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Who Are You?

One Of The Most Important Questions In Leadership

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 6 months ago 3 min read

There is a question that nearly everyone answers wrong...

Who are You?

When you ask this question, you will get a lot of different answers.

Many people will reply with their name.

Yes, we all have a name, but You are more than a name.

Others will talk about what they do for work.

Work is great, and it helps give context, but You are more than a job.

Then others will talk about their Family, Relationships, and Friends.

These can be important of course, and who you spend time with can reveal a lot about you, but You are not these other people nor are You just the connection you have with them.

There is another group of people that will answer with the things they Enjoy Doing or the things that give them Energy.

Those are Fun, and can help create Connections, but these are still not You.

It isn't that these aspects of your Life are not important, but YOU are significantly more than these aspects.

In our world today, we tend to Identify ourselves in things that are outside of ourselves.

It is almost second nature to most people.

But it is very problematic.

When You Identify yourself "as" things outside yourself, you will ALWAYS be at the mercy of everything outside of yourself.

Your Future will be pushed in directions that you cannot control.

See, what you believe your Identity to be ends up shaping everything in your Life.

When we allow forces outside of ourselves to "be" our Identity, it always shapes our lives in ways we cannot control, and in ways that do NOT benefit us in the long-term.

If we are truly Leaders, we cannot let these outside forces shape up.

Leaders need to be able to dictate their own Future, but when outside forces dictate our lives, then our Future becomes determined against what we may want or need.

It is also inevitable that these things outside ourselves WILL change.

When we have Identified "as" those things outside ourselves, and they Change, what we've "Identified" as becomes ripped out from under us, making us feel Empty.

Just ask the Stay-At-Home Parents who overnight suddenly become "Empty Nesters" - their "Caretaker" Identity has just been ripped from them.

Outside of their control.

A new "Identity" has been given to them.

Also outside of their control.

But none of those Identities are truly "Them".

Who are YOU?

Get rid of all of these things outside ourselves that will inevitably change over the course of our lives, and what are You left with?

Most people have no clue how to really answer this question.

They have been so Focused on all of these other "Identities" that aren't Them that they feel like there is "Nothing".

This usually creates Fear inside of people - What am "I" if I don't have these?

Then, they Fear that they ARE nothing.

It's NOT True though!

There is a powerful Identity that exists below everything else.

A "Core Identity".

One that does not change due to Forces outside our control.

When You know it, the outside world can Change, and You can stay secure in Who You ARE!

There is nothing to be Afraid of, because You KNOW the answer.

Life will change, you will change, but Your CORE remains steadfast.

I watch societies Struggle so much as they Focus on the wrong Identities.

There is so much Suffering that occurs, especially when we put ourselves as an Identity that is not who we are, and which no longer exists.

But we don't have to Struggle like that, we don't have to Suffer!

Instead, we can find our Core Identity.

Who are You?

For me, it comes down to this: G.G.W.W.L.L.

Vocalsuccessself helphow tohealinghappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (500+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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