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Processed to distress

The Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods on Mental Health: Exploring the Link Between Ultra-Processed Foods and Psychological Issues

By shrey Published 6 months ago 4 min read
Processed to distress
Photo by HamZa NOUASRIA on Unsplash


‘Come on’ , ‘you’re fine! Oh please don’t overreact to everything ‘, ‘just stay happy na!’ …. These are not very new words to the person who is suffering from anxiety, the people around them may try to encourage them by saying this. But the thing is - what can be the worst situation when a person is in a problem but he/she doesn't know how to get rid of this situation, actually they even try to stay happy sometimes but they can’t. The ultra-Processed foods, especially artificial sweeteners can increase the chance of depression, stress, anxiety by 3x , and the dark reality is that they are really addictive substances . If someone consumes this type of food on a daily basis they can get lost in the loop. Because it becomes a comfort for them and when they are depressed they also try to get some of these foods, but these foods don't heal them but obviously increase stress.

RESPONSIBLE : Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, Saccharine, Sucralose are the part of zero sugar soft drinks, even more dangerous! In a latest study [24 March, 2022] they found that Aspartame increases the risk of cancer. In other studies these are linked to heart disease, stroke, the toxicity of kidneys and liver, diabetes, birth defects and mental health problems.

Ultra-processed foods are a category of food products that undergo extensive processing, often involving the addition of numerous artificial ingredients, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. These foods are typically high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and refined carbohydrates, while lacking essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The consumption of ultra-processed foods has been linked to various health issues, and emerging research suggests a potential connection between these foods and depression.

Several mechanisms may explain the link between ultra-processed foods and depression:

Poor Nutritional Quality: Ultra-processed foods are often devoid of essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that are important for brain health. A diet lacking these nutrients can contribute to an increased risk of depression.

Imbalanced Gut Microbiota: Ultra-processed foods can negatively affect the composition of the gut microbiota, which plays a significant role in regulating mood and mental health. An imbalance in gut bacteria may lead to inflammation and subsequently impact mood.

Blood Sugar Fluctuations: The high sugar and refined carbohydrate content in these foods can lead to rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, which can affect mood stability and potentially lead to symptoms of depression.

Additives and Preservatives: The artificial additives and preservatives in ultra-processed foods may have adverse effects on brain function, potentially contributing to mood disorders.

Overconsumption: Ultra-processed foods are often engineered to be hyper-palatable and may lead to overeating, which can result in weight gain and obesity. Obesity is a known risk factor for depression.

While research on the direct link between ultra-processed foods and depression is ongoing, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that a diet high in these foods is associated with an increased risk of developing depression and other mental health issues. As such, it is crucial to prioritize whole, unprocessed foods in your diet to support both your physical and mental well-being. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can positively impact your mood and overall mental health.

The highly processed nature of the ultra processed foods and it’s deconstructed from its original ingredients put back together again and it usually has a list of other ingredients that are not found in whole foods are really harmful for our mental health. When we consume foods we get natural sugars that completely fulfill the needs of our body. But added sugar are the things that we put into our food while preparing. But according to the American heart association our body does not require any added sugar so the body requires 0 added sugar. The most dangerous thing about sugar is that you can become addicted to it in the same way as people get addicted to drugs. So the dark reality of packed food that can be stored in refrigerator are really dangerous because they may behave like slow poison, so always we should take care of ourselves and our diet.


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I like to discuss very deep about all human qualities. And when the question rises "WHY" behind the consequences that we have accepted as a very simple or general phenomena. I love to discover that WHY.

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