over, the weight began to return. In the first 11 weeks, participants gained back roughly 0.15 kg every week. The study found that weight increase slightly slowed back 32 weeks after the trial's beginning. Ross stated that the scientists anticipated a lengthier period of weight maintenance before resuming. He clarified, however, that these results do not imply that it is impossible to lose weight and keep it off.

5. Maintaining a change in behavior

Maintaining behavioural changes is one of the factors that contribute to the success of weight loss maintenance. Numerous daily concerns that can aid in weight maintenance.

6. Careful exercise

While physical activity can be a key element of weight maintenance, Ross said, people might need to exercise more than is advised. According to him, maintaining weight may require between 200 and 300 minutes of exercise per week, or roughly 5 hours.

Do everything in your power to change your environment to suit you. Our environment has a significant impact. For instance, he doesn't even have to consider how he will exercise each day because he cycles to work every day. According to Ross, one of his clients has a hard time passing a particular donut shop without stopping since the sight of it makes them hungry. Ross advises the customer to choose a new route home so he won't encounter that difficulty every day. Please give Ross's advice a try if you want to maintain your weight after dieting.

After learning how to keep our diet program successful, we must understand how we determine whether the diet we are following is unhealthy.

Numerous people must diet in order to achieve a superior physical appearance. We can lose weight by doing this, after all. Unfortunately, a lot of people continue to eat poorly, which negatively impacts their bodies' health.

What symptoms actually indicate that our diet is unhealthy?

Dramatic reduction of weight

We should be careful of drastic weight reduction even though losing weight is the major objective of diet programs. Numerous instances demonstrate that a body that feels unfit together with a weight loss of more than 5 kg in a single month is a sign of a health issue. Ideally, we follow a diet plan that is implemented gradually and regularly, resulting in monthly weight loss of no more than 2 to 3 kg.

The physique has lost its form

Diet should improve physical health and fitness. However, if the contrary occurs and our bodies experience fatigue, helplessness, pallor, duller skin, or even menstrual phase irregularities, we can be certain that the diet we are following is extremely unhealthy and must be abandoned right once.

Easy to offend

Diet should stabilize our mood in addition to making our bodies healthier and more physically fit. Unfortunately, our poor diet causes the body to hunger, which dramatically lowers the blood sugar level. The body will also be more susceptible to stress, which will make us angrier and moodier.

has a crazy fixation with thinness

Even while the ultimate objective is to lose weight, it's important to avoid becoming fixated on certain numbers or sizes that lead us to become obsessed with being thin and cause us to overlook the stages of a healthy and gradual diet. Excessive fixation may cause us to abstain from eating, which is detrimental to our bodies' overall health.


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About the Creator

sandi galih

My article is about healthy and fitness . I want to share my article and give advantage for reader

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