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The Godmother Challenge

are you brave enough to Vocal-ise your dreams?

By Kayleigh Fraser ✨Published 7 months ago Updated 7 months ago 9 min read
From Disney’s Cinderella

The truth about dreams, is that they require some work from us to come true.

Now before you start nodding your head in obvious agreement, I probably don’t mean what you think I mean!

I’m not talking about the hard physical forcing of what you want - which is the typical mortal way of making things happen. No. That works, but it’s so much harder than it needs to be. It also takes far, far longer and creates as much suffering as you believe you need to experience in exchange.

There are certain universal truths in this world - that have become very apparent to me over this past year.

1. We get what we think about and expect.

(and thoughts are influenced heavily by who you surround yourself with - and especially the energy you sleep in)

2. We get what we ask for.

(when we don’t then contaminate our asking with doubt and negative poison)

3. Belief and positive feeling are the ultimate magic ingredients.

(belief is not quite accurate - because to believe means you have doubts. doubts hinder your magic. knowing is a more accurate term, but you can’t begin knowing what you don’t know. this is why belief is the first step. you must be brave enough to believe until you gather enough evidence to know. once you know, you know).

By Catherine Hughes on Unsplash

Number one is a pretty vital step. You can’t create the life of your dreams if you are thinking on repeat that;

  1. People like you can’t have what you want
  2. It will never happen
  3. You are too poor / uneducated / fat / thin / ugly / old / unhealthy / not good enough to get what you truly want

There are probably many more to add to this list but I think you get the point. If you have created a vocal argument for your limitations then you have already used your power on those spells. For those are your spells.

If you argue your limitations, you will have them. The universe treats them as directions. As wishes. And they are all granted. Believe you are too old? You are. Believe you can’t heal your body? You can’t. Believe opportunity passed you by? It has.

Whatever you believe - will become.


I mention other people here because it is quite common to believe that our thoughts are our own. Which is not true. We are very much like radios tuned to different frequencies. If we are in a very unhealthy body state and continually practicing thoughts that don’t feel good - we are wired to depression FM. Not only will we hear all of the awful self talk we have, but we also get tuned into the collective consciousness who are operating on our frequency. We are tuned into everyone’s negative self talk.

Which serves to powerfully reinforce our own hopelessness, lacking motivation and self criticism.

Which in turn serves to powerfully reinforce our low and negative expectations of things not working out for us.

It’s a rough cycle.

By Anmol Arora on Unsplash

The thing is - we are not immobile or helpless in this once we recognise that it is indeed (a) something we regularly do and (b) a problem. We are then able to choose to direct our thoughts.

We can break this kind of cycle through retraining our mind to seek our new stations. Better stations. Which means we need to be also fixing our hardware to be capable of attuning to those frequencies (cutting out low energy inputs***, increasing high energy inputs, increasing strength, flexibility and stamina whilst being more choosy about how we output our energy).

***this can include but is not limited to: other people (family, friends, social media, television), foods you consume, music you listen to.

At first there will be a lot of static noise and desire to return to the known - because fear is a powerful magnet.

(And you can be certain if you are tuned to a low frequency station it is run by FEAR FM.)

Step one is very simple, but far from easy. A good question to ask yourself though - how easy is it to be depressed? How easy is it to live with anxiety? How easy is it to live with negative self talk?

It’s not easy. So choose your hard. I choose as frequently as I can the hard that I know has the better pay day. Which is never the one that only pays in short term dopamine release. Your life is a summary of choices. Lots of little moment to moment choices. You can be certain that every thought you ever had, every belief you ever had, led you to the life you currently live.

Always thought you weren’t worthy of a good life because of dysfunctional beliefs adopted in childhood? Your life is most certainly reflecting that. Reinforcing that. Because it gives you what you ask for.

By David Libeert on Unsplash

We get what we ask for.

