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Self love

How gratitude practices can enhance self love by focusing on the positive of yourself and your life

By Cynthia OkoriePublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Self love
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

Once upon a time in a small, picturesque village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a woman named Clara. Clara was known throughout the village for her unwavering positivity and radiant smile. Despite facing her share of hardships in life, she possessed an extraordinary ability to cultivate gratitude, a practice that enhanced her self-love and inspired those around her.

Clara's journey towards mastering gratitude began during her childhood. She grew up in a humble cottage with her parents and three siblings. Money was scarce, but love and laughter were abundant. Clara's parents instilled in their children the importance of appreciating life's simple pleasures.

One chilly winter's evening, as Clara and her siblings sat around a flickering candle, their mother began a tradition that would shape Clara's life. She encouraged each child to share something they were grateful for that day. Clara, with her innocent eyes and heart full of wonder, started by expressing gratitude for a warm, cozy home and a loving family. This nightly ritual became a cherished part of their lives.

As Clara grew older, she faced challenges that tested her resolve to maintain her gratitude practice. When she was in her late teens, her father fell seriously ill, and the family's financial struggles intensified. Clara, despite her tender age, took on various odd jobs to support her family. But even in these trying times, she never forgot her gratitude practice.

One particularly difficult day, Clara's father, weak and bedridden, called her to his side. He whispered, "Clara, my dearest, I'm proud of the strong and loving person you've become. Remember, even in the darkest of times, there's something to be thankful for."

Tears welled up in Clara's eyes as she watched her father's frail form. She kissed his forehead and, with a trembling voice, shared her gratitude for the strength she found in their family's love and her father's enduring wisdom.

Tragically, her father passed away not long after that heartfelt moment, leaving a void in Clara's heart. But his words continued to resonate within her, guiding her through life's ups and downs.

Clara's gratitude practice deepened as she ventured out into the world. She moved to the bustling city to pursue her dreams of becoming an artist. Life in the city was fast-paced and often overwhelming, but Clara's gratitude journal remained a constant companion. Each evening, she would sit by her window overlooking the cityscape, reflecting on the day's blessings.

One summer afternoon, as Clara painted in the park, a stranger approached her. He introduced himself as Daniel, an art collector enchanted by her work. Clara was skeptical at first, but Daniel's genuine passion for art and his appreciation for her talent soon won her over.

They fell in love, and Clara's gratitude extended to include the love and companionship she found in Daniel. Their relationship was built on mutual respect, trust, and a shared commitment to personal growth. They inspired each other to be their best selves.

Years passed, and Clara's art gained recognition far and wide. She never forgot the lessons her parents had imparted about gratitude and love. Clara's artwork reflected her appreciation for life's beauty, often featuring vibrant landscapes and joyous celebrations of love.

One day, while preparing for an art exhibition in her hometown, Clara received a call that brought her to tears. Her beloved mother, who had been a pillar of strength throughout Clara's life, had passed away peacefully in her sleep. Clara was heartbroken, but she knew she had to honor her mother's memory and the lessons she had learned.

At the exhibition, Clara's paintings were a testament to her journey of cultivating gratitude and self-love. She dedicated the exhibition to her parents and shared the story of the nightly gratitude practice that had shaped her life.

As visitors explored her vibrant canvases, they also discovered a journal filled with Clara's reflections on gratitude. Many were moved by her story and began their own gratitude practices. Clara's art became a catalyst for positive change in the lives of those who viewed it.

Clara's ability to cultivate gratitude had not only enhanced her self-love but had also touched the lives of countless others. Her journey, from a simple cottage in a village to a renowned artist in a bustling city, was a testament to the transformative power of gratitude.

In the end, Clara's legacy was not just her art but also the profound impact she had on those around her. She had shown that even in the face of adversity, gratitude could be a guiding light, leading to self-love and a life filled with beauty, purpose, and love.

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  • Judey Kalchik 10 months ago

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COWritten by Cynthia Okorie

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