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Work from Home Fails: The Hilarious Hazards of Turning Your Bed into an Office

Navigating Blanket Beasts, Breakfast Disasters, and Mid-Meeting Naps in the Coziest Office Ever

By Utkarsh SinhaPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
What you think you do while working remotely

Ever since the world went remote, my bed has been more than just a place for sleep. It's an office, a dining room, and sometimes, a conference hall. Yes, my bed has seen more PowerPoint presentations than a corporate CEO.

The first couple of days were heaven. Why hadn't anyone thought of this before? I could work in my pajamas, have breakfast in bed, and take power naps during lunch breaks. I was living the dream – quite literally.

But then came the challenges. First, there was the 'Pillow vs. Laptop' saga. My soft, squishy pillows refused to provide a stable platform for my laptop. Every time I'd get comfortable, the laptop would do a somersault worthy of an Olympic gymnast.

Then there was the ongoing battle with the Blanket Beast. The Blanket Beast is an elusive creature that somehow manages to wrap itself around you in the most inconvenient ways. I've lost count of the number of meetings I've almost missed because I was wrestling with the Blanket Beast.

Let's not forget about the Food Fiascos. Breakfast in bed sounds great, until you have orange juice splashed across your keyboard and toast crumbs lodged between the keys. My laptop has seen (and tasted) more breakfast foods than it ever wanted to.

And let's address the elephant in the room, the napping! Oh, the temptation of napping. When your workspace is also your nap space, the lines get blurry. More than once, I've woken up with the imprint of my keyboard on my cheek and my boss's voice in my ear asking if I'm still there.

And one of the biggest hazard of working from bed is the Invasion of the Domestic Creatures. Be it your cat walking across your keyboard, your dog howling in the background of your conference call, or your kids deciding to use your 'bed-office' as a trampoline, working from bed is like navigating a minefield of distractions.

Did I mention the Phantom of the Odd Background Noises? That's when your household appliances decide to form an orchestra during your most critical meetings. The hum of the washing machine, the whir of the blender, the microwave's joyous 'ping!' – they all join in for a symphony of disruption.

And who can forget the Surprise Mirror Horror? That's when you catch a glimpse of your reflection on the laptop screen and realize you're showcasing a hairstyle that would make Medusa green with envy.

Oh, and then there's the haunting of the Snooze Specter, the ghostly entity that casts its soporific spell on the most diligent of us. Imagine this: you've got an early morning meeting. Your alarm rings, you slam the snooze button, and go back to sleep thinking you'll be up in a flash.

But alas! The Snooze Specter has other plans. It lulls you into a dreamy oblivion where 'five more minutes' turns into a full-fledged REM cycle. You wake up with a start, only to realize you've overslept and your meeting has started without you.

Despite all these challenges, do I plan to move my office out of my bed? Absolutely not! Because for every keyboard imprint on my cheek, there's the joy of working in my comfy pajamas. For every battle with the Blanket Beast, there's the sweet victory of a midday nap.

So here's to the bed-office! It may not be perfect, but it's the best thing that's happened to work since the invention of the coffee machine. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a conference call with my pillow. As they say, "Keep your friends close, and your pillows closer."


About the Creator

Utkarsh Sinha

Tinkering with my writing skills day in day out. I'm a person who likes quality over quantity. Stay tuned!

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  • Lamar Wiggins11 months ago

    That was pretty funny. The way you painted it was engaging as well. "A symphony of disruption" 😅 was probably my favorite line...Good stuff.

  • C.Z.11 months ago

    Oh my gosh, so funny. I love all the names, the alliteration is on point. I feel like we’ve all dealt with at least one of these monsters.

  • Fun read. I like the blanket monster... I've been tangled in that one before.

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