There is a brilliant story by Jim Carey on this - he was told by a nun at his school that she always gets exactly what she asked God for (Jim tells this story on many YouTube videos - look it up). So he went outside and asked god for a red bicycle. His parents were so poor, there was no logical way he was going to get a bike, but as this trusting kid, he didn’t throw worry or doubt over his asking.

He asked. He believed. He expected.

Well, didn’t that red bicycle go ahead and show up at his house soon after? A friend had entered his name into a raffle to win it. He won. He hadn’t even entered or known about the competition.

By Alessandra Caretto on Unsplash

This story is not a one off. I have studied this. I have analysed it throughout my own life. It’s been true this entire time.

I have sought out the tales of the ‘incredible’. I see the absolute pattern. And it’s what every single successful person applies to their life.

They decide what they want. They ask for it. They believe. They ignore any doubts or criticisms or others who are heavily attuned to FEAR FM. (Also why it’s wise to keep your dreams quiet unless you KNOW you are in supportive and believing company. But if this is all new to you - it’s likely that you are not in supportive company).

Look into Helen Hadsell.

The woman who won every competition she ever entered. Read about how Olympic athletes (it was skiers I think the study was on) who were trained to visualise and feel themselves winning scoring vastly higher than those who only had physical training and practice. Read about every billionaire and millionaire there is. Not one can truly say they didn’t expect it.

[In the case of lottery winners it is possible they had the ask, the dream, the action of buying the ticket, and then just didn’t mess it up with doubt - the expectation therefore wasn’t necessary]

The mind is FAR more powerful than anything else. What you expect and believe, will become.

How do we know what to ask for? Well that usually starts with a big cauldron of experiences. Often ones we don’t want to repeat. In knowing what we don’t want, we can begin to build a picture of what we do want. You can’t ask in the negative eg. I don’t want to see a red car. What will happen? The mind is actually thinking ‘red car’ and you will create more red cars. You must instead direct the mind to a positive statement eg. I want to see yellow cars and blue cars.

By Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Our dreams can’t come true if we don’t ask for what we want. We need to be brave enough to start asking. Children instinctively understand these rules of the universe - but parents are responsible for killing those dreams and putting limitations on them. Their lack of belief poisons the child. It becomes a cycle.

If Jim had asked his parents for that bike what do you suppose would have happened?

He would have been told their limitations. Why it wouldn’t happen. He probably would have believed them (because they are his parents) and there wouldn’t have been a bike at all.

I really want to push you to think about how utterly damaging lying to children about Santa is. This is a culturally accepted way to break a child’s belief system. Our belief system creates our life. What are we really teaching here???

By K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash
By Annie Spratt on Unsplash

I’ve talked enough about the importance of belief and given a couple of signposts to get you started. I also mentioned positive feeling.

This is vital.

Positive thinking is what you practice to gain positive feeling. It’s the feeling that is the rocket fuel you need. Thinking is just the path to it. Thinking alone is not enough. You NEED the magic of that energy flowing in your veins. There are many paths to that energy - but they all begin with intention. You don’t accidentally gain it. You have to choose to go after it and work for it. Whether through exercise, visualisation, high vibe foods.

Sure, you can get there through drugs. MDMA (for best example) will shoot you straight into that positive fearless and loving state I am taking about. But we all know that’s not sustainable. If you want a truly blessed life - you can’t keep taking the shortcut. You need to walk the whole path. You need to EARN your place at the high table.

You need to get the blisters, and heal them. You need to choose virtue when it is hardest to. You need to choose kindness and love when it’s hardest to. You need to appreciate your way up, up and up.

Your fear will argue you down to wherever it’s most comfortable. And that may well be the place you are most miserable. It will scoff and tell you

“yeah that may work for others but you are this and this and that…. Blah blah blah”

Don’t listen to that voice.

Label it. It’s called fear. It’s not truth. It’s fear. Do you choose to live in fear? Under fear? By fear’s command or control? Or do you want to work to be FREE?

