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Timing of Time

The Broken Clock

By Charelle LandersPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read

In life we are often met with the design of time. What are you doing with your time, and what are you doing for your time? We all lead a life full of hopes and aspirations met with the desire to dream and live in the pursuit of our very own happiness. How do we manage a time that is seemingly impossible to defeat? With the understanding of self knowing and self acceptance, we can grow to understand what we are doing with time, and what we are doing with our time, we learn what we are doing for our time. Does your time reveal your purpose, or does your time reveal your lackluster estimates based on your investments?

Time for some, may be the the goal to achieve goals, time for many could be the expirations of a life, so many live in synchronization, many people live without the biases of hope, others create those bases to remain hopeful. Living a life and doing things for time can be as simple, as it is impossible. What we do for time, is what we do with time. What we do for time is how we see our blessings, our lessons and our mores. What we do with time is how we see ourselves. Timing for God could be a thousand years to us, so we are always on Gods timing. It is with the awareness of time that we know that time is the most undefeated value of life, love, and liberty.

We know as a human race that this scepter of time is taken for granted with the same values or moral responsibilities of living. What we do with time is the rhetorical analysis of time management. In time we learn lessons, in life we learn living. In time we understand truth, in life we learn that a liar can’t be trusted. What we do for time is what we do with ourselves, while on the ridges or edges of time and control. Time and control isn’t like the clock we monitor daily, but timing and control is more about oneself, how can one make a difference if their 10,000 hours doesn’t create the robust outlier they sought to be before life became trampled by a systematic review of time?

When we value the life we live, we value the life others choose to live, when we crate a barricade between the bezels of trust, we understand time isn’t on the side of life, but on the inside of living. Outside of the door of time, nothing exists. We are merely bodies existing in the realm of an atmospheric system that is designed to sound an alarm based on what we do for time. Time is based on the evolutionary process of growth that entails an in-depth factor towards the pressures of purpose. Time is not the indicating factor, but more so the revel of life. Will you be happy when the trumpet sounds, or will you remember the things you did for time?

It is with great belief that time isn’t the ultimate ulterior motive to life, but it is what grades our lives with an inevitable meeting, when we greet time as a valuable resource instead of a hopeful excuse, we learn the value for its catapulting existence. It is with great truth to understand that time comes from a strong relationship with a biological indicator that can be inclusive to the induction of growth. Only in time can a baby grow into an adult, only in time does a person lead, only in time does a person pass away, only in time does one heal, everything happens in matter of time. The passion of time is the awareness of succession, love, value, and harmony.

The broken clock isn’t the ending of a time, because even broken clocks tell the right time twice a day. The broken clock is the broken people or crowded persons we extend time with, those who merely exists because they are with time, than for those who exists based on what they do for time.

Timing is everything and if you’re a believer like me, you believe that timing is always the divine grace of Gods love, no matter the clock, no matter the day, or the the reason. Time can be granted and valued or wasted and depleted, but it is always deployed to ensure that time isn’t the war we battle, because it will always win. Time is the warning of life of how we choose to live it, rather free in the world, or imprisoned behind the shackles of choices, what you do for time is what time will do with you. When the values of life comes with the ability to live, we understand the coming of our time, we understand the circumference of our time. With the truth of time based of the perils of respect, we understand that when time expires, time also continues. Why not create a legacy through time, instead of spending time within a legacy?

As a people we have to create a time, a rime full of experience, faith, learned lessons, and purposeful strength, but we still must utilize the clocks of opportunity, honesty, and virtue. Along with our vivacious ability to see time for why it is instead of why it tells. A baby can tell time since his/her conception in a womb, but only a time keeper can dispel time. God is the time keeper. I encourage you to build a relationship with Yehosuha (Jesus) and understand the timing of the covenant and not the timing of conviction. We all must be the change we wish to see, let’s stop setting the hours back and forth and start setting the hours of longevity without the veils of propagated theorized expectations.

Let’s heal, let’s grow, let’s apologize, and most of all let’s repent, this is all the things we can do for time, before it’s our time to sleep with time.

spiritualityself caremental healthhumanityhow tofact or fiction

About the Creator

Charelle Landers

Published author, (A Serious of Unfortunate Events, pen name Jessica Wright) and mother to six wonderful children. I find that writing is a healing passion of purpose and the ultimate pursuit to happiness.

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