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Reverse Psychology To Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend

Learn The 3 Deadly Relationship Sins

By GconnectPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Why You Lost Your Girlfriend (And How You Can Get Her Back)

It’s true that being dumped is a horrible sensation. There is no doubt about that. You might go insane thinking about all the things that went wrong in your relationship at times.

However, the ultimate conclusion is that your relationship ended because your girlfriend’s lost attraction for you. It wasn’t because you strewn your filthy laundry all over the home or because “it’s her, not you…”; it was because the base of her attraction to you vanished, and it was your fault.

Though there are strategies to “re-attract” your girlfriend (which I’ll discuss in a moment), you must first comprehend why she rejected you. Only then will you be able to figure out how to reclaim her.

The Three Deadly Relationship Sins

This is what I like to call it. Now, I’m not saying you did all of these things, but chances are you did display at least one of these traits, which essentially pushed your girlfriend to leave you (even if she claims she left you for another reason).

The first Deadly Sin is being way too controlling, which is a problem that over half of men experience in their relationships. Men who impose unreasonable limitations on women’s lives repel them.

While it’s necessary to assert your control in a relationship, you also need to know when “enough is enough.” If you don’t, you shouldn’t be surprised if your girlfriend or wife decides to leave you.

The second Deadly Sin is a little strange, but constantly seeking external validation from your partner is a significant turnoff. What exactly does that imply? It suggests you’re always looking for your girlfriend’s approval.

Using queries such as, “Do you have feelings for me? Do you think I’m in good enough shape? Do you think my penis is big enough for you? Did you enjoy yourself?” Women are turned off by you. It’s as if you’re telling her you’re not confident or good enough… and it reeks of insecurity.

The third Deadly Sin is being always jealous. Were you envious of her flirting with other men? Perhaps she was hanging out with a man buddy whom you were skeptical of…

If you did show this emotion, don’t be surprised if your partner lost interest in you. Jealousy is the most extreme manifestation of insecurity.

How do you “re-attract” your girlfriend now that you know only a few of the relationship killers?

To begin, I’ll use some of my most effective psychological approaches. Yes, even if things appear bleak right now, if you know what you’re doing, you can bring her back.

Even if you think your relationship with your ex girlfriend is over, I’m sure there’s a method to make her fall passionately in love with you once more (or at least make her want to sleep with you again). When a man is dumped, he often begins to act like a complete jerk.

They’ll begin to grovel for forgiveness and beg for second chances. If you’re doing one of these mistakes, you’d best start paying attention to what I’m saying… because you’re probably doing something right now that’s pushing your girlfriend away from you and into the arms of another man.

Are you struggling to find the words to send to your ex-girlfriend to get her back? Read this article to know more...

Is Your Ex Girlfriend ACTUALLY Over You? 3 Reasons Why She Probably Isn’t…

Your partner has been largely deceiving you. Yes, she most likely told you that your relationship with her was “completely over,” but is it really? I’m here to tell you that she’s lying… and that if you play your cards right, you may easily rekindle her love for you.

All you need to do is know what you’re doing. And if you follow my directions to the letter, she’ll be at your side right now, pleading for mercy (and sex).

The fact that she was attracted to you in the first place is the first reason I know your girlfriend isn’t over you! That attraction to you is still there (albeit it has faded).

All you have to do is communicate to her subconscious and convince her that she still has feelings for you. You have to learn how to “press the correct buttons,” which you’ll be able to do in no time with my help.

She’ll be hammering on your bedroom door, wanting to indulge in hot sex with you, if you press the correct buttons. The fact that you and your ex had so many memories together is the second reason I know your ex isn’t over you.

Both of you have had excellent experiences. You and your friend have a few inside jokes in common. These “memories” and “experiences” are what bring people together. You now have an advantage over every other guy on the earth… all you have to do now is figure out how to activate her attraction mechanism (more on this later).

The last reason is that she is at ease with you on most levels. She may not be comfortable seeing you right now because she just broke up with you, but she knows you on a fundamental level.

All you have to do now is take advantage of this and you’ll be well on your way to reuniting with your ex-girlfriend. There’s a reason why you’ve probably heard a lot of stories about ex-lovers having “breakup sex.”

Breakup sex is far more common than you might imagine… but I can assist you even if you’re looking for something other than breakup sex.

5 Things You Must Do If You Ever Want Your Ex Girlfriend Back

There is a technique to get your ex girlfriend back, no matter how bad things are with her.

If you’re reading this and want your former girlfriend back, pay close attention to the facts on this page because I’ll reveal some secrets about women that most guys will never know.

Don’t get jealous: Jealousy reeks of insecurity, and this is just the number one killer of attraction. If you’re a jealous person, resist the impulse to exhibit your feelings around your ex-girlfriend.

Give her space: Yes, it may seem difficult and counter intuitive, but leaving her alone is one of the most effective ways of reintroducing her into your life. However, you must do so in a very specific manner. It won’t be enough to simply avoid her. You must speak to her subconscious and make it appear as if you don’t want to speak to her right now.

Recover emotionally: If you’re upset because your ex girlfriend dumped you, believe me when I tell there’s nothing you can do or say right now to make her love you again. The more you press her on the matter, the less likely she is to want to reconcile with you.

It’ll have to start with you if you want your ex-girlfriend back. That suggests you need to stop yearning and get back on track with your life. Increase your physical activity. Begin by picking up some enjoyable hobbies. Begin socializing with your peers. You’ll be well on your way to getting her back into your arms in your bed if you do whatever it takes to “get over her.”

Start dating other women: This is my best-kept secret. You’re killing two birds with one stone by dating other ladies. To begin with, dating other women is one of the most effective strategies to move on from your ex-girlfriend. Second, if your ex learns that you’re dating other women, she’ll become envious and want you back. When this happens, you’ll be ready to pounce and reclaim her (without her even realizing it!).

Begin to seduce her (properly!): Only after you’ve completed steps 1–4 can you begin to rekindle her love for you by sending her my patented psychological techniques, which I’ll explain in a moment. She’ll be crying by your side, wondering why she ever broke up with you, if you use some of my techniques. She’ll be pleading with you to return to her.

Does it seem too good to be true? That isn’t the case. This has happened to me countless of times. It makes no difference if you broke up with your partner last week or a year ago. My methods are non-discriminatory. They’re that powerful.


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