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By Freeborn OPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Navigating through the intricate steps of a curated guide, one finds a peculiar roadmap designed to ensure a constant state of dissatisfaction and despair. Let's delve into the nuances of each guideline, exploring the subtleties of self-sabotage and emotional turmoil.

Step 1: Commencing the Day

The initial directive encourages an unhurried start to the day, dismissing the notion of a punctual awakening. The objective is to ensure the commencement of the day when others have already gained a head start, setting the stage for a perpetual sense of catch-up and missed opportunities.

Step 2: The Domestic Landscape

Creating a living environment reminiscent of a chaotic jigsaw puzzle becomes the subsequent strategy. Each room, originally designed with specific purposes, transforms into a battleground of disorder, symbolizing a disorganized and unmanageable life.

Step 3: Embracing Procrastination

Procrastination emerges as a key component in the pursuit of misery. The art of delaying tasks, especially those that could enhance productivity or bring a sense of accomplishment, is actively encouraged. The procrastinator is urged to delegate responsibilities to a mythical future self presumed to possess boundless motivation and energy.

Step 4: The Illusion of Productivity

An intriguing paradox unfolds in the fourth step, where the emphasis shifts to appearing busy rather than accomplishing actual tasks. Opening a document becomes a facade, concealing a dive into digital platforms. The illusion of productivity is maintained while life stagnates.

Step 5: A Passive Approach

The advice takes a passive turn, discouraging proactive measures in pursuing opportunities. Waiting becomes the mantra, whether it be for the dream job or the perfect relationship. Action is rendered unnecessary, as the universe is expected to align opportunities with one's idleness.

Step 6: Mastering Refusals

Social and professional interactions become casualties in step six, as the individual becomes adept at declining invitations and opportunities. The goal is to create an aura of extreme busyness, dissuading others from seeking involvement.

Step 7: Building Emotional Fortresses

Step seven delves into the psychology of suspicion, urging individuals to harbor doubts about others' intentions. Trust is dismissed, and emotional walls are constructed to shield against perceived malevolence. Genuine connections become casualties of perpetual skepticism.

Step 8: Resisting Self-Improvement

The eighth step advocates for a stagnation in personal growth. Activities that perpetuate feelings of inadequacy are championed, reinforcing the belief that change is impossible. The status quo becomes an unalterable reality.

Step 9: Focusing on the Uncontrollable

A shift towards external locus of control defines step nine. The focus is redirected towards external factors—traffic, government, or the pandemic—as sources of frustration. The individual is encouraged to feel powerless in the face of an ostensibly chaotic world.

Step 10: Fear as the Driving Force

Fear takes center stage in step ten, positioned as the primary motivator. Setting intimidating deadlines and creating an environment of constant threat become tools to propel oneself forward, albeit driven by anxiety and dread.

Step 11: The Comfort Zone Conundrum

Step eleven cements the comfort zone as the ultimate authority. Activities outside this zone are avoided at all costs, hindering personal growth and denying oneself the chance to gain fresh perspectives or experiences.

Step 12: Entitlement and Uniqueness

Entitlement becomes the focal point of step twelve, with individuals encouraged to believe in their uniqueness. This perception hampers genuine connections, fostering an outsider complex that isolates one from potential support systems.

Step 13: Escaping Reality through Daydreams

The final step urges a mental escape from reality. Daydreaming of an idealized life becomes a coping mechanism, redirecting mental energy away from solving problems or self-improvement. The chasm between fantasy and reality fuels resentment and perpetuates a cycle of misery.

In conclusion, this elaborate guide, presented as insightful advice, intricately weaves together various elements to ensure a perpetual state of dissatisfaction. Each step, seemingly innocuous on its own, contributes to a web of self-sabotaging behaviors that, when woven together, create a tapestry of discontent and perpetual dissatisfaction.

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About the Creator

Freeborn O

Hey I'm Freeborn and just like you, I'm trying to figure things out and become my true self. Join me as we explore this phase of our life together. I write vlogs on self growth and self fulfillment which is tailored for your improvement.

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