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The Ronin

Self Reflections

By ALPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

I've wandered the world masterless, but within the vacant direction of life I've become a master of my emotions through adversity. The difference between knowledge and wisdom is just that. Knowledge is what you think you know but wisdom is solely based on experience. It's failing and choosing to rise up from the rubble again and again defeated but never dead. Battles leave scars and I wear them like a badge of honor because I'm still here in the fight and when I slay my enemy another challenger arises in my path stronger than my last foe. Life is a never ending battle and I choose to live bold, confident, filled with passion and strength. It's survival and I need to be strong but the question is what for? There has to be more to life than succeeding while all else fails.

For some they lose a piece of themself dirtying their blades for all the hurt and pain this world has to offer taking out their frustration on the guilty and innocent alike. For me it's holding onto that suffering and screaming a war cry,"Never again! Never again will I be silenced. Never again will I remain helpless, and weak. Never again will an opponent stand over me taunting my limitations!" I long for the power to be strong, but I never knew what strength was. For a true warrior never loses themself. The fight is only a stepping stone to greatness, to be unbreakable and to allow the battle to sharpen their skills.

It's the bloodlust, not to be out for the blood of others but to bleed for what remains closest to your heart. The strength to overcome isn't to fight for what you hate. It's to fight for what you love. When you find this strength you will see everyone needs a warrior to stand their ground and fight instead of run. To capture a Ronin's heart is no easy task. We remain in the dark disgraced by imperfection and fearful of the price of glory, because it costs everything we've ever known. The cost is bigger than ourselves and the senseless conflict that diminishes our soul.

When a Ronin finds something to love, he becomes something more. A hero, a warrior to defend all. With love he only wishes to be capable. Because where their was no love, he becomes it and is willing to lay his life down to carry the weight of others and that transformation makes a Ronin more. He now has a master to serve and is compelled to defend it at all costs. For what was once lost is now found and that's compassion. It stirs his soul to victory not for himself but for the way his heart loves others.

healingself helphappiness

About the Creator


Anything about self expression and sincerity is what I love. Writing is a platform to that. I hope everyone finds the courage to express themselves.

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