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Strawberries Secrets

Everything you need to know about strawberries how they grow, what fertilizers are used on them, what countries export them, are they cleaned before selling?

By kicker 25Published about a year ago 3 min read

How do big farmers grow strawberries step by step?

Most commercial strawberries are grown using a system called the matted row system. This involves planting several rows of strawberries in a field, with each row consisting of multiple individual plants spaced about a foot apart.

The process of growing strawberries starts with preparing the soil. Farmers typically till the soil to loosen it up and remove any weeds or rocks. They may also add fertilizer to provide the necessary nutrients for the plants to grow.

Once the soil is prepared, the strawberry plants are typically grown from runners, which are essentially baby plants that grow from the parent plant. Farmers may also purchase pre-grown strawberry plants from nurseries.

The plants are then placed in the soil, usually in early spring or late fall, and covered with straw or other organic matter to protect them from cold temperatures and pests. As the plants grow, they produce multiple runners, which can be used to propagate new plants or are pruned to promote better fruit production.

Throughout the growing season, farmers monitor the plants for pests and diseases and may apply pesticides or other treatments as needed. They also provide the plants with regular water and fertilizer to ensure healthy growth.

As the strawberries begin to ripen, they are typically harvested by hand or with special machines that gently pick the fruit. The berries are then sorted, cleaned, and packaged for distribution to stores and other buyers.

Fertilizers used on strawberries

Fertilizers used on strawberries typically contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as other micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

Organic fertilizers such as compost, manure, and fish emulsion can also be used. The specific types and amounts of fertilizers used can vary depending on the soil type, growing conditions, and the stage of growth of the plants.

It is important to use fertilizers in appropriate amounts to avoid over-fertilization, which can lead to negative environmental impacts and reduced plant health.

Some strawberry farmers may also use foliar fertilizers, which are sprayed onto the leaves of the plants and can be absorbed more quickly than traditional fertilizers applied to the soil.

What countries produce the most strawberries?

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the top 5 strawberry-producing countries in 2020 were:

China - 4,529,449 tonnes

United States - 1,338,000 tonnes

Mexico - 408,952 tonnes

Turkey - 388,542 tonnes

Spain - 343,046 tonnes

Are strawberries really cleaned before selling?

Luckily yes, strawberries are typically cleaned before they are sold to consumers.

The cleaning process typically involves washing the berries to remove any dirt or debris that may be on the surface of the fruit. This is usually done shortly before the strawberries are packaged and shipped to grocery stores or other retailers.

Additionally, some growers may apply a protective coating to the berries to help preserve them during shipping and storage. This coating is typically made from natural waxes or oils and is considered safe for consumption.

It is important to note that consumers should still wash their strawberries before eating them, even if they have been cleaned by the grower or retailer.

Most popular strawberry varieties

Chandler - a large, firm, and sweet variety that is popular in the US and Canada.

Camarosa - a large, conical berry with a bright red color and juicy texture.

Albion - a popular variety for its sweet flavor and resistance to disease.

Seascape - a popular variety for its high yield, sweet flavor, and ability to grow well in hot weather.

Jewel - a smaller, sweet variety with a bright red color and soft texture.


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About the Creator

kicker 25

I am interested in dieting and healthy life for about 4 years. Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, or philosophy some recipies I am here to help you! Give me a topic and i will help!!

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