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3 Breathing Exercises That Can Help Relieve Stress and Anxiety

How Breathwork can change your life, one breath at a time.

By CharlenePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Vie Studio: https://www.pexels.com

As hectic as life can get we must not forget how important our mental and physical health is to our everyday life. Taking a second to stop, and take a few deep breaths will benefit you more than you know.

Anxiety affects 3.1% of the U.S. population. Large amounts of stress that is undealt with can lead to high anxiety levels. High anxiety levels can cause a disruption in your every day life and routine, thus making it difficult to perform normal tasks.

When we don't feel right, we don't act right. Stress is inevitable, and a busy lifestyle can certainly bring up a ton of stress.

Breathwork is various breathing techniques used to practice intentional breath to calm the mind, and body. Breathwork techniques are known to help improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

There are many different techniques people practice to help decrease stress and anxiety levels. Here are 3 breathing exercises that can help relieve stress and anxiety:

  • 4–7–8 Breathing
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing
  • Resonant Breathing
  • 4–7–8 Breathing

4–7–8 is a breathwork technique that helps reduce fatigue giving your mind, and body the opportunity to slow down as it calms you. This technique is known to help lower your stress and anxiety levels as it has helped many people regulate their fight-or-flight response.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate Nostril Breathing is a breathwork technique that is often practiced during meditation and helps you practice breath control. This technique relaxes your heart rate giving your physical and mental health the opportunity for improvement as it helps reduce your stress and anxiety.

Resonant Breathing

Resonant Breathing is a breathwork technique that is practiced at 5 breaths per minute - breathe in count to 5, breathe out count to 5. It is known to help regulate your autonomic nervous system allowing your mind, and body to relax. When your body is relaxed and focused it helps calm your stress and anxiety.

You know that saying, "you can't pour from an empty cup?"

Yes, it is absolutely true! Life will always be busy, especially when you have goals and responsibilities. Breathwork is a proven outlet that works magic! It allows you to fill your cup back up, giving you the opportunity to pour into all the necessary areas that make life better.

I was diagnosed with Lupus about five years ago, breathwork has allowed me to breathe in life in a more clear and positive way. My anxiety levels have lowered and my sense of focus has completely heightened, allowing me to get more activities done in a shorter time. It helped reduce fatigue and allowed my muscles and joints to relax, reducing any pain caused by inflammation.

Breathwork is the miracle I was searching for. Especially on those tough days where I have tried everything and felt like I have not received enough relief, breathwork has really done wonders.

I stand by these techniques, and I must say they are certainly worth the try. Find out which technique you think will best work for you and your needs. Consulting with a doctor before the start of any breathwork lesson is a must. Not everyone can practice breathwork, checking with your doctor is 100% recommended especially for those who have serious neurological, pulmonary, or eye complications.

Take the leap, be cautious first, find your comfort in breathwork and breathe life back into your mind, body, and soul. I promise, it is worth it!

Giving up isn't an option, especially now that you've learned to control your breathing and learned to breathe life back into yourself. So if it is one thing you should remember, it is to keep on breathing!

SOURCES: othership

Original story on Medium


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she/her Creative Writer, Poetry, Blogs, Short Stories, Articles. Thoughts become letters, letters become words, & it all forms sentences that turn to magic!

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