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The Value Of Life

What If Tomorrow Never come

By Emmanuel AsarePublished 12 months ago 3 min read

It was a thought that had never occurred to many people; the possibility that tomorrow would never come. It was a notion that seemed impossible - tomorrow had always come, without fail. But on this particular day, the impossible had become a reality.

The world woke up to a sudden cessation of time. A mysterious force had brought the world to an unprecedented standstill. No one knew what was happening, and panic ensued as individuals and communities tried to make sense of the situation. Phones rang unanswered, internet connections failed, and television screens went black.

As the day progressed, it became apparent that this wasn't a temporary glitch. Tomorrow had indeed failed to come. People began to realize that the future they had taken for granted may never materialize. Plans for the future were shattered, and anxieties grew. A cloud of uncertainty hung over the world, and it seemed that there was no way to remove it.

For some people, the shock of the event was too much to handle. Suicides spiked as people lost hope for the future. Others turned to religion, seeking answers and comfort in the face of what felt like an apocalyptic event. But for most people, the practical realities of life without a tomorrow became the primary concern.

Without the expectation of a future, people found it hard to get out of bed in the morning. The previous day had felt like the last day, and the sense of hopelessness was overwhelming. People began to question the value of their work and what point there was to continue toiling away if there would be no tomorrow to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The world's governments worked on a solution, desperately seeking answers to the mysterious event that had befallen their world. But as the days turned into weeks and then into months, it seemed increasingly unlikely that an answer would be found. There was only an eerie silence where the future should have been.

Families mourned the loss of loved ones who had died in the days of confusion and despair following the event. Businesses folded, projects were abandoned, and communities began to break down as the basic fabric of society started to unravel.

As the weeks turned into months and the months turned into years, people began to forget what it was like to have a tomorrow. The lack of a future had become a new reality, and people began to adapt accordingly. The focus shifted from long-term planning to living for the day and making the most of what little time they had left.

Despite the challenges, there were bright spots. People learned to appreciate the relationships they had, the beauty in the sunset, and the simple delights of the present moment. Art flourished, with creative using their skills to capture and express the essence of the moment with music, art, and poetry.

Despite the adversity, the human spirit persevered. And as the years rolled on, people began to realize that even without a tomorrow, there was still meaning to be found in the present moment and in the relationships they had fostered.


Once there was a man named Kwame who lived in a small village in Ghana. One day, he found himself in a tough situation. His landlord demanded that he pay GH¢500 for rent, but Kwame didn't have the funds to do so.

Kwame tried everything he could think of to get the money he needed. He went to his family and friends, but they were unable to help. He even tried selling some of his possessions, but nothing worked. As time went on, the pressure continued to mount. Eventually, Kwame fell ill and passed away.

After Kwame died, his family and friends were faced with the difficult task of planning his funeral. They wanted to give him a proper send-off, but they didn't have much money themselves. They banded together to raise the money needed to hold a respectable funeral.

In the end, Kwame's funeral ended up costing almost GH¢10,000. It was a huge expense for his family and friends, who were already struggling to make ends meet. But they knew that Kwame deserved to be remembered fondly and respectfully.

Reflecting on the situation after the fact, many of Kwame's loved ones couldn't help but wonder if things could have turned out differently. If they could have just found a way to come up with the GH¢500 he needed, would he still be alive today? It was a tragic reminder of how important it is to support each other in difficult times, and how far-reaching the consequences of ignoring those needs can be.

In the end, it was a lesson that everyone needed to learn - that the future is not guaranteed, and that the value of life lies in cherishing what we have today. And if tomorrow never comes, we can still find meaning, purpose, and hope in the present.

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    EAWritten by Emmanuel Asare

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