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9 Prayers to Help Exchange Anxiety and Fear for Peace"

Finding Inner Calm! #Bible #Jesus is the way

By Suresh NatarajanPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

"9 Prayers to Help You Exchange Anxiety and Fear for Peace: A Guide to Finding Inner Calm"

Prayer is an important tool that can help us to find peace and calm in the midst of anxiety and fear. When we supplicate, we’re suitable to release our worries and enterprises to a advanced power, trusting that they will be taken care of. Through prayer, we can also find strength and guidance to navigate delicate situations and find a sense of stopgap and peace in the midst of chaos. Below are ten prayers that can help you to change anxiety and fear for peace.

1." Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the effects I cannot change, the courage to change the effects I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."- Reinhold Niebuhr

This prayer, frequently appertained to as the" Serenity Prayer," is a important memorial to let go of those effects that are out of our control and to concentrate on what we can change. It reminds us to find wisdom in knowing the difference between the two and to have the courage to make changes when necessary.

2." Peace isn't the absence of conflict but the capability to manage with it."- Dalai Lama

This quotation reminds us that true peace isn't the absence of conflict or struggle, but the capability to handle it with grace and wisdom. It encourages us to find inner peace indeed in the midst of delicate situations, and to have the strength and adaptability to manage with whatever comes our way.

3." Don't be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and solicitation, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."- Philippians 4:6

This verse from the Bible reminds us that we can bring all of our anxieties and fears to God through prayer. It encourages us to present our requests to Him with thanksgiving, knowing that He hears us and cares for us.

4." I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears."- Psalms 34:4

This verse reminds us that when we turn to God in prayer, He'll hear us and deliver us from our fears. It reminds us that we can trust in His protection and guidance, and that He's always there to help us through delicate times.

5." Come to me, all you who are sick and burdened, and I'll give you rest."- Matthew 11:28

This verse from the Bible reminds us that Jesus is always there for us, offering us rest and peace in the midst of our struggles. It encourages us to turn to Him and lay down our burdens, trusting that He'll take care of us.

6." The Lord is my light and my deliverance; whom shall I sweat? The Lord is the fort of my life; of whom shall I be hysterical?"- Psalms 27:1

This verse reminds us that God is our light and deliverance, and that we've nothing to sweat when we're in His presence. It reminds us that He's our fort and our protection, and that we can trust in Him to guide us through delicate times.

7." You'll keep in perfect peace him whose mind is loyal, because he trusts in you."- Isaiah 263

This verse reminds us that when we trust in God and keep our minds concentrated on Him, we will find perfect peace. It reminds us that true peace comes from keeping our minds fixed on God and trusting in His guidance and protection.

8." Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, for as members of one body you're called to peace. And be thankful."- Colossians 3:15

This verse reminds us that as followers of Christ, we're called to live in peace and to let that peace rule in our hearts. It encourages us to be thankful for the peace that Christ brings and to strive to live in harmony with one another.

9." In peace I'll both lie down and sleep; for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety."- Psalm 4:8

This verse reminds us that when we trust in God, we can find peace and safety, indeed in the midst of delicate times. It reminds us that God is the one who provides us with safety and protection and that we can rest in His presence.

In addition to these prayers, it's important to flash back that peace and calm come not only from reciting prayers, but also through diurnal practices similar as awareness, contemplation, gratefulness and tone- care. One further thing to add, it's also important to talk to a professional if the anxiety and fear becomes inviting. They can help you to develop managing mechanisms and give support and guidance.

In conclusion, prayer is an important tool that can help us to find peace and calm in the midst of anxiety and fear. By reciting these prayers or any other prayers that reverberate with you, and by incorporating diurnal practices of awareness, contemplation, gratefulness and tone- care, you can find peace and calm in delicate times. Flash back to always seek help from a professional if you feel overwhelmed.

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Suresh Natarajan

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    Suresh NatarajanWritten by Suresh Natarajan

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