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An Open Letter to 2SLGBTQ+ Youth

By Christy MunsonPublished 8 days ago Updated 8 days ago 4 min read
Photo by Natalie Kinnear on Unsplash

Hello and thank you for reading my letter. I'm honored to have a few moments of your time, and am pleased to connect with you as an ally.

QVV & ViM assure me that this letter will be shared with young LGBTQ+ persons. As such, odds are good that you, dear reader, are embarking on numerous journeys—discoveries of identity, self, gender, sexuality, independence, interdependence, community, relationships, even love (to include self-love and self-respect). For most people, these journeys, while new, intimidating, and possibly overwhelming, become exciting, fun, and life-affirming. That's how it should be. Life should be one amazing, wild, joyful adventure filled with the unexpected. I want that for you. You deserve happiness.

I wouldn't presume to know you. I also respect that your fears are your own. I cannot possibly know what your authentic battle requires of you.

But I do know this: I'm proud of you! You are stronger and braver than you know yourself to be. You prove me right every time you encounter a road block or a closed mind. You are stronger than hate's hurdles, and you can, will, and do overcome them—but you shouldn't have to.


I imagine how paralyzing, terrifying, and isolating being young and LGBTQ+ might be. I get that navigating your relationships might put you at odds with people in your life. I'd take on that pain for you if I could. No one should have to fight to express his/her/their identity. You deserve to be seen and valued, respected and appreciated exactly as you are.

You were created perfect. You are perfect. You don't have to prove anything to anyone.


I have seen this world become transfixed by instant gratification—with ever-present digital platforms, selfies and cell phones, apps and opinions, along with hateful judgment borne of criminal ignorance. No one should have to deal with that. It saddens and angers me that your community is so horribly mistreated. Please understand that hate is a mirror. Even when pointed at you, hate has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the hate monger.

It's a testament to your character that you keep going, keep seeing the beauty, keep being real, keep forging your path. You prove my point, time and time again. You're resilient, and that's truly amazing. You are exactly the light this world needs.


You might not need to hear this, but if you do, allow me to whisper some truths that bear repeating: You are worthy. You make this world better! Do not give up. Do not give in. You are worthy. You make this world better! Do not give up. Do not give in. You are worthy. You make this world better!

Consider this letter a gigantic, warm, endless hug to which you may return as often as you want or need. This letter is yours. It's always here seeing you, celebrating you, appreciating you, validating you, caring for you—in the sparkling light of day and in your darkest hours.

By Anastasia Sklyar on Unsplash

Should you ever need someone to listen, please know that you can find me and other allies on Vocal. If the need is more pressing, or you just want to hear another caring human on the other end of the line, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is always standing by.

You are not alone.


Face it. You are artwork and, as the artist, you decide when the masterpiece is ready to be shared with the world. Each brush stroke helps to form, transform, and inform the portrait. It takes time, but there's no rush. You do you. Come out, don't come out. You decide. You are valued exactly as you are.

This is your life. These are your choices. No one can take them from you or make them for you.

Please know that your allies hear your silence, sing your anthems, and stand in wonder at your magic.

By Alexander Grey on Unsplash

We already know that you are perfect — flaws and all.

We also get that life can be a hot mess. And that's okay. Try not to wallow in the downturned moments. Depression and procrastination seldom help. Failing is a test, but just a test.

Keep at it. Give yourself permission to try and fail, or try and succeed, because your best life starts with trying. Start immediately. Then start again, every time you choose to, at your own pace.

As the Levellers will tell you, "there's only one way of life, and that's your own."



Be patient with yourself. Treat yourself with kindness. And insist that others do the same. You deserve that. After all, you are the only person ever who gets to be you. How cool is that?!


By Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I've included links following this letter. The links will bring you to your tribe on Vocal and on Facebook. Reach out. Connect. Make friends with good people who seek to understand your journey and you. Many have walked a similar/relatable path. From this point forward, you are only alone if you choose to be.

If you retain only one thing from this letter, let it be that there is limitless beauty in your Pride. I am awed by that, and by you.




Copyright © 06/17/2024 by Christy Munson. All rights reserved.

Author's Notes: Author's pronouns are she/her.

This letter was written for A QVV & ViM Pride Month Collab, Letters to Our Queer Youth.

Queer Vocal Voices is the only 2SLGBTQ+ writers and readers Vocal affiliated group on Facebook.

Voices in Minor (ViM) (Vocal & Mus'd) is a Facebook group for readers and writers on Vocal and Mus’d. "We all rise when we lift each other up."

Pride MonthIdentityHumanityCommunityAdvocacy

About the Creator

Christy Munson

My words expose what I find real and worth exploring.

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Comments (10)

  • Caroline Craven8 days ago

    Definitely felt the hug Christy. You’re everything an ally should be. It’s still such a pity that we need to have these conversations. It’s 2024. Surely we should be over this by now. Great stuff.

  • Babs Iverson8 days ago

    Superbly written letter!!! ❤️❤️💕Loved you spectacular line, "hate has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the hate monger."

  • Lamar Wiggins8 days ago

    This felt like a giant hug. I can see the potential it has for positive impact within the youth community. Well done, Christy!

  • Gael MacLean8 days ago

    Such heart! Very real.

  • Gonna make me bawl 😭💕

  • John Cox8 days ago


  • What a wonderful display of humanity ❤️ giving what we all deserve, love and respect

  • Hannah Moore8 days ago

    I'm always struck how no one who identifies as straight is required to come out.

  • Now this definitely was a warm, gigantic hug and it made me smile. Loved your letter SOOOO much!

Christy MunsonWritten by Christy Munson

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