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Tantra Reiki

Brief explanation of Tantra Reiki and Tantra

By Priestess GanesaPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Tantra Reiki is a form of energy healing that combines the principles of traditional Reiki with the teachings of Tantra. Tantra is a spiritual and philosophical tradition that originated in ancient India and is centered around the belief that life is a divine play of consciousness and energy. In Tantra, the goal is to awaken the consciousness and connect with the divine through spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga, and sexual union.

Tantra is a spiritual and philosophical tradition that originated in ancient India around 5th - 6th century AD. It is a complex and diverse system that is centered around the belief that life is a divine play of consciousness and energy, and that the goal of life is to awaken the consciousness and connect with the divine. Tantra is often associated with the practice of yoga and meditation, as well as with sexual union and the use of sensual practices to awaken the consciousness and promote spiritual growth.

At its core, Tantra is focused on cultivating awareness and presence in all aspects of life, including the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. It is often associated with the idea of harnessing sexual energy for spiritual transformation, although this is just one aspect of the practice.

Tantra teaches that the body and all of its experiences, including physical sensations and emotions, are an expression of the divine, and that by embracing and exploring these experiences, we can deepen our connection with the divine and awaken our consciousness. This can be achieved through a variety of spiritual practices, including yoga, meditation, and sexual union, as well as through the use of visualizations, mantras, and other techniques.

Tantra is often associated with the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, but it has also been practiced in other spiritual and religious traditions. It has gained popularity in the Western world as a form of spiritual and personal development.

One of the key principles of Tantra is the idea that everything is connected and that all aspects of life are interconnected. Tantra views the body, mind, and spirit as a holistic system, and seeks to cultivate balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

Tantra is also known for its use of rituals, mantras, and symbols to facilitate spiritual transformation. These practices can be used to connect with a higher power or to access inner wisdom and guidance. In addition to promoting spiritual growth and awareness, Tantra is also believed to offer a number of benefits for physical and emotional health. These benefits can include increased energy, improved relationships, and reduced stress and anxiety.

In the context of sexuality, Tantra emphasizes the importance of intimacy, connection, and pleasure. It views sexuality as a powerful force that can be harnessed for spiritual growth and transformation. It's important to note that while Tantra is often associated with sexuality, it is not solely focused on this aspect of life. Tantra is a complex and multifaceted practice that encompasses a wide range of practices and teachings.

Tantra is not widely recognized as a scientific discipline, and its effectiveness has not been widely studied. However, many individuals have reported positive results from practicing Tantra, and it continues to gain popularity as a form of spiritual and personal development, because it is a diverse and complex tradition that has evolved over thousands of years, and there are many different schools and interpretations of Tantra. And, at its core, Tantra is truly a spiritual path that seeks to awaken the consciousness and connect with the divine through the exploration of physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences.

Tantra Reiki builds upon the principles of traditional Reiki by incorporating elements of Tantra into the practice. This includes using visualization and intention to channel energy, as well as incorporating breathing and meditation techniques to enhance the flow of energy and promote healing.

Tantra Reiki is typically performed by placing the hands on or near the recipient's body, and using gentle touch and visualization to channel Reiki energy into the recipient's energy field. The practitioner may also use breathing and meditation techniques to help the recipient relax and connect with the flow of energy.

One of the key differences between Tantra Reiki and traditional Reiki is that Tantra Reiki places a greater emphasis on the spiritual aspect of healing. This means that, in addition to addressing physical symptoms, Tantra Reiki also aims to promote spiritual growth and awareness, and to help the recipient connect with their own inner wisdom and divine nature.

Tantra Reiki can offer a number of potential benefits, including:

Physical healing: Reiki can help to alleviate pain and promote healing in the physical body.

Emotional healing: Reiki can help to release negative emotions, such as anger, fear, and stress, and promote feelings of peace, joy, and contentment.

Spiritual growth: Reiki can help the recipient connect with their own inner wisdom and divine nature, and promote a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Improved relationships: Reiki can help to improve relationships by fostering greater understanding, communication, and connection between partners.

Tantra Reiki is a form of energy healing that combines the principles of traditional Reiki with the teachings of Tantra. By incorporating elements of Tantra into the practice, Tantra Reiki aims to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and to help the recipient connect with their own inner wisdom and divine nature. Whether you are seeking physical healing, emotional healing, spiritual growth, or a deeper connection with your partner, Tantra Reiki can be a valuable tool for promoting greater health and well-being in your life.

It is important to note that Tantra Reiki is not a substitute for traditional medical care. Tantra Reiki is a type of complementary therapy that should be used alongside traditional medical care, not on its own. It should never be used as a substitute for professional counseling or therapy for any psychological or emotional issues, as it is a complementary form of therapy. If you are experiencing physical or emotional symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention from a qualified healthcare provider.

The claims in this article are based on my own personal research and experience as a Tantra Reiki practitioner, and are in no way meant to be taken as medical advice. Always consult a qualified medical professional for medical advice and care.


wellnessspiritualityself caremeditationlongevity magazinelifestylehealth

About the Creator

Priestess Ganesa

Artist, ordained minister, wellness empowerer and supporter. Plant based holistic services, resources, education, and reiki charged art.

Because we’re all connected, part of the same whole, I help others maintain the energy that connects us.

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