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What I Have Learned About Myself by Venturing Outside of My Comfort Zone to Pursue a Passion

Exploring the Transformative Power of Stepping out of Comfort Zones and Discovering New Dimensions of Self-Awareness and Personal Growth

By Marius PiticasPublished about a year ago 5 min read

The vast majority of people have activities or interests that provide them joy, but the vast majority of the time, they never venture outside of their comfort zone or do anything new with those pastimes or interests. I used to be one of those people until not too long ago, when I took the decision to follow a passion of mine that was outside of my comfort zone. Since then, I’ve experienced a lot of growth and personal development. This experience taught me a lot about myself and about life in general, and the lessons I took away from both have impacted my life in ways that I never in a million years could have predicted.

Since I was very young, I discovered that I like writing, and I have always been completely at ease when it comes to conveying my thoughts and feelings through the written word. On the other hand, I never got any further than writing down my ideas in a notebook or telling my immediate family and a small group of close friends and acquaintances about them. One day, as I was out and about aimlessly exploring, I happened onto a session for creative writing. I thought it could be entertaining to give it a shot, so I signed up for it.

On the first day of the session, I had a hard time settling my jitters and focusing. I suddenly found myself surrounded by unknown people, all of whom seemed to have a greater amount of life experience than I did at the time. Yet, as the lessons went on, I found that I was feeling more at ease, and I even found that I was growing excited about the potential of sharing my work and receiving feedback on it.

When I followed my interests in new areas that were outside of my comfort zone, I learned that one of the most significant lessons I could have learned was the value of being willing to take some risks. I took a chance and attempted something new, which meant that I opened the door to the possibility that I would fail, but it also opened the door to the possibility that I would learn from my experience and get better as a result of it. I am better off because I took the risk. I came to the realization that it is easy to fall into a rut and never push oneself; however, if you are willing to take a chance and experiment with something new, you may find that you have abilities and interests that you were previously oblivious to. This is something that I came to realize after coming to the realization that it is simple to fall into a rut and never push oneself.

The value of getting feedback was yet another item that I became aware of. Because of the instructor and the other students who took part in the writing workshop, I was able to improve my writing talents. I was provided with comments that were not just instructive but also constructive. At first, it was difficult to receive input, and it was especially difficult to listen to criticism that was critical. Eventually, though, it became easier to accept advice. Yet, I rapidly came to the realization that receiving feedback is essential for the growth and evolution of one’s inner self, and as a consequence, I learned to appreciate and respect it.

As I pursued my interest, I learned how important it is to keep working steadily and with determination. Writing is a challenging activity, and there have been times when I’ve considered giving up because I’ve felt disappointed by the process. But I’ve learned to push through those feelings and keep going. In spite of this, one of the most important lessons I learned is that life must go on, no matter how difficult things may get. Since I was able to push through the challenging times and continue working on my writing, I was able to look back and see how far it had come and how much it had improved.

I grew a lot as a person because I followed my passion and did things that were outside of my comfort zone. I also learned a lot of important lessons along the way. I learned more about who I am and what I’m good at, and I met new people whose interests were similar to mine. I’ve come to the conclusion that following one’s passions may not only be rewarding but can also open doors in one’s personal and professional lives.

One of the most significant benefits that may result from pursuing a passion that is outside of your comfort zone is the sense of satisfaction and purpose that it may bring into your life. This is one of the most important rewards that may come from doing so. Discovering an activity in which you have a deep and abiding interest may provide you with a sense of purpose and direction in your life; these are two qualities that have the ability to positively influence a variety of areas of your existence.

Following one’s passions can be rewarding for the person doing it, but it can also help one’s community and the world as a whole. You improve the probability that you will put in the time and effort necessary to make a big contribution to a field when you pursue something that you have a great interest in. When you pursue something that you have a strong interest in, you are more likely to do so. Whether you follow a passion by volunteering your time, starting a new business, or making something completely original, the effects may be felt in a context that is much bigger than your own life.

When I reflect on the time I spent stretching myself outside of my comfort zone in order to pursue the writing profession I’ve always wanted, I’ve come to the conclusion that doing so was one of the most astute decisions I’ve ever made in my whole life. I’ve always wanted to be a writer. It not only enlightened me on vital truths about myself and the larger world, but it also filled me with a sense of fulfillment and purpose that I had no clue was even achievable. This was something that I had no idea was even possible until it happened to me.

If you’ve been thinking about picking up a hobby that requires you to step outside of your comfort zone, then I urge you to dive in headfirst and try out some things that fall outside of your normal routine. There is a chance that you will find it unsettling at first, but the benefits will more than make up for any unease you have. You could pick up some new skills, figure out what you’re really passionate about, become more confident, and even have a positive impact on the world around you as a result of your participation.

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    MPWritten by Marius Piticas

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