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6 Texting Styles That Reveal Your Personality - Which One Are You?

Do Your Texting Habits Affect Your Relationships? - A Look at the Research

By KamyaPublished about a year ago 5 min read
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Have you ever sent a text message to someone that you believed sounded appropriate, but the person who received it, later informed you that you were impolite?

When you try to explain yourself, saying that it was just a text, they might counter by saying that the usage of a period made you seem abrupt. Your message might have appeared ambiguous, or the recipient might have interpreted it differently. Since texting does not allow you to hear someone's tone or see their facial expressions, you often dismiss these incidents as mere misunderstandings. But have you ever considered that your texting style may reveal your personality traits?

If you are a frequent texter, you likely have a distinctive texting style that characterizes you. Here, we will discuss five texting styles that could indicate certain aspects of your personality.

It's possible that you have a blend of different styles, each conveying a different message.

Photo by Karl Solano:

1) You quickly send multiple short texts or use textisms.

If you're someone who sends multiple short texts or uses textisms, it's likely that you scatter your thoughts into several messages and immediately text a thought as soon as it comes to mind. This type of texting personality suggests that you are an energetic person who has a lot of friends and is generally popular, making texting an easy form of communication for you. Your messages are often quick and filled with abbreviations, emoticons, and other informal language known as textisms( lol, omg, wtf...).

While some might view these types of messages as illiterate or lazy, that's often not the case.

Researchers from Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam conducted a study that found a positive impact on grammar and executive functions in children who used textisms in their texting. Previous research has also shown that the use of textisms can enhance children's written language abilities. Contrary to the belief that the use of textisms may lead to a deterioration of language skills, this study proves otherwise. So, if you're the type of person who frequently sends quick and short messages filled with textisms, you may actually be improving your grammar skills in the process.

2)Paragraph texts

Do you tend to write lengthy and well-thought-out texts? If so, it suggests that you are someone who values the context and details of a conversation. You take the time to express yourself fully and often enjoy delving into deep conversations.

According to the insights of relationship coach Nazanin Marzban, if you tend to be detail-oriented in your texts, it suggests that you prefer things to be stable and predictable. When faced with problems, you prefer to take a detailed and analytical approach to find a solution. However, you may not come across as assertive in your text messages because you are not as expressive with your emotions in general.

3) One-word responses

If you tend to respond to text messages with one-word replies such as "good" or "k", it may indicate that you have a more reserved personality and are not as open about your thoughts and emotions. You might be someone who is busy and doesn't have a lot of time to spare. Perhaps you are introverted and enjoy spending time alone more than socializing.

Since you are not as forthcoming with your emotions in text messages, you might not be too concerned with the length of your responses. In any case, you tend to focus on the present moment and prefer face-to-face communication over texting. You are an independent and sensitive person who approaches situations logically, but be aware that some people may interpret your short texts as negative. A study from Bingham University revealed that one-word texts that end with a period are often perceived as more negative than those without.

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4) Use of Emoji

Are you someone who frequently incorporates emojis into your text messages? This behavior suggests that you are a person who is comfortable expressing their emotions and values honesty. When communicating via text, you want the recipient to understand precisely how you are feeling. To avoid any potential misinterpretation of your messages, you may use emojis to convey the tone.

Researchers Amanda N. Gesselman, Vivian P. Ta, and Justin R. Garcia conducted a study that indicates that emojis can be an effective means of communicating affection and building intimacy. Using emojis with potential romantic partners can lead to more opportunities for face-to-face interactions and evaluating compatibility. If you are happy, sad, or have any other feeling, you won't hesitate to use an appropriate emoji to express yourself.

5) Perfect Grammar

Do you place a high value on proper punctuation and grammar in your writing? If so, this inclination likely carries over into your texting and email communications. However, studies have shown that using punctuation, such as a period, in text messages can be interpreted as insincere or negative.

Researchers from Binghamton University found that texts that end with a period are perceived as less sincere compared to those that do not. Another study showed that one-word texts with periods are interpreted as more negative than those without. If you prefer using correct grammar in your texts, it may indicate that you are a thoughtful and analytical person who prefers in-person conversations over texting. Your attention to detail and desire for logical reasoning may drive you to end your messages with a period.

Photo by Michelle

6)Differences in Texting Styles

It may come as a surprise to you that if you and your friends use different texting styles, they might not comprehend the intended tone of your message.

According to a survey conducted on people in romantic relationships, having a similar texting style to your partner leads to a more satisfying relationship. This does not imply that your partner needs to text you more often, but rather that you both should have a similar texting persona.

The findings, as stated by Leora Trub, Ph.D., indicate that the way couples text is more crucial to the happiness of their relationship than how frequently they text.

Have you identified with any of these texting personas? Which texting style do you use? Do you mix and match different styles of texting? It's important to remember that everyone has their own way of texting, depending on the situation.

People tend to text their colleagues in a different style than their family, and their family differently than their friends. If you ever find yourself confused by a text that may be ambiguous or rude, it's always better to ask the sender in person what they meant or how they were feeling.

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About the Creator


We should enjoy every moment fully, fall in love, make the most of our time, and live without regret. We should cherish the fact that there are still many moments in life that we have yet to experience for the last time.

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