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Ever wondered what it might be like to control your dreams?

By Phoenix Daily ConspiraciesPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 3 min read

You may or may not have hear the term dreamworld. It just so happens it’s my most favourite place to visit. A place where the mind can exist entirely without the body. All limitations go flying right out of the window, as can we. We’ve all had dreams. As toddlers we have nightmares and other enchanting dreams, and as adults the themes tend to switch to much more world like and strangely realistic settings. Dreaming has always sparked my interest and been of the many wonders of human experience that I find truly remarkable.

We essentially fall into a coma every night for a whole 8 hours, and sometimes if we’re lucky we get access to another reality. One capable of far greater things than we can ever begin to imagine in this reality. Something I find really interesting is how we as individuals perceive our dreams, and how this can differ for each person. From speaking to others about their dreams and from reading up online it appears that some people report only dreaming in black and white, others reported only ever dreaming in first person and never seeing themselves in a dream. Dreaming can be a different experience for each person and can only be interpreted by the creator.

The idea of perception within a dream can be a very difficult concept to extrapolate when interpreting my own dreams. Usually in my dreams I am able to see from 3 different perspectives. I am able to see a full 360 degree view of everything going on at all times, however I am also able to do this from first person as I am myself. The third perspective is the notion that I am able to view the dream as a whole as if I am not a part of it at all. As if I’m viewing it on a television screen. I’m unsure about the idea of, is this something I have always been capable of? or is it something I have learned to control more over time as I’m becoming more aware inside and outside of dreamworld.

Although dreaming can differ for everybody, one thing is for sure. We all have certain dreams that stick with us forever. Something I experience that continues to haunt me is, my minds ability and want, to think of and show me imagery from a dream I might have had 6 years ago. A dream I had no recollection of until that point. It doesn’t ever appear to have any obvious meaning behind it, however my all of my senses are heightened and I feel deeply connected to the place or person that I saw.

I know I’m not the only person who can’t help but feel, and know that there is a more deeper and much more powerful meaning behind dreams. There is something about being awake then you’re asleep that is so powerful and that is that there are no limitations. In a lucid state you can actually become fully aware whilst dreaming and gain complete control over your dream. Becoming a regular lucid dreamer seems to be some sort a gift. I know some people who report being able to do induce a lucid dream every night. Others have reported having experiences of lucid dreaming however it not being something they were able to predict or make happen themselves. Either way I find this truly amazing how our mind can completely exist in another reality without the limitation of our body. Another report that is common in the world of dreams is the intense connection we have with our dreams. Dreams can feel so real that upon waking people report having high anxiety and feelings of disorientation. This is something I can personally relate too. The intensity and realness of a dream can be completely consuming as so when I wake up I feel extremely disconnected to my surroundings, almost like I’ve just been stripped away from ‘reality’

At least once a day, allow yourself the freedom to think and dream for yourself.

-Albert Einstein

We all hold the power to control our dreams, we all have the ability. There are many ways you can begin to learn the art of lucid dreaming. Over many years throughout my journey I have learnt many different ways.

Follow this link to begin learning advance lucid dreaming techniques. Embark on a truly life changing experience that will change the way you dream forever!

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Phoenix Daily Conspiracies

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