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Top Reasons Why Change Is Good

Don't be afraid to evolve into who you were meant to be.

By CharlenePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich: https://www.pexels.com

There's no growth without change.

One of many reasons why change is good, is that change allows us to continue our path forward and experience new things in life. It allows us to experience things outside of our comfort zone and grow within each moment. It allows us to remain focused on a new path whether we find ourselves scared or not it helps us build confidence in ourselves.

Change allows us to evolve into something we have never imagined we could be because we were far too scared to even give it a try. And the moment we see the change and how much it has flourished is the moment we notice our growth. And the moment we have noticed our growth is the moment we see ourselves for the first time in a new light. Once we're there, there is no turning back.

Find comfort in your discomfort.

It isn't always easy when you step outside of your comfort zone, but it is healthy to do so in order to grow. When seeking for change, you must step all the way outside of your comfort zone. When you step outside of the lines of your routine you challenge yourself to new things, things that will help change you in ways that could ultimately help better yourself.

Another reason why change is good, is that it helps you find out your limitations in life, what you're able to handle, and the things that are too hard for you to take on. It helps you figure out who you really are and what you're capable of, so that the next challenge in life won't be that tough because you were a little more prepared this time around. We should always test our abilities, we must continue to build our strength up while pushing ourselves to the limit. Just keep going.

Don't ever hesitate to change for the better. Find your reason and push through and you'll find yourself on the road to a better life. Change is just as beautiful as growth, and when you find yourself on that journey don't ever hold back, go full force and embrace each moment. When you hold yourself back you find out that you've missed out on a bunch of things that could have benefited you tremendously in the end. Don't hold yourself back, once you have tested the waters jump right in.

Life is so much sweeter and adventurous outside your comfort zone.

No one said the journey will be easy, but from experience I can honestly say it is almost always worth it and any sacrifice necessary to better yourself and exceed any growth wanted.

I have to say I've been feeling a bit optimistic about change lately as it is a part of growth and lack of growth was the reasoning behind all the changes I've decided to make thus far. I've realized that failed relationships doesn't make you a failure. I've realized that my sexual preference doesn't define me. I've realized that sticking to your passion is a million times more fulfilling than following the root of all evil. As these three things were once a bother I now realize how happy I am with who I've grown to become as an individual, with my career choice, and also with who I choose to love. Because it's all about growth. It's all about change. It's all about learning. It's all about loving who you are. It's all about believing you have what it takes to revert any thoughts of failure in any way. And this all comes with patience. And I thank God for patience.

Don't give up on change, it can only make things better.


About the Creator


she/her Creative Writer, Poetry, Blogs, Short Stories, Articles. Thoughts become letters, letters become words, & it all forms sentences that turn to magic!

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