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The benefits of raisins

the benefits of raisins

By Abderrazak ZteouPublished about a year ago 8 min read
The benefits of raisins
Photo by Karyna Panchenko on Unsplash

What is raisin

Raisins are sun- or dehydrated grapes, and although they both have the same nutritional content, the nutrients in raisins are more concentrated, such as calories, vitamins, and minerals.

Due to its delicious taste, it is included in many foods, such as cookies, muffins, and chocolate, and some use it with salads and others.

Raisins should be eaten in moderation because they contain a high amount of calories, and nutrition experts advise people who suffer from the need for sugar during the diet to eat a handful of raisins to provide them with their need for sugar in addition to benefiting from the vitamins, minerals and fiber it contains.

The nutritional value of raisins

Nutritional value of 100 grams of yellow raisins:


302 calories

total fat


Saturated fat


sodium (salt)

12 mg

total carbohydrates

80 grams

Dietary fiber

4 grams


59 grams


3.4 grams

nutrients in raisins

calories and sugar

Like other dried fruits, raisins contain a high amount of calories, as a cup of raisins contains 216 calories and 42 g of sugar.

Therefore, attention should be paid to the amount of raisins that a person eats in his daily diet, and in a study conducted on raisins, researchers concluded that a handful of raisins has the ability to provide athletes with sufficient energy to practice moderate to vigorous sports.

Dietary fiber

Half a cup of raisins contains between 6-12% of the body’s need for fiber daily. Fiber helps to feel full for a longer period because it keeps food in the stomach for a longer period. It also helps improve bowel movement and prevent constipation. Studies have also proven the importance of fiber. In lowering harmful blood cholesterol.


1/2 cup of raisins contains 7% of the daily iron requirement for women and 17% of the daily iron requirement for men.

Iron plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the different cells of the body.

Iron deficiency leads to anemia and the consequent imbalance in the human body, so a person should keep eating foods that contain iron.


1/2 cup of raisins contains 5% of the daily human need for calcium.

Calcium plays an important role in building and maintaining teeth and bones. Women are advised to take it daily to protect them from osteoporosis.

Raisins also contain a small amount of boron, which is necessary for the work of vitamin D and calcium in building and healthy bones.


Raisins contain natural antioxidants that stop the effect of harmful oxidants that lead to damage to body cells that may cause various cancers.

Antimicrobial materials

Studies have shown that raisins contain substances that maintain the health of gums and teeth, as these substances kill microbes that cause infections in the oral cavity, which makes raisins a healthy alternative to sweets.

Health benefits of raisins

Raisins have many health benefits, which are:

Supplying the body with energy

Raisins are a rich source of carbohydrates, especially natural sugar, and usually provide a person with energy when he feels lethargic and lazy. It is also an excellent snack for athletes, whether before or after exercise, as it provides the body with the carbohydrates it needs for the best physical performance, especially when practicing medium and high intensity exercises.

The fiber in raisins increases the volume and weight of the stool and makes it softer, which facilitates its passage through the intestines and prevents constipation.

Prevention of iron deficiency anemia

Raisins are one of the few plant foods rich in iron, which is a very necessary mineral for the human body that plays a major role in manufacturing the hemoglobin protein that transports oxygen to all cells of the body. Therefore, eating raisins daily in moderate amounts contributes to the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Raisins are a good source of calcium, which is important for building strong teeth and bones and maintaining their integrity, so women who have passed menopause are usually advised to eat it to protect them from osteoporosis that often develops with age, in addition to the fact that raisins contain boron, which works With calcium and vitamin D to maintain healthy joints and bones, and prevent their fragility.

Enhancing a sense of satiety

Raisins are considered a healthy snack to eat when following a healthy diet to lose weight, because it contains fibers that enhance a sense of satiety by slowing down the stomach emptying process, which contributes to reducing the number of calories eaten later, and thus weight loss.

Reducing cholesterol levels

Fiber also contributes to lowering blood cholesterol levels, especially bad cholesterol.

