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US-Nigerian Claims Black Race isn't For One Woman, Women Need to Accept Polygamy; Race isn't Real His Statement is False

There is no DNA called Race - Black, White or other so his statement is not biologically correct

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Photo created by the author in Canva

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

By: TB Obwoge

It's always the impoverished and unattractive men that claim that polygamy is the life to live. However they never want to allow their women to marry more than one man. They are the ones who will more than likely beat their women, or kill them if they cheat with another man.

It's 2023 and people continue to live with this outdated minds. Where marriage is a joke and women are supposed to settle for a man who has multiple women, without money to care for them, making several babies that will never know the love and attention of their fathers.

Amazingly while people blame families for how badly adults are turning out these days, there are men who don't care about things like loyalty and monogamy. These men have no idea what loyalty and love mean.

However they do care about themselves. Yesterday in Nigeria a man with 2 wives welcomed 2 babies on the same day. So not only do these 2 girls have to share a birthday with their half-siblings they have to share their father's with 2 women. God knows how many children this man will end up making with his now 2 wives, because one day he'll add to them.

While the children will not have a full time father. Or a man who knows commitment or loyalty. These girls will grow up feeling less than as they'll be raised that they're not good enough for their own man but to have a shared man.

Here is the Facebook post below:

Men should not be with one woman - Rapper, Speed Darlington

US-based Nigerian rapper, Darlington Okoye, popularly known as Speed Darlington, has stated why men should not be with one woman.

The rapper stated this in an interview on 'The Honest Bunch Podcast'

He stated that being with one woman was tough and that people were imposing the principle of one woman on themselves.

He said, "We (men) are not supposed to be with one woman. There is so much temptation in cheating with one. The temptation is great. We dey force ourselves with this race of one woman.

"Africa sef normally, black race, we lack the race of one woman. I am hoping she (lover) will be open to polygamy. That way there is no cheating. I am not outside embarrassing you."

Credit: Instagram // thehonestbunchpodcast

This man can barely speak yet he's wanting more than one woman, then possibly pro-create children who would more than likely be as poorly educated as him. There is no such thing as race, it's not a part of DNA or biology, it doesn't exist.

Also not everyone born in Africa is Black skinned. This is the common misinformation spread mostly by Black Africans. They think you are not African if you aren't Black, with many thinking as far as you're not Black if you're not born in Africa.

Polygamy in many parts of Africa causes the worst poverty and many Africans don't seem to care to stop doing it.

Almost 43 percent of households where the man is in a polygamous union are poor compared to 27 percent of those in monogamous unions, says the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. Poverty reaches 46 percent in households where the woman is married to a polygamous man who does not live with her, it says

Source: Reuters

15 Animals That Mate for Life

Lovebirds, Oldfield Mice, Atlantic Puffins, Coyotes, Seahorses, Dik-Diks, Bald Eagles, Albatrosses, Beavers, Gibbons, Swans, Shingleback Skinks, Scarlet Macaws, Red Foxes and Sandhill Cranes. So this man is saying 'Black Africans' can't remain with one woman for their entire lives? This. makes Blacks seem pretty much lower than animals.

Perhaps he should re-think is statement.

Not only are Africans ignoring the ills of polygamy, there was no place in the Bible where God said that polygamy was right. The more examples given of polygamy showed how many issues it caused. The Bible also says that leaders should not have more than one wife, so a man that takes more than one wife isn't a leader & never plans on being one.

So women shouldn't choose to be with a polygamous man, he'll never be a leader.

Another thing ignored by many Africans is the fact that race isn't real and the African continent has several racial issues taking place. They're the cause of much fighting, hatred and discrimination.

Look at Tunisia, Egypt and Sub-Saharan African countries not accepting light skin Blacks are real Black people. Countries with rampant skin bleaching like in West Africa, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria.

Colorism like in Ethiopia, South Sudan and even Ugandans have been insulting a darker man from South Sudan attending university in Uganda.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey's House efforts in Gender Equality & Children's Rights.

©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved


About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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