By niu niu on Unsplash

So my challenge to you, is to write down a list of dreams. Write down the biggest and craziest dreams. Write down that you want to go to space if that’s what you want. Write if you want to be a billionaire. Write that you want to be swept off your feet in the greatest love affair ever known to mankind - regardless of your loud fear it can or will never be.

Dare to believe you can revive your marriage, or family relationships. Dare to BELIEVE in the impossible.

Dare to write down whatever your heart truly desires. Dare to speak that list out loud. Better still - go out to a mountain top or field and shout it to the heavens.


And if it’s too hard (which it proababy will be, I can’t counter a lifetime of conditioning in one little article!) then do the work to remove the barriers. Start acknowledging your fears. They tend to dissolve when we bring them to light.

Dream. Dream big. Dream small.

Just start dreaming again. Because when we stop dreaming, we are on the path of decay. We stopped living. I hear Susan Boyle singing I dreamed a dream right now in my mind! And what another great, great story and example.

All her life she dreamed of being a famous singer. But she didn’t believe she could have it until after her mother died (perhaps the person who kept her from believing in herself??). And look at how that turned out. She didn’t have to try hard. She got her dream overnight once she removed the barriers of disbelief which were preventing her dream.

My absolute ultimate dream?

I’ll share one with you!

To have my very own house. A safe place to call my own, that no-one can take from me.

Photo Credit John Lamond

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About the Creator

Kayleigh Fraser ✨

philosopher, alchemist, writer & poet with a spirit of fire & passion for all things health & love related 💫

“When life gives you lemons,

Know you are asking for them.

If you want oranges, focus on oranges”


INSTAGRAM - kayzfraser

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (9)

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  • ThatWriterWoman7 months ago

    I really related to the dream of having one's own house. A space that cannot be invaded or taken by anyone.

  • I hate to say this but please know that I'm saying in with loads of politeness and kindness. I disagree with you. I'm so sorry. I mean, we can always agree to disagree, right? I'm not saying that what you've stated here is untrue or denying the real life examples that you provided but it's just that I don't believe in it. Not you, but it. Please know that I believe you. Just think of me as a lost cause that's lost faith in everything, lol. To me, all these manifestation, hope, faith, believes and such things are just us being delusional and lying to ourselves. I'm sorry again Kayleigh, I mean no disrespect or offence but I'm just saying why I disagree.

  • Hope Martin7 months ago

    I am crying right now! I LOVE THIS ARTICLE SO MUCH! You have articulated what I have been trying to preach for the better of 5 years when I reached this enlightenment. But I have to say you expressed it SO MUCH BETTER than I could! I'm sharing this article EVERYWHERE! I literally read this outloud to my family and forced them to hear. I demand you start a positivity cult. I will help you!

  • S. A. Crawford7 months ago

    I love this take; so often we're told that EITHER hard work or some form of mystical manifestation are responsible for success, but you verbalized what I've always believed; that the truth is somewhere in between. Belief and ambition need to be backed up with action, and taking action is so much easier, and more effective, when you have conviction backing you up. This is just the boost I needed this morning - thank you :D

  • Sid Aaron Hirji7 months ago

    Positivity and gratitude are linked to better health. Very important to have the right mindset

  • Rachel Deeming7 months ago

    Kayleigh, I loved this. I feel like the universe has sent me a pep talk. I'm not a big dreamer really, never have been and I have been lucky enough to achieve many, if not all, of the things that I've wanted to do. However, I think that we can all learn from what you've written here in terms of our outlook towards life and what we can get from it and I'm taking your words forward with me today. I thank you sincerely for them and the message behind them. And I'm with Babs about the kindness and positivity. That house...I can see it in your future.

  • Babs Iverson7 months ago

    Kindness and positivity!!! Ask, believe!!! Magnificently written!!! The Jim Carey stories were perfect examples. Loved it!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Real Poetic7 months ago

    This is a great idea. Writing your dreams is the first step to manifesting them. You’ll get that house! 🩵

  • I was going to add a little closing note… but I really liked that the word count was at 2023 😉🥰😇

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