Provide the body with antioxidants

Raisins are a very rich source of phytonutrients, such as phenols and polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that contribute to the elimination of free radicals and protect cells and DNA from oxidative damage, which prevents many diseases such as cancer, heart disease and strokes. It is worth noting that raisins are golden. Color contains antioxidants in greater quantities than other types.

Microbial prevention

Raisins contain phytochemicals that support the health of the gums and teeth, including oleanolic acid and linolenic acid, which all fight oral bacteria that cause cavities, so eating raisins as a snack instead of cakes, biscuits, candy or other Sweets in maintaining teeth.

Treating and preventing constipation

Benefits of raisins for children

In addition to the many benefits of raisins, its benefits specifically for children are:

Raisins treat constipation in children, by soaking the raisins for a whole night, then the child drinks the soaked raisin water, and this drink improves bowel movement.

Adjusting acidity levels in children's bodies, and because raisins are rich in potassium and magnesium, these two elements are responsible for adjusting acidity levels in the body, and because increased acidity in the body may lead to tumors, heart disease, hair loss, and dysfunction in internal organs.

Raisins can be introduced to the child at the age of 8-9 months.

The harm of raisins to children

Since raisins are a sugary food, eating them may cause bacteria to accumulate in the child's teeth, causing tooth decay and enamel erosion.

To solve this problem, specialists suggest mixing raisins with other foods and serving them to children, or eating them before bed, followed by brushing the teeth and then sleeping. It is recommended to brush the teeth immediately if eaten during the day.

The benefits of raisins for sex

Raisins are foods rich in vitamin A, selenium, potassium, iron, and B vitamins. Therefore, raisins may enhance sexual health by:

Raisins are rich in vitamin A, and vitamin A deficiency can cause impotence, because it is involved in the synthesis of the hormone progesterone, and this hormone controls the entire menstrual cycle in women, and vitamin A maintains the health of the lining of the vagina and uterus. In men, vitamin A deficiency may lead to atrophy in the testicles, and reduce the effectiveness of the kidneys in the production of sex hormones.

Raisins are rich in vitamin B, and one of the main functions of vitamin B is to maintain the completion of the metabolism process in the right way, and the lack of vitamin B in the body will lead to a decrease in sexual stimulus, lethargy and fatigue.

Raisins contain selenium, which studies have proven to maintain the quality of the sperm produced, as it improves sperm motility and thus increases the chance of pregnancy.

The benefits of raisins for sexual intercourse

Raisins contain the amino acid arginine, which helps in the production of nitric oxide, which maintains a healthy blood flow to all parts of the body. intact to this area, and the same effect occurs in women as well, as it helps in reaching blood to their genitals.

The benefits of raisins for memory

Among the most important benefits of raisins for memory:

Raisins are a rich source of boron, which stimulates attention, memory, and hand-eye coordination.

And because it is an important source of vitamin B, it improves the function of the nervous system and thus the work of the brain and memory.

Add raisins to the diet

Raisins can be eaten in several ways, either as they are raw, or by adding them to dishes, salads, or desserts. Here are ideas for adding them to the diet:

It can be added to healthy oatmeal biscuits that are prepared without the use of flour.

It can be added to salads to add a sweet and savory taste.

Energy bars or granola bars can be prepared at home and raisins can be added to them.

Raisins can be added to some types of pasta.

Making raisins at home

Raisins can actually be prepared at home by following these steps:

Bring high quality grapes and remove large seeds from them.

Wash it off with cold water.

Spread it on a tray, preferably with holes that allow air to pass through, and put it outside in a sunny and dry place, and turn the grapes over to ensure that they are exposed to the sun from all sides.

Wait two to three days and then it will be ready.

It must be emphasized that raisins, like other dried fruits, contain sugar in large quantities, so excessive consumption of it without paying attention to the total number of calories eaten during the day may lead to weight gain and high levels of triglycerides in the blood, so it is recommended to eat it in moderation, while it It is recommended to eat approximately two cups of fruits per day. Half a cup of raisins is equivalent to one cup of fresh fruits.

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About the Creator

Abderrazak Zteou

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