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New Face

New Face on Vocal Media

By MarxPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
New Face
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Hello everybody and welcome to my post, Im your host Marx, I was born and still live in Northern Europe, my culture and languages has been significantly influenced by the Germans, and Russians. My intrests consist of languages, cultures, history, politics, self improvement, stoicism, hunting, farming, digital marketing, manipulation and conspiracy theories.

I promise you Im not a nutjob, atleast I like to think that. My biggest wishes to retire my mother and grandmother, help people get jobs in the region I live in since we lack work places here and finally to own a Koenigsegg. When I can achieve all of these things then I know I have indeed made it in life and I can live (hopefully) the rest of my days in peace.

A little look in to some of the topics im interested in, I love the Hungarian culture and history, best memory of Hungary is near the lake of Balaton. I like mainly history topics about the Roman Empire(s), WW2 and the ''bronze age time'' espicially about the region of North-eastern part of Europe. I like the world politics, how everyone influences the world In their own way, biggest figures being Russia, USA, China, Israel, Germany and France. Self Improvement is one of the most important ones to me, I started getting into that after my first major breakup, that broke something in me and I changed for the better from that day on. Farming is what I like to say forced intrest, since I my family deals with agriculture and I have been working aside them for the past 3+ years. Manipulation I like because I like to know all the tips and tricks so if id get into a scenarium with somebody then I can see through their lie, not because I wish to manipulate others for my own personal game, but I will admit that I have done that in the past, sometimes unconsciously sometimes not, but that is the beuty of human nature id say.

Since Vocal will not approve my story unless I write a 600 world story so I have to rant abit more. So I guess I have to expand a bit of a certain topics.

Let's start with languages and cultures. Since I have traveled the world and have visited more than 10 countries in my life time and have compared different cultures and languages to my native language and culture Im quite fond of them, I like to analyze what we have in common and what we have in complete opposites. My last trip was in October, I visited Italy, specifically Sicily, landed near a place named Trapani where I went near Palermo to a small place named Mondello, I was quite shocked about the traffic there, they have some next level nerves, Anyway the people were quite nice, saw some frauds that tried to get us to pay a ''parking ticket'' but It was quite see through that he was a homeless guy trying to make the days salary. Biggest thing that disappointed me there was the food, I only found 2 places that server good quality cheap food, regular dishes we're about 20euros per person (including food and the drink), but the food was most likely frozen before hand. Some where in central of Palermo we found a restaurant that served the best Lasagne I hade ever had, I even asked for more and I felt like a pig after that, that was truly fantastic. Also we went to some slumps places where they had the street market, damn I really didn't buy anything besides the fruit cups or whatever they are called there and even the squids and octopus tasted quite good. I don't really eat fish or any kind of seafood but that was truly amazing, so I strongly recommend that.

New and last topic, is self-improvement. I got into that by listening to the one and only Andrew Tate also his brother Tristan, but they are like they are, I out grew them quite fast. I moved on to listening Joe Rogans podcast, that I loved and there I found a man named Graham Hancock, so I started searching about him a bit, I was especially interested in the amazon soil that was better than every other soil in the world. After that I found intrest in Hamza and at the moment I like to listen to Iman Gadzhi, a brillian man in my opinion, truth be told I haven't seen all of the videos he has made or heard every opion that he has on certain topics but I like him, atleast at this very moment.

Thank you for reading my first post, I hope it wasn't a boring read if even anybody reads this. A like and a comment about what topic I should focus on next will be appreciated! Stay safe and love each other people.

By Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

travelscienceliteratureinterviewhumanityfriendshipfamilyfact or fictiondiydatingcelebritiesbreakupsadvicepoliticshistorybusinessadvice

About the Creator


A young 20 year old man from eastern europe here to talk about self-improvement, history, motivation and some stories from my life.

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