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7 Common Texting Mistakes Men Makes

Learn The Ideal Way To Text A Girl You Like

By GconnectPublished about a year ago 6 min read

One of the most frustrating things is when you receive a woman’s number (and she appears to be absolutely into you). But then after a few texts, she appears to lose interest, fizzle out, or get cold.

The natural instinct is to point the finger at the woman. “She’s a flake…”

However, if you do so, you risk overlooking a huge crink in YOUR GAME that is much easy to correct than you might believe.

In fact, if you’re like most guys, you’re probably making one (or more) of these common ‘texting’ blunders that can frustrate your chances with a girl.

Texting women may be really perplexing…(What should I write, what did her last text signify, how long should I wait before texting her again, is she not responding to my texts?)

The worst thing is when the female stops replying or seems to vanish for no apparent reason… you never know why…

It’s likely for it to be rooted down to one of these mistakes below. Despite the fact that all of these errors are minor, they have the ability to abruptly eliminate interest. So let’s get started.

Mistake #1: Confusing Responses for Attraction

She won’t feel much of a connection to you until you’ve had your first date with her. You’re probably not the only guy texting her, as awful as it may be.

When it comes to messaging a girl, most guys make the mistake of mistaking responses for interest.

When a guy receives a response from a female, he often thinks he’s moving closer to seducing her or getting her on a date.

In fact, the exact opposite is true!

The more texts you send before meeting up with a girl, the worse your chances of meeting up with her are! That’s right: even if a female RESPONDS to your texts, you’re not getting yourself ANY closer to actually getting her out on a date.

Instead, use less words to communicate more. When deciding what to text a female, see if you can state it in a simpler, less text-heavy way.

“How’s your day?” or “Enjoying the warm weather?” are common texts sent by men to ladies. These texts will not help you get any closer to a woman! They simply ask for a response (which means nothing).

Ask yourself this golden question to ensure you never spend another text on meaningless chit-chat: How is this text bringing this girl and I closer to a date?

Remove the text if your response is just “to get to know her better.” It isn’t going to aid you in any way.

Mistake #2: Not Conveying “Fun”

Here’s the straightforward truth. When a lady offers you her phone number, she is NOT agreeing to go out with you…And she’ll definitely avoid meeting up with you until it appears to be fun for her.

So, if you send her uninteresting texts that don’t show any personality or trigger any feelings, she’ll think you’re not worth the effort of meeting up with.

Here are some signals that you’re not being fun.

  • Am I being formal and stiff? “Hi. It was nice meeting you on Friday.”… (too stiff. formal)
  • Am I pressuring her to keep the conversation going?
  • Am I bothering her by asking her a question?

Always keep in mind that every text you send should make you appear to be the FUN OPTION. Her chance to get away from her mundane day.

Mistake #3: Not Having a Texting Style

If you’re texting a beautiful woman, you’re probably not the only guy she’s receiving texts from today. I’m sorry to have to break it to you.

However, she has a lot of guys vying for her attention, including ex-boyfriends, coworkers, classmates, and others.

So, if you want to get noticed, your texts must reflect your distinct style and personality. By reading it, she should be able to tell it’s a text from you (even if the name was blocked).

What are your signature words, phrases, punctuation, or emoticons?

Mistake #4 Having Long Text Conversations

Text conversations are NOT the same as actual conversations. Texting should serve as the “super cool” summary of a normal conversation. In other words, don’t bother with the formalities.

The longer the conversation, the more likely it is to go wrong or cause awkward confusion. Every time you pick up the phone, dive directly into the meat of the conversation. Begin with anectdote and with a playful moniker.

Find a strategy to elicit an emotional response from her and persuade her to give full attention to you.

Mistake #5: Going for the Meetup without Sparking Emotion

Here’s just another cold, hard fact. You will almost always be turned down if you ask a woman to hang out without first eliciting an emotional response.


Because all of the good feelings she had when you were around have faded.

And getting dressed up and going out to meet a guy she hardly knows (with the risk of turning out to be a creep or just awkward) isn’t worth it.

She can simply talk herself out of it logically.

That’s why you need to connect with her on an emotional level initially.

Once you’ve triggered a good response in a woman, getting a “yes” is much easier.

Flirting and comedy are the two most effective methods to accomplish this.

Here’s something to keep in mind: she’s not going to recall all of your nice characteristics. As a result, it’s your responsibility to remind her.

Mistake #6: Becoming too “Predictable”

Let’s say you’ve finally managed to set up a date with a female. You may believe you’re home free when it comes to texting but there are several things you should keep in mind to ensure you continue to see your girlfriends.

To begin with, you should avoid falling into predictable routines. Many guys repeat the same jokes, ask the same questions, and send the same texts over and over. It’s tempting to fall into “complacency” with a lady you’re dating, but don’t!

Instead, add some spice to the mix every now and then. Tell her you’ll show her a “surprise” later. Tell her something reminded you of her, but don’t tell her what it is immediately. Request that she send you an amusing photo of something (or send her a funny picture of something).

You’ll keep her interested in you if you keep her guessing what your text will be. Furthermore, when it comes to having a fantastic sex life, keeping the “spark” of a relationship alive is crucial.

You should have your female texting you, asking when you’re available to hang together, as long as you don’t become too predictable.

Mistake #7: Thinking She’s Different

“Never tell a girl how you feel about her over text,” I’ve repeatedly emphasized…Day after day, I get letters from students informing me about how they texted a girl to profess their feelings…

They always manage to scare the girl away.

You’ll try to persuade yourself that “She is different” in your head Or that

“It won’t work on her,”.

However, the moment you convince yourself “she’s different,” you’re on your way to losing her…

Guys are constantly doing stuff like:

  • Texting her excessively
  • Texting her effusive praises
  • Not inviting her to hang out because they’re afraid…

And they’ll have to deal with the same problems that the other guys have…


So now that you know the big mistakes you need to avoid, its time formulate a solid game plan.

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