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The New Year Is Here Is it Bad...Drinking on Keto?

If you're following a ketogenic diet, you may be wondering if it's okay to drink alcohol on New Years. After all, alcohol can be high in carbs and may not fit in with your low-carb meal plan.

By Keto Friendly FoodsPublished about a year ago 3 min read

However, there are ways to enjoy alcohol while still following a keto diet. In this article, we'll explore the topic of drinking on keto, including the best low-carb alcohol options and keto-friendly foods to pair with your drinks.

In this article, we'll cover the following main points:

  1. The impact of alcohol on ketosis
  2. Low-carb alcohol options for the keto diet
  3. Keto-friendly foods to enjoy with your drinks

By reading this article, you'll learn how to enjoy alcohol while still sticking to your keto diet and maintaining ketosis.

Also read: The 7 Best Keto-Friendly Wines By: Sofia Norton, RD

The Impact of Alcohol on Ketosis

When you're following a ketogenic diet, your body enters a state of ketosis, in which it burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. Alcohol can interfere with this process, as it can disrupt your body's metabolism and cause it to start burning alcohol for energy instead of fat.

Quote: Dr. Simonds Metabolics & Weight Loss

It's also important to consider the amount of alcohol you consume. Drinking in moderation is generally okay on a keto diet, but overconsumption can definitely disrupt ketosis.

In summary, alcohol can impact ketosis, but the type and amount of alcohol you consume can make a difference. It's important to choose low-carb options and drink in moderation.

Read more about The Impact of Alcohol on Ketosis, from Medical News Today, By Dr. Katherine Marengo LDN, R.D., Nutrition — By Claire Sissons

Low-Carb Alcohol Options for the Keto Diet

If you're following a ketogenic diet and want to enjoy a drink, there are plenty of low-carb options to choose from. Some of the best low-carb alcohol options for the keto diet include:

  • Vodka
  • Gin
  • Tequila
  • Whiskey
  • Rum

These spirits are typically lower in carbs and can be mixed with low-carb mixers, such as soda water or sugar-free tonic water. It's important to avoid mixers that are high in sugar, such as regular tonic water or fruit juices, as these can add a lot of extra carbs to your drink.

New Years Eve 2021

In addition to spirits, there are also some low-carb beer options available. These include light beers and some craft beers that are made with alternative grains, such as almond flour or coconut flour.

While these low-carb options can fit into a ketogenic diet, it's still important to drink in moderation and be mindful of your overall carb intake.

20 Best Keto Cocktails from InsanelyGood.com

Keto-Friendly Foods to Enjoy with Your Drinks

While alcohol can fit into a ketogenic diet, it's important to also consider what you're eating with your drinks. Some keto-friendly foods to enjoy with your drinks include:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Cheese and meat platters
  • Deviled eggs
  • Olives
  • Avocado or guacamole
  • Cucumber slices with cream cheese

These snack options are high in healthy fats and protein, which can help balance out the effects of alcohol on your body. They can also help keep you full and satisfied, so you're less likely to overindulge on high-carb foods.

By Jay Wennington on Unsplash

It's also a good idea to have a meal with some protein and fats before you start drinking, as this can help slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream.

By choosing keto-friendly foods to enjoy with your drinks, you can help minimize the impact of alcohol on your ketone levels and keep your body in a state of ketosis.


It is possible to enjoy alcohol while following a ketogenic diet, but it's important to choose low-carb options and drink in moderation. By pairing your drinks with keto-friendly foods, you can help minimize the impact of alcohol on your ketone levels and maintain ketosis.

If you're interested in learning more about following a ketogenic diet, get a copy of our new book Keto Friendly Foods Meal Ideas.

For more information about the ketogenic diet and alcohol, check out these additional resources:

How To Navigate Holiday Parties On The Keto Diet, Dr. Simonds Metabolic & Weight Loss

Resource Page: The New Year Is Here Is It Bad Drinking on Keto

Let us know your thoughts on drinking on keto in the comments below. Do you have any go-to low-carb alcohol options or keto-friendly snack ideas? Share them with us!

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Keto Friendly Foods

Welcome to Keto Friendly Foods, your destination for all things related to keto-friendly foods and a healthy lifestyle! We are passionate about helping individuals embrace the benefits and make it easier for you to achieve your goals.

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