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The 12 Deadly Signs of a Marriage Designed to Last

Marriages can, without a doubt, be quite challenging to maintain.

By The Lost GirlPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Every time you choose to get married to an individual, you are making a lifelong commitment. You should always ensure that your initial marriage will also be your last.

Marriages can, without a doubt, be quite challenging to maintain. And there are times when you merely need assurance that you are moving in the right direction. To maintain your marriage, you should make sure that both you and your spouse are doing the appropriate steps.

You want to be certain that you and the individual who you decide to tie a knot with can make things work forever. You wouldn't merely want to "try out" something to see if it would work. Make an effort to make it work.

According to relationship experts, if your marriage exhibits any of the following characteristics, you may actually be in a long-lasting marriage.

1. You accept and adore each other for who we are.

You experience the kind of passion that most people can only imagine. The majority of individuals would wait their entire lives for the kind of affection that you possess. You always make a point of loving one another unconditionally and without conditions. You possess that unbounded, boundless kind of love.

2. You always stand for one another.

As you pursue your ambitions and dreams in life, you will always be there for one another. You would never obstruct your partner from achieving their objectives. And they wouldn't behave similarly towards you either.In life, you always attempt to encourage and push one another.

3. Your communication is always open and truthful.

Being open and truthful with each other about you both and your relationship is something you both prioritise. Never try to keep something from one another. You should never intentionally keep each other in the dark.

4. You always show each other tolerance and understanding.

You are aware that you won't always act honourably in your marriage. You all try to be as tolerant and patient as possible with one another because of this. You need to ensure that you both have the freedom to make mistakes occasionally. You don't demand too much of yourself to be flawless.

5. You absolutely no trouble maintaining your modesty.

You both have the humility to admit that there are times in the relationship when you both make mistakes. You must watch out that your egos don't stand in the way of a long and happy marriage.

6. Your marriage is your top priority.

Your marriage is clearly a top priority for both of you. You still make certain that your marriage is at the top of your list of priorities, despite the fact that the two of you may have a lot going on in your lives. You are aware that if you want your marriage to succeed, you must make time for it.

7. You constantly express thanks.

You never fail to express your love and admiration for your partner. You make sure your partner is aware of how much you value everything that they provide for you and the relationship.

8. You and your spouse continue to have physical intimacy.

For the two of you, intimate physical contact is always crucial. You are aware that your marriage requires that you continually grow closer to the other person. And because you know that physical intimacy is essential to heightening your relationship's intimacy, you always partake in it.

9. You have the maturity and civility to settle disputes.

It's possible that you won't always concur. However, you are aware of how to handle any conflicts or fights you may experience as a pair. You constantly put the relationship's demands before what you want to be correct.

10. You go above and beyond to simplify each other's life.

You two are really committed to going above and beyond to make one other's life simpler. You always make an effort to help one another. You do each other's shopping without asking anything in return. You simply want to provide the best level of comfort for one another.

11. You continue to be devoted to the connection.

You two genuinely maintain your commitment to one another. You are both aware that maintaining your relationship will take a lot of work, effort, and dedication. And you accept the challenge head-on. You both make a commitment to continually improve your marriage.

12. You treat one another fairly.

There is no one in the connection who is more or less significant. You two are true companions who treat one another fairly. Your partner is not something you elevate. But you also don't think of yourself as superior to them. You are really working as a team to overcome all of your obstacles.

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About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

You can buy me a coffee HERE😊

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