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"Yam" can not just eat?

Yam nutrition with good ingredients for autumn tonic

By CEAPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

As the saying goes, "white yam is better than ginseng", and yam is also known as "the first tonic in autumn". It can be used as a staple food as well as a tonic for the kidneys, which are the essence of the first day, and for the spleen and stomach, which are the essence of the second day.

Yam, also known as Chinese yam, is a relatively inexpensive ingredient that can be bought in the market. Yam is also a good herb in Chinese medicine because of the rich nutrients it contains, which can have many effects.

For ordinary people to eat yam can be beneficial to the body, but did you know that? Some people can't eat yam, and how should yam match well? You may want to learn about it.


About yam

[Yam ingredients]

Yam is particularly rich in nutrients, containing 1.5 grams of protein per 10O grams, 14.4 grams of carbohydrates, 14 mg of calcium, 42 mg of phosphorus, 0.3 mg of iron, and 0.02 mg of carotene.

Thiamin 0.08 mg, riboflavin 0.02 mg, nixie acid 0.3 mg, ascorbic acid 4 mg. There are also protein, amino acids, polyphenol oxidase, and other nutrients. It has the effect of inducing the production of interferon and enhancing human immune function.

Effectiveness of yam]

1. Strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common disease, some are functional, not related to bacterial, or viral infections, no need to use antibiotics and the like when the yam can be useful.

And mycotic diarrhea also has a significant effect, boiled yam 500 grams a day, divided into two or three times to eat. If you can grind it into yam powder, then eat 15 grams each time.

2. Benefit the lungs and stop cough

The dryness of autumn is more harmful to the lungs and throat. In autumn people are prone to dryness and even pain in the throat, and yam contains saponins and mucilage.

Both of these components have a lubricating, nourishing effect, so they can benefit the lung gas, nourish the lung yin, and treat lung deficiency, phlegm cough, prolonged cough, and other symptoms.

Benefit the lungs and stop cough

3. Beauty and skin care

It is written in many books that yam is a good moisturizing ingredient, so if your skin is dry and peeling, eat more yam.

The ingredients in yam can moisturize the skin, but also let the dry skin regain a delicate and tender state. Therefore, in daily life, women may wish to eat more.

4. aid in weight loss

This is very helpful for those who want to lose weight. Eating yam regularly can make your appetite not as strong as usual.

And, the nutrition in yam can also meet your daily energy needs, so it can be said to kill two birds with one stone. There is also a lot of protein in yam, which can help you have a better body.

[Yam acid-base properties].


After yam has been digested and metabolized by the stomach and intestines, its products are on the weak alkaline side. From a nutritional point of view, yam is then an alkaline food, suitable for people with an acidic constitution to neutralize acids and promote good health.

Yam contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, copper, and zinc, so it is good for the body to eat more alkaline food in normal life.

Because of the large number of minerals in yam, through the digestive tract is also better digestion and absorption. And about often the internal excretory function balance of the people also has a good regulating effect, so applicable to the general population.



The "yam" can not just eat? Doctor: these 4 types of people usually eat as little as possible, it is recommended to understand

1. constipated people

Yam has an astringent effect. It contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase, and other substances, which can enhance the spleen and stomach's digestion and absorption function. But yam is rich in starch and has an astringent and antidiarrheal effect, which can be used to treat diarrhea and so on.

While constipated people need to eat some laxative, conducive to laxative food, and the yam effect is the opposite, so constipated people are not suitable to eat yam.

2. Diabetic patients

Because of the high starch content inside the yam, the body may be converted into monosaccharides under the action of amylase after ingestion, if diabetic patients ingest a large number, it is easy to cause blood sugar fluctuations.

Therefore, diabetic patients can eat a small amount of yam to replace part of the staple food, but it is not recommended that diabetic patients consume a large amount of yam for a long time. Otherwise, it will cause blood sugar to rising, which is not good for health.

3. Patients with gastrointestinal disorders

People with gastrointestinal diseases should not eat yam, because yam is rich in starch, for people with gastrointestinal diseases, eating stimulates the stomach and intestines to aggravate the disease.

Secondly, people with gastrointestinal disorders will take some alkaline drugs, which will cause the amylase of yam to fail and aggravate human gastrointestinal discomfort.

4. People who are allergic to yam

Yam contains a large amount of mucus protein, with skin-stimulating saponin, and plant alkali ingredients, allergic people may have allergic symptoms after consumption.

If the itching symptoms are severe in case of allergy, you can take oral antihistamine Desloratadine dispersible tablets, etc. It is important to note that if the allergy is severe, or if the allergy is severe after taking the drug such as with breathing difficulties and increased heart rate, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible.


The nutritional combination of yam, and autumn tonic has good ingredients

1. red dates

Yam is rich in mucus protein, which is protective of the gastric mucosa and also promotes the health of blood vessels. Jujube itself has the effect of nourishing qi and blood and relieving anemia, and the immune function is improved when the two are eaten together properly.

The spleen and stomach function is enhanced, and the nutrients in the food are obtained by the body in time, which can prevent the lack of qi and blood, malnutrition, and other health threats, all of which are beneficial to human health.

2. Pumpkin

Yam contains soluble dietary fiber, which can prevent the rise of blood sugar after eating, and also promote digestion, which helps strengthen the function of the spleen and stomach. Pumpkin is rich in pectin, which also promotes body maintenance and helps to lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

Therefore, if you want to take advantage of the benefits of yam, eat yam and pumpkin together. This will help to restore the body indicators to normal and improve the function of the spleen and stomach.

3. lotus seeds

Yam and lotus seeds porridge is a sacred medicine to strengthen the spleen, so yam can have a significant effect on improving the spleen's function of transportation and digestion.

For people who have a poor appetite and low appetite, drinking yam and lotus seed porridge can have a good effect on promoting appetite and spleen and stomach transportation.

And for people who can not sleep at night, the quality of sleep is relatively calcium poor, and more dreamy at night, if appropriate drinking yam lotus seed porridge, can also play a role in promoting sleep, and improving the quality of sleep.

4. Sesame seeds

In addition to providing us with rich vitamin E and B1, sesame is also a "master" of calcium. And with yam eaten together, the calcium effect will be better.

This is because 100 grams of white and black sesame seeds contain 620 mg and 780 mg of calcium respectively, which is six or seven times more than the same weight of milk, while yam has the role of promoting calcium absorption